This spell grows an inert duplicate of a living creature as a safeguard against death. This clone forms inside the vessel used in the spell’s casting and grows to full size and maturity after 120 days; you can also choose to have the clone be a younger version of the same creature. It remains inert and endures indefinitely, as long as its vessel remains undisturbed.
At any time after the clone matures, if the original creature dies, its soul transfers to the clone, provided that the soul is free and willing to return. The clone is physically identical to the original and has the same personality, memories, and abilities, but none of the original's equipment. The original creature's physical remains, if they still exist, become inert and can't thereafter be restored to life, since the creature's soul is elsewhere.
* - (a diamond worth at least 1,000 gp and at least 1 cubic inch of flesh of the creature that is to be cloned, which the spell consumes, and a vessel worth at least 2,000 gp that has a sealable lid and is large enough to hold the creature being cloned, such as a huge urn, coffin, mud- filled cyst in the ground, or crystal container filled with salt water)
Here lies the path to non-lich immortality.
If Lich has a back up clone (BEFORE THEY BECOME A LICH) ready and its phylactery is destroyed then the lich is killed before they morph into a laughing skull or demilich or whatever, could they reclaim their living clone as a literal plan B? Would you let them?
“This spell grows an inert duplicate of a living, Medium creature”
So a gnome or halfling cannot be cloned? This needs some revision.
As I understand it, the transformation into a lich involves converting the subjects living essence into a negative energy creature, an actual devourer of souls. If that’s correct, then that corrupted essence is what would move to inhabit the new body. I suspect the clone body would die very quickly, the lich once again becoming undead.
As I understand it, the transformation into a lich involves converting the subjects living essence into a negative energy creature, an actual devourer of souls. If that’s correct, then that corrupted essence is what would move to inhabit the new body. I suspect the clone body would die very quickly, the lich once again becoming undead.
I think this spell would be better if they left out "it's soul transfers to the clone". Would leave a whole existential crisis arc open to the DM and player.
I might be missing something, but there doesn't appear to be a limit on the number of clones that can be created. A wealthy necromancer could in theory create hundreds of these things and always transfer into the next one down the line when they die. It seems to me like a pretty cheap path to immortality that doesn't require any of the sacrifices that a lich must make. This series of hidden clones also seems more secure than a phylactery, and one doesn't even need to be on the same plane as their clone for their soul to successfully transfer. This really begs the question, why become a lich when there is a much better option available?
Well, The Goat, you should read about Manshoon. As to whether it is "better" than becoming a lich, there is the issue of power. Lichdom is supposed to expand powers, not just make the being immortal. Also, remember that a Lich really is much more immortal. As long as the phylactery exists, so does the lich. The cloner merely has a number of clones. There is also a personality issue. Many power mad, would be immortals couldn't abide the possibility of lying dormant. Then there is the terrible possibility of what might have happened to the clone before it awakens.... many dark paths.
Mix this with the Magic Jar spell and there you have a very good alternative to Lichdom
However this has a few drawbacks
1 you do not become undead so you will keep having to clone yourself wich brings me to point 2
2 you would keep having to buy the materials for the clone spell to repeatedly pump out clone bodies
3 you would still need to keep the original body alive in case of failure of the Magic Jar spell
4 you have to find a safe place to store your clone bodies
5 you have to have to keep these activities a well kept secret
I can go on for days
You are missing a key point.
"if the original creature dies"
So only one clone would ever activate. The clone isn't the original creature so they would need to make a new clone each time they die, hiding from danger for 120 days before it is ready.
Its not bad, but not as safe as a lich.
To point two, this is why you Wish for this spell instead of actually casting it directly.
The wording of the material components is leaving me a bit puzzled. Does the spell consume both the flesh and the diamond, or just the flesh? I would assume both, but it’s very vague.
Maybe as a DM you can a limit on it like one clone at a time or get more expensive as you use the spell more often or even after a time the clone can become it own person. To me if you want to limit a spell and if you are the DM you can just put a limit if you don't want a potential plot hole so the lich can still be use in your world.
If it were a player character that was able to do this and then become a lich I would totally allow it. Having this kind of foresight should be encouraged in PCs. However that does not mean that I would not take their actions into account first. For example, where did they hide the new body? How infamous are they? Is it possible that the new body was found and destroyed? My point being that the actions that they have taken would require some serious consideration on the DMs part. Also that the PC may not know what has happened to their clone. However, as far as interesting story mechanics go, resetting a character's loot without losing all abilities etc. I think is awesome. The only question would be whether the PC would be mortal again or still a lich, I think that is up to DM discretion
Imagine being a gnome or other small race but now with the height of medium. You could finally reach the cookie jar!
Villain concept: Lich reborn in clone body
The Lich is now once again a living being and can blend in with society. Unlike normal living people negative energy and soul hunger still exist. secretly goes around kidnaping people ripping out there souls and turning them into intelligent undead. Have new undead intelligent mooks lead army while you pull the strings in background.
Have a elemental or other higher being guard it for you in exchange for whatever. Alternatively you summon/enthrall a creature to guard the clones for you. You are now free to do whatever while knowing your future is secure.
After looking at the spell again and pondering the concept I came of with a fun middle ground. The lich is once again a living being but retains its need to consume souls and high magic potential. The now living lich will convert back to a normal lich after dying again but with a greater soul dependence.