Choose a spell of 5th level or lower that you can cast, that has a casting time of 1 action, and that can target you. You cast that spell--called the contingent spell--as part of casting contingency, expending spell slots for both, but the contingent spell doesn't come into effect. Instead, it takes effect when a certain circumstance occurs. You describe that circumstance when you cast the two spells. For example, a contingency cast with water breathing might stipulate that water breathing comes into effect when you are engulfed in water or a similar liquid.
The contingent spell takes effect immediately after the circumstance is met for the first time, whether or not you want it to, and then contingency ends.
The contingent spell takes effect only on you, even if it can normally target others. You can use only one contingency spell at a time.
If you cast this spell again, the effect of another contingency spell on you ends. Also, contingency ends on you if its material component is ever not on your person.
* - (a statuette of yourself carved from ivory and decorated with gems worth at least 1,500 gp)
You can't Cast Raise Dead on yourself, so this example *doesn't* actually work.
You have to be able to Cast the Spell at the time of Casting Contingency too, as it clearly states.
Well, normally you can't, because you can't target yourself, since you're not dead, and
Raise DeadRevivify targets a dead creature.The workaround is that whatever spell you cast as the contingent spell, doesn't actually require you to immediately choose your target, as the spell doesn't actually go off yet. Contingency's requirement is merely that you're casting a spell "that can target you." (emphasis added.)
Since that is the phrase used, instead of "that targets you," it suggests that you don't need to explicitly target yourself, regardless of what spell you cast. Instead, the spell effect (and presumably the targeting) goes off later, when the set condition occurs, at which point THEN you become the target.
Now, I wouldn't be dogmatic about this... the wording is open enough that it could be argued the other way. I certainly wouldn't complain about a DM who disallowed it. But it seems clear to me that as long as you can cast
Raise DeadRevivify at all, before selecting a target, you can cast it as part of casting Contingency.If you disagree, you should consider providing an example that you believe does work; the more examples the better, really.
EDIT: It was already established that Raise Dead takes an hour to cast; Revivify is a more appropriate example.
Death Ward+Contingency (Revivify)+Sanctuary, very defense.
Question, could a 14th Level Evocation Wizard put an Overchanneled spell into Contingency, then allow the Overchannel use to recharge, and the be able to use two Overchanneled spells?
You could theoretically cast this if you multi-class into Barbarian, then take the Zealot feat. (which allows anyone to cast revivify as a free spell, meaning no spell slot no gp component) and revive yourself 1-2 times.
Do I need to keep Contingency or the spell used alongside it prepared in order for the contingency to stay active, or does this free up prepared spell slots?
Can this be activated from long distance?
For example could the Contingency activate in response to a Glyph of Warding going off at your home base?
There is no distance limit on the trigger. As a DM, I would say the notification cannot cross planes but RAW it can do that too.
Thanks for your input.
Fireball would not be a fun one since the spell specifies the only thing affected is yourself. So even if the spell has a range of 20 feet only you are affected.
Step 1:
Be a level 11 Wizard, know Contingency and Alter Self.
Step 2:
Find the shopkeeper that you want to
DESTROYget out of the shopkeeping business.Step 3:
Cast Contingency with Alter Self, with the trigger being whenever you touch an item that the shopkeeper sells.
Step 4:
Go up to the shopkeeper and hold one of their items (you can say that you're checking the item's authenticity).
Step 5:
Alter Self gets casted on you via your Contingency (make it change your appearance into something more disgusting).
Step 6:
Exclaim in shock that the object was cursed and that you will report it to the king/mayor/leader of the city/town.
Step 7:
Profit (?)
Another fun use for contingency is for getting to the ethereal plane with only a 6th level spell slot and 100 GP (or 0 of you multiclass in Zealot Barbarian):
1.) Grab a friend that knows Secret Chest
2. Cast Contingency for Revivify with the trigger "if I am in the ethereal plane, cast the spell"
3.) Go in a chest eligible for Secret Chest
4.) Die
5.) Have your friend cast Secret Chest, as you are "non-living material"
6.) You are now in the ethereal plane, so Contingency triggers
7.) You are now in the ethereal plane without a level 7 spell!
Oh boy the fun you could have with this.
The force of the breath sending the sphere with your character flying away.
If I was DMing, I'd do some research on the force of a dragon breathing its breath weapon at players and what other DMs have done. That sphere may block the damage, but your character being in that sphere means you're going to go flying. >:)
I might just be stupid, but wasn’t there a thing for upcasting contingency for higher level spells?
Are you able to up-cast this spell to increase the stored spells lvl?
I thought so too, but I reckon I was probably thinking of the Pathfinder 2 version as there is no such provision made here.
A good use for this spell when not using it for anything else is to have a trigger like saying some arcane-sounding words or biting the inside of your cheek to cast something like fireball without expending a spell slot.
The spell only affects yourself, but setting the trigger to be "when i cross my eyes" on something like dimension door is super useful
might be because Glyph of Warding has that mechanic