Casting Time
10 Minutes
(5 miles )
V, S, M *
8 Hours
Control (...)
You take control of the weather within 5 miles of you for the duration. You must be outdoors to cast this spell. Moving to a place where you don’t have a clear path to the sky ends the spell early.
When you cast the spell, you change the current weather conditions, which are determined by the DM based on the climate and season. You can change precipitation, temperature, and wind. It takes 1d4 × 10 minutes for the new conditions to take effect. Once they do so, you can change the conditions again. When the spell ends, the weather gradually returns to normal.
When you change the weather conditions, find a current condition on the following tables and change its stage by one, up or down. When changing the wind, you can change its direction.
Stage | Condition |
1 | Clear |
2 | Light clouds |
3 | Overcast or ground fog |
4 | Rain, hail, or snow |
5 | Torrential rain, driving hail, or blizzard |
Stage | Condition |
1 | Unbearable heat |
2 | Hot |
3 | Warm |
4 | Cool |
5 | Cold |
6 | Arctic cold |
Stage | Condition |
1 | Calm |
2 | Moderate wind |
3 | Strong wind |
4 | Gale |
5 | Storm |
6, 5, 5 my dude, 6, 5, 5.
Why is this 8th level?
My guess would be that it is eight level because you're controlling the weather. For 8 hours. Within a 5-mile range.
if you're in a campaign that's in eternal dungeon crawl and focus solely on combat it may not seem like a super powerful spell. But you are controlling the weather. That has to be advanced technique.
This spell gives you the power to basically cripple any city you wanted. Set it to Arctic cold, storm and if you still have time, make it blizzard. Do this to a farm area, or a port city and you've just destroyed an entire season of crops or their entire fleet and basically all of the non-masonry style buildings. People see "storm" for wind and just think your normal thunder storm... but Storm is actually just below Hurricane on the Beaufort Wind scale. Listed below. This will completely destroy almost all of your medieval fantasy towns.
techicaly arctic cold means you could freeze a ocean, thought you would continually need to do this.
So you see, Rupert, the Clark of the Weather was actually just a mage of at least level 15.
I just want to make sure I understand. You can keep changing the weather up or down by one for the whole 8 hours right? You just have to wait 1d4+10 minutes for it to actually change each time?
Yes, that is correct. this means that you can choose 6, 5, 5, and then fluctuate from 6 to 1 and back to 6 repeatedly in order to not only flood and destroy any place in a 5 mile sphere, but also freeze it with temperatures as low as, or even lower than −58 °F (−50 °C ). So you can soak a populace with flood waters, then freeze them with -58 degree temps and guarantee them dead within 10 minutes or less. And you can repeat this for as long as 8 hours.
And the entire time have them dealing with torrential rain, hail, blizzards, and 60 mph (96 kph) winds.
And via the wording on the spell, i believe that you can change precipitation, temperature, and wind independently of each other.
Just about right. You can only do one change at a time, but changes are indeed all independent of each other. A calm wind with freezing pouring rain, or a Hurricane force winds on a warm sunny/dry day are both options.
One last thing Mizouse, it is not 1d4+10minutes. It's 1d4*10 minutes. That is the difference between a range of 11-14 minutes and 10-40minutes between changes.
Now it says that you "take control of the weather within 5 miles of you for the duration." and that "You must be outdoors to cast this spell."
Does this mean that you have to be prepared to handle the weather that you are causing? For example, if you wanted to freeze a city, you literally have to go into the city, bundle up, and sit outside while the spell is in affect? Cause then you risk hurting yourself when you use the extremes of the spell.
My other question is in regards to how the Tiny Hut or Leoman's Tiny Hut spells interact with this. If you are outside, you cast the spell, then the dome goes up around you but it is clear, you would still technically be outside with a clear path to the sky. This would protect you from the effects of your own spell, and would allow you to utilize those extremes safely.
It just seems hard to get your money's worth out of the spell if you have to subject yourself to the affects.
i think you could use the spell if you go out cast the spell then go inside a cave or some other formation that isnt easy to destroy
The problem with that is the following line from the spell description: "Moving to a place where you don’t have a clear path to the sky ends the spell early."
so going inside the cave deep enough to not be suffering the effects would end the spell early
I was trying to get around that with a clear Tiny Hut as I am taking about using the spell to the extreme and like feezing a city and pelting it with massive hail and storm force winds, so just barely stepping inside a cave would not spare you from that
true if I was dm id rule the tiny hut thing to work
so I'm using a self modified version of this for a campaign, the bbeg has the spell and he uses it to make it hard for outsiders to get to his continent as he doesn't want anyone messing with his settlements on the continent, basically the modified version is a curse and it takes a lot of his power to do it but its there until either 24 hours has passed, dismisses the spell or he dies but the crazy weather is only fixated off the coast of the island it doesn't affect the island at all its more used as defense if that makes any sense and I made it hard to pass through the weather but not impossible... I bumped up the level of the spell for the modified version to 9th level as of how precise it is the bbeg can basically only do this once per long rest but it drains about half of his power to do so, so the ruling I put as a debuff to that strong spell is he has disadvantage on spell attacks as a lot of his magical power is drained from that curse... I think its pretty fair as he is mostly a wizard with a bit of fighter in him
What it means to find correct condition on the following tables
yet another spell that storm sorcerers should be able to cast but can't.
So... has anyone actually used this spell in play? What did you do, and how did it work out?
Only temperature will cause major issues, at 6 you have to make a DC 10 CON save or take a level of exhaustion, at 1 you take a DC 5 CON save on the first hour without water and +1 to every hour spent without water (Get a Decanter of Endless Water) or take a level of exhaustion.
Your best option to beat the cold would be to have a party member do something like cast create bonfire into a sealed metal box to act as warmth.
As for precipitation and wind, Precipitation only adds disadvantage to perception, and wind adds disadvantage to ranged weapon attacks, both of which don't really affect you as the caster, except for the extreme winds and precipitation having the effect of dousing flames (thus the metal box.)
hi, i am a frostmage in ma champain, so i can use this spell to freeze a whole f#cking city?