Casting Time
1 Action
V, S
A creature you touch regains a number of hit points equal to 1d8 + your spellcasting ability modifier. This spell has no effect on undead or constructs.
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, the healing increases by 1d8 for each slot level above 1st.
Missing Archetype Tag: Divine Soul (Good Origin) Sorcerer
That's actually how I just wound up on this page.
At higher level, is this still relevant or will healing word be more beneficial?
Healing word can be done by range but only has half the maximum healing capability, if it took a level 5 spell slot the cure wounds can do a maximum of 40 + spell caster bonus. whereas healing word can only do 20 + spell caster bonus.
My players are *****ing that it should heal warforged. Warforged are constructs. How do I rule this?
Warforged are LIVING constructs, and are healed by this spell.
Yeah. My players looked it up and even the game designer... I've forgotten his name, but he also said that they get healed by it. I'm still not letting it reattach body parts though.
It specifically says it doesn't heal constructs. Warforged are healed by the cantrip Mending. So they get CANTRIP healing, which is infinite. Tell the players to stop whining because warforged has the better and easier healing method.
It doesn't actually work like that, we've learned.
Warforged are humanoids, because House Cannith REALLY messed up. They are not considered constructs, and the book specifically mentions magical healing works as normal on them.
Casting word is:
Traumicus Elixium
The key here is that you could attack an enemy, and then heal an ally in the same turn with healing word. Healing word doesn't eat your entire action, as opposed to Cure Wounds.
It depends, at higher levels you also get more hp. In short, cure wounds for big boubous at short range, healing words for small boubous at long range. Running to heal a companion is always an option, but it means you’d have to give up a safe position as a healer.
if you had to chose, I’d say go with healing words.
Artificer with a familiar can make great use of this. You might have to hold your action, just be aware.
It does say "Although they were manufactured, warforged are living humanoids. Resting, healing magic, and the Medicine skill all provide the same benefits to warforged that they do to other humanoids." on the Race page for Warforgeds...
This spell is so helpful
So, as a level 2 cleric I roll 2d8’s!! Level 3 cleric I roll 3d8’s?? Sorry I’m a noob!!
That's referring to higher Spell Slot levels, not higher Paladin (class) levels.
I'm assuming you can target yourself with this spell? Does that apply to other targeted healing spells/abilities too? (such as Lay on Hands)