Casting Time
1 Action
60 ft
(60 ft )
V, S
1 Hour
A 60-foot-radius sphere of light spreads out from a point you choose within range. The sphere is bright light and sheds dim light for an additional 60 feet.
If you chose a point on an object you are holding or one that isn't being worn or carried, the light shines from the object and moves with it. Completely covering the affected object with an opaque object, such as a bowl or a helm, blocks the light.
If any of this spell's area overlaps with an area of darkness created by a spell of 3rd level or lower, the spell that created the darkness is dispelled.
Re: the last line of the spell: does it nullify the WHOLE darkness spell or just the region the daylight touches?
"the spell that created the darkness is dispelled."
To me, that's the whole area.
Would light cast by Daylight be damaging to vampires in Barovia? The spell description never specifies that it's actual daylight that's being created, but I can imagine the spell name implies that it would damage vampires.
Dm's call but I would allow it
Thanks for the insight! I'm actually DM'ing CoS and one of my players asked... I think I'll allow it, especially since they don't have any Clerics or Paladins right now!
Interestingly, the light shed by daylight doesn't count as "sunlight" for the purposes of Sunlight Sensitivity (eg drow) or Sunlight Hypersensitivity (eg vampire).
This has been clarified by D&D 5e's designers over multiple tweets. Here's some for you:
Whenever I'm curious about how to rule on something like this (and I'm not mid-session), I'll usually just do a quick Google search of "sage advice daylight spell" or similar to see if the designers have made any clarifying tweets. Jeremy Crawford usually has the more strictly correct rulings, even if the ruling is a bit annoying, while Mike Mearls often has a looser, more fun-focused interpretation of the rules. Both are valid, and it's interesting to see where their rulings diverge from one another.
Wow, thanks for that font of information! I had tried Googling but that lead to a lot of different topics from a lot of different sources, and I didn't know which one to go for. Now that you've clarified that for me... I'm good to go! Thanks again!
Would this spell help with the growing, maintaining and cultivating of plants in let's say an underground society or something?
I would initially say no but when considering real life lamps that help grow indoors I would say yes
My lvl 1 friend said he had this spell. He wasn’t even a spell caster!!!
He most likely had a magic item, for instance a Driftglobe
This is exactly the problem of this spell - it is not considered sunlight, for that you need the 5th level spell „Dawn“. It kinda even sounds like a spiteful comment in that spell’s description „This light is sunlight.“ ... and Daylight is not.
Daylight is basically a 60 foot sphere of what light looks like midday on a sunny day, it isn’t actually sunlight, just a stronger version of the light cantrip basically
The last encounter with the Drow, before you escape the Underdark halfway through, is supposed to be a super tough fight, but when our Cleric used this spell, the battle became really trivial, because all the Drow were ****ed by Daylight Sensitivity xD
This spell doesn't create sunlight though, so it would do nothing to Drow.
lol it shouldn't have
Ok, lets be honest here, the name is really misleading...
Yeah, it should have been called Bright Light or something.