Shimmering energy surrounds and protects you from fey, undead, and creatures originating from beyond the Material Plane. For the duration, celestials, elementals, fey, fiends, and undead have disadvantage on attack rolls against you.
You can end the spell early by using either of the following special functions.
Break Enchantment. As your action, you touch a creature you can reach that is charmed, frightened, or possessed by a celestial, an elemental, a fey, a fiend, or an undead. The creature you touch is no longer charmed, frightened, or possessed by such creatures.
Dismissal. As your action, make a melee spell attack against a celestial, an elemental, a fey, a fiend, or an undead you can reach. On a hit, you attempt to drive the creature back to its home plane. The creature must succeed on a Charisma saving throw or be sent back to its home plane (if it isn't there already). If they aren't on their home plane, undead are sent to the Shadowfell, and fey are sent to the Feywild.
* - (holy water or powdered silver and iron)
Oh damn, on first read through I was thinking what an awesome spell- if you happen to be in the right situation involving those creatures you could attempt to banish them one by one, really cool imagery and power trip. Then upon rereading I notice the spell actually ends when you use it for either Break Enchantment or Dismissal.
Hmm, so instead it's a combination of protection from evil and good and banishment with which you have to get up to the creature to melee in order to banish, with the benefit of not having to concentrate on it after.
So is the banishment on this permanent? If the spell ends when you attempt to banish, then that says to me that there's no concentration on maintaining the banishment, the affected creature is just gone. Am I reading that right?
Yes, as long as they're not on their home plane it lasts indefinitely. Planeshift can Banish anyone in a similar manner.
Had the same initial imagery!
Also pretty rough that you need to make a spell attack AND the creature gets a save. Am I reading this correctly that the spells ends whether the banishment was successful or not?
Yep it seems the spell ends early when you just attempt that function, whether it actually succeeds or fails, blimey. You're right, attack roll followed by a save, and if you fail either of those the spell ends anyway.
I wonder what the banishing affects would be for fey on Theros...
If the creature is already on it's home plane the Dismissal does nothing?
"If they aren't on their home plane, undead are sent to the Shadowfell, and fey are sent to the Feywild."
Undead are always sent to Shadowfell? Perhaps that is the home plane of all undead?
A Fey would necessarily be sent to Feywild, even a dryad whose tree is on the material plane?
The spell says " If they aren't on their home plane, undead are sent to the Shadowfell, and fey are sent to the Feywild". If the undead or the fey are on their home plane (such as an undead who was created on the MP or a dryad who's tree is on the MP), then they are not banished.
It's also worth noting that Protection From Evil and Good doesn't actually end those conditions, it just gives the affected creature advantage on their next saving throw against the condition. So this is better.
Quick question: can you use Break Enchantment or Dismissal on the same turn that you cast the spell or do you have to wait until your next turn?
You have to wait until the next turn, because it takes an action to cast the spell itself, and then it takes another action to use Break Enchantment or Dismissal.
You can potentially do both in the same turn though if you take a 2-level dip in Fighter for Action Surge. Though even then, in the case of Dismissal at least, you're probably better off using banishment instead since it doesn't require making a melee spell attack before getting to the Charisma save.
Does it bug anyone else that this spell is inconsistent with Detect Evil and Good, and Protection from Evil and Good?
Both of those 1st level spells include Aberrations in their list of affected target creature types. This as a 5th level spell does not.
Just realized this while looking at the Quori from ERLW. I was trying to think through a build that somewhat mimic's the older 3.5e Quori Mindhunter prestige class. This would have been a great spell for it, to help an afflicted possessed target without having to harm them to get the Quori out of them eventually.
The Quori possession ability itself references this spell:
But the quoted text says "an effect like" this spell, not by this spell. And this spell technically can not target the Quori because they are aberrations.
As a DM, I'd certainly let a character with this spell use it on Quori given the reference. But technically, it shouldn't work, and I can see other DMs not allowing it.
The thing is that this spell ends after banishing the creature, so you don't have to keep the spell live for 10 rounds like you would with banishment to make its effect permanent. This is a one-and-done. Since the spell is now over, you can use your concentration on another spell.
There is a world of difference between:
a.) Banishing a creature that is up to 60 feet away from you after a single failed CHA save and keeping it there for 10 rounds and,
b.) Charging up until your next turn (all while hoping you don't lose concentration on this spell until then) so that you can then go into melee with the creature, hope you hit with the melee attack, and hope the creature actually fails the CHA save.
My assessment is that banishment is just much more efficient at doing its job than this spell's Dismissal effect.
The one exception in my view is if you have the Quickened Spell metamagic. So a Divine Soul Sorcerer or a Cleric with Quickened Spell from the Metamagic Adept feat might actually make more decent use of either of this spell's modal effects.
How would you argue the dismissal aspect of this spell effecting a moon druid wild shaped into an elemental?
In order for the Druid to qualify they would need to be from a different plane. So you could slap your party's druid right back into the Material Plane if they're not already there, or if their "home plane" exists anywhere else, there.
Same deal with Shapechange or Polymorph. Your Druid doesn't get a free ride to Celestia of they're currently a Planetar or what have you.
5th Level! ya right they can just stay there. What a waste
you "can" end the feature spell early, you don't need to, it doesn't need to end.