Casting Time
1 Action
V, S, M *
Your magic and an offering put you in contact with a god or a god's servants. You ask a single question concerning a specific goal, event, or activity to occur within 7 days. The GM offers a truthful reply. The reply might be a short phrase, a cryptic rhyme, or an omen.
The spell doesn't take into account any possible circumstances that might change the outcome, such as the casting of additional spells or the loss or gain of a companion.
If you cast the spell two or more times before finishing your next long rest, there is a cumulative 25 percent chance for each casting after the first that you get a random reading. The GM makes this roll in secret.
* - (incense and a sacrificial offering appropriate to your religion, together worth at least 25 gp, which the spell consumes)
Should a divination wizard be able to cast this? Goes well with foretelling dice ability. Instead of asking a god or servant, it would be like seeing a glimpse of the future.
Contact Other Plane might be similar? It is a level higher interestingly
Oh my word, a sacrifice worth 25gp suitable to your religion?
There are plenty of deities for whom this has the potential for hilarity.
Imagine you’re just talking to your party, trying to figure out a course of action, when suddenly, the cleric shows up with a bunch of incense and a squirrel with a crossbow bolt through it.
“I’m going to cast divination.”
“The school doesn’t help me, what’s the spell name?”
”If you do this, you won’t be able to cast the spell. I need to know the effect!”
When was DM changed to GM?
DM has always been used for D&D to mean "Dungeon Master". As far as I know, D&D is the only system that used DM.
GM is a more generic term that encompasses DM in D&D and for other games as well, it means "Game Master".
For D&D, I think DM and GM are now interchangeable, but for other roleplaying games GM is typically used.
What would make a good sacrifice to Helm God of protection?
A wooden shield is worth 10gp. Seems like a good symbolic offering to a God of Protection that you could burn together with 15gp of incense to make up the 25gp cost.
Contact other plane is INSANE (I love it).
Firstly...you don't know who is giving you the information...you only know it's some extraplanar entity that is powerful & well-informed.
This can lead to amusing instances of misinformation or mischief...some malevolent or eerie THING might mess with you...or give you what you want...for a price later.
Second...the chance of taking psychic damage and become a rambling madman until you take a rest is hilarious.
This happened to my Hexblade Warlock...I failed the Intelligence Check; and for the entire night my character started speaking nonsense in the middle of the inn where we were staying.
My party had to tie the Warlock to the bed to prevent him from disturbing the others in the building.
Only fourth Level Ritual.
Great on an illusionist! Divination to find out what the bad guys might need/fear, which you then create with your illusion spells.
Potential "random readings":
"Error 404: Page Not Found."
"You have reached Corellon's number. Corellon is not here right now. Please leave a message after the beep."
"Bad command or file name."
"Hmm, I don't know that one." (A reference to Amazon's Alexa devices).
"Hello, this is Pizza Hut. What is your order?"
A bit of a late reply, but:
WotC holds Dungeon Master as a trademark, which means that it is an exclusive term for D&D. In cases where they are potentially compromising their trademark, such as in the publicly available basic rules, they may be using GM intentionally so that using the basic rules content does not necessarily entitle someone to the use of the DM title, since through some loopholes the basic rules can be used for other systems/settings outside of the WotC ecosystem. On the other hand, GM is generic and applies to both D&D and other tabletop games, and so by using that in the basic rules, they use GM so that it can be referenced by other systems and sources without potentially using a trademark. WotC is inconsistent on this, since there are parts of the basic rules that do use DM explicitly, but using GM might be intentional in some cases, especially in materials that are designed to be referenced by third party sources (like the basic rules, which are licensed under the Open Gaming License) instead of materials that are licensed more restrictively.
what would be a suitable sacrifice for selune goddess of the moon
I'm a little shook that Circle of the Land (forest and grassland) druids have access to this but Circle of Stars does not.
If you can find it, a moon-touched weapon. It is a magic weapon that isn't +1 or anything, just provides the same amount of light as the Light cantrip, as a weapon. For Selune specifically, I would say a scimitar or mace, as those fit into her lore/pantheon.
Sorry for the late response, hope this helps!
its okay my cleric just had just hit level 7 and i saw this spell and wanted to know in case i ever needed to use it
Tasha's expanded druid spell list gives all druids access to divination
"The GM offers a truthful reply. "
The GM???