Casting Time
1 Action
150 ft
V, S, M *
INT Save
You blast the mind of a creature that you can see within range, attempting to shatter its intellect and personality. The target takes 4d6 psychic damage and must make an Intelligence saving throw.
On a failed save, the creature's Intelligence and Charisma scores become 1. The creature can't cast spells, activate magic items, understand language, or communicate in any intelligible way. The creature can, however, identify its friends, follow them, and even protect them.
At the end of every 30 days, the creature can repeat its saving throw against this spell. If it succeeds on its saving throw, the spell ends.
The spell can also be ended by greater restoration, heal, or wish.
* - (a handful of clay, crystal, glass, or mineral spheres)
Can this spell be ended via Dispel Magic if a DC18 spellcasting ability check is passed?
It would appear so, looking at Dispel Magic's rules. It appears you could also cast Dispel Magic at level 8+ and automatically succeed w/o a DC check.
Thanks for the reply, but I found the answer in the PHB section, Magic, Duration:
Many spells are instantaneous. The spell harms, heals, creates, or alters a creature or an object in a way that can't be dispelled, because its magic exists only for an instant."
So no, Feeblemind cannot be Dispelled, just as a Fireball cannot be Dispelled - there is no lingering/persistent magic remaining to dispel, only the effect.
This is clearly false
If it was really an instantanous spell then it will be ended in an instant. There would be no saving throw every 30 days, and greater restoration, heal, or wish would be stated to undo the damage instead of ending the spell.
In short, this spell was poorly designed and is explicitly self contradictory. It is up to the DM fix it.
By consequence let's all consider, if you "can" dispel magic and remove Feeblemind, then you probably "could" also dispel magic and instantly kill a duplicate created by the "Clone" spell. Another 8th level spell, with duration of instantaneous. That does not seem correct.
One could reason that the 30 day period is representative of recovering from a debilitating mental injury. Your body is healthy but your mental state is soup in a blender, you got some horrible PTSD or something. You don't need to just instantly get better after a save on 30 days, the GM could naturally ease your character back into it, seemingly making a recovery. The problem wasn't that you were suppressed by magic, the problem was you got your brain tasered and temporary lobotomized by magic. Someone attacked your ability scores and damaged them, dispel magic doesn't repair damage.
This is exactly how I interpreted it. Instead of making a saving throw "against this spell" it should be "against the DC of this spell", and "the effects caused by this spell end".
The effect is instant, the person instantly has an intellect of 1, and there is no concentration to maintain an effect, it just happens if the save is failed. According to Jeremy Crawford, Eudas is right and you, Taltamir, are wrong. If you are running rules as written or rules as intended dispel magic does not work. It would be different if the spell required concentration to maintain the effect but it does not.
Feeble mind plus intellect devourer lol
okay, so if we have an wizard or warlock with ether an robe of the archmagi or an rod of the pact keeper casts this spell on an target not proficient in intelegence saving throws, then the target cannot ever escape the effect without outside help, assuming high enough proficiency and abillity scores on the warlock/ wizards part
if my spell save DC changes after i have sucessfully cast the feeblemind spell due to some kind of unforseen situation, will the target have to use my current spell save DC after 30 days have passed or will it use the spell save DC that i used when i initially cast the spell?
also this spell is perfect for users of the planar binding spell like druids and bards if you want to use it
Does the can’t understand language mean that someone can’t be mentally commanded to do something like in the Animate Dead spell?
Animate dead is also instantaneous but you still have undead after the spell is over. It just takes effect instantly is what that means.
One aspect I feel is often overlooked on this spell is that it is effectively permanent.
The save once every 30 days - in most cases - is pointless.
If you have an INT score of 1 you're making the save with a -5 on the roll. The best you can get is a 15 (20 - 5).
The caster who put the Feeblemind on you in the first place had to be level 15 or higher (+5 proficiency bonus or higher) and even with a primary casting stat of 16 (mostly certainly 20 by that level) you're looking at a spell save DC of 16+.
AKA - Nobody under the effects of Feeblemind can ever, ever pass the save to escape from the effects of Feeblemind. It's is - in almost all cases - permanent.
If one of your saves is intelligence you would still get you proficiency bonus, additionally, buff spells like bless could give you a bonus, your argument here only applies in a vacuum where the affected character has no friends to help them in some way or another and they don’t have any save proficiency in INT
You make a good point, however, only Druids, Rogues and Wizards get INT Save proficiency. This leaves the other 75% of classes SOL.
Bless isn't going to be an option unless the friends know EXACTLY when the re-save will occur since it lasts for 1 minute and that means they have to correctly ascertain which of the 1440 minutes of the day will be the one where the save is made.
The reality is that your friends will have to lead you back to town on a leash and pay for Greater Restoration if they don't have a cleric in the party.
Taltamir, the spell specifies what specific spells CAN end it.
Specific overrules vague. Meaning that the greater restoration, heal and wish spells are exceptions, not contradictions.
In short, no dispel magic cannot dispel it. There is no "spell" left to dispel. The three spells given are exceptions because a dispel magic cannot actually remove it.
So they've given it SOME that specifically can do so
The spell isn't hard to understand. It is not poorly designed
Not necessarily disagreeing with you., Toxxus
Just letting you know artificers get Int saves and so do the new bloodhunter that matt mercer released for charity
It should eventually be coming to dnd beyond from what others have told me. It's now an int instead of wis class now
I just ruled in my campaign that a Paladin that has the cleansing touch feature would also be able to break the effects.
To give the devil his due, the standard entry is worded poorly.
It should read “this effect ends if...” rather than “the spell ends if...”