Casting Time
1 Action
60 ft
V, S
CON Save
You send negative energy coursing through a creature that you can see within range, causing it searing pain. The target must make a Constitution saving throw. It takes 7d8 + 30 necrotic damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.
A humanoid killed by this spell rises at the start of your next turn as a zombie that is permanently under your command, following your verbal orders to the best of its ability.
Great spell, shame the zombie feature only works on humanoids. I’d love to have a zombie dragon permanently under my control.
The more you might gain, it's less likely you'll get it
That's scary and good maths
I think that if someone dies from failed death saves, the last source of damage they took should be counted as cause of death.
So if someone gets the Finger of Death, then fails 3 Death Saving throws, Finger of Death killed them.
If, however, they get Finger of Death, fail 1 Death Save, then a skeleton pokes them in the eye with a finger of bone, the skeleton killed them.
In cases where what brought them to 0 HP was not numerical damage (such as a Banshee wail), if they take no damage on Death Saves and still die from failed death saves, whatever brought them to 0 HP is cause of death.
Dude I have about a million zombies from this spell. I used them to rip Vecna limb from limb.
A humanoid killed by this spell rises at the start of your next turn as a zombie that is permanently under your command, following your verbal orders to the best of its ability.
The spell's zombification only works on humanoids.
I didn't realize this until someone pointed it out, so I figured I'd share.
This isn't actually the best way to get infinite zombies. First of all, this is a 7th level spell, and you shouldn't waste it on a creature unless it has high health. Also, you might as well murder a whole town in the middle of the night and then use animate dead on all of then, then you sleep to gain all of your expended spell slots. Or you can use create undead on some of the dead townspeople to make wights then make the wights kill the rest of the townspeople, which give them zombies which you can control.
what happens if you kill a wight with this? i know its says " A humanoid killed by this spell blah blah blah" but wight are kinda like humanoids right?
Back in the day (AD&D) Finger of death was save or die and didn't create zombies.
"finger of death causes the victim's heart to stop. Unless the victim makes the appropriate saving throw death occurs. A successful save negates the spell"
IMHO the new version is better because, notwithstanding the death save discussions, it always does something. However the "original" one unambiguously kills (or not).
In the campaign I am playing at the moment we could do with it working in the old way, not needing any army of zombies and having a particularly strong bbeg to deal with.
The damage isn't the only thing
Non Player Characters and Monsters die instantly upon hitting 0 HP, unless the DM rules otherwise. You can definitely use this to turn an enemy of the party into a Zombie permanently under your control, a BBEG could use this to kill a beloved NPC and zombify them.
But against players, RAW and RAI the spell has to either kill them through Massive Damage or finish them off when they’re dying on the floor. You could try reducing their HP Maximum with Harm or something similar if you want to kill with the spell without wasting it on someone who’s dying on the ground.
Or you could just homebrew that it kills creatures reduced to 0 HP.
The only acceptable way to describe this is as a middle finger.
Description: Wights are intelligent undead humanoids that resemble armed and armored corpses.
Their creature type is undead, but based on their description I might allow it if the PC caster did an Arcana or History roll.
Since they would just get a basic Zombie it would not be to hard.
Since this is a 7th level spell that folks will not get until lvl13 I do not see it instantly killing very often if used by a PCs or a BBEG.
It should be no issue to get a zombie from a lower level henchperson of the BBEG. Probably most humanoids monsters CR3 or lower, or perhaps even some CR4.
i wish it could be a skeleton or a zombie
This'll be good for liches.
- Can you use finger of death on a zombie to kill it and then reanimate it as yours? -
I have a new butler zombie Alfred
Coffee lock
con saves are generally worse than dex ones, and there are easier ways to get minions.
85.5 average damage from a 7th-level disintegrate, with a dex save for no damage. The average dex save for a CR 13 creature is around 2.8 so we'll count that as 3:
1-(21-(18)+3)/20= 0.7
59.85 average damage from disintegrate
61.5 average damage from finger of death
The average con save for a cr 13 creature is 7.
1-(21-(18)+7)/20= 0.5
30.75+(30.75x0.5)=46.125 average damage.
59.85-46.125=13.725 more damage from disintegrate.
The zombie isn't worth that much, and finger of death also doesn't have material components- which is actually bad since that doesn't allow you to perform the somatic components with a component pouch or the like.
Not overpowered if it hits my 10th lvl moon druid. Average damage is about half of her max HP or half of one of her wildshapes. If it rolls high it could definitely be a problem though.