This spell creates a circular, horizontal plane of force, 3 feet in diameter and 1 inch thick, that floats 3 feet above the ground in an unoccupied space of your choice that you can see within range. The disk remains for the duration, and can hold up to 500 pounds. If more weight is placed on it, the spell ends, and everything on the disk falls to the ground.
The disk is immobile while you are within 20 feet of it. If you move more than 20 feet away from it, the disk follows you so that it remains within 20 feet of you. It can move across uneven terrain, up or down stairs, slopes and the like, but it can't cross an elevation change of 10 feet or more. For example, the disk can't move across a 10-foot-deep pit, nor could it leave such a pit if it was created at the bottom.
If you move more than 100 feet from the disk (typically because it can't move around an obstacle to follow you), the spell ends.
* - (a drop of mercury)
this spell is exactly the same as Tenser’s Floating Disk, any reason for the duplication?
Probably because Tenser is a WOTC owned intellectual property. The non-Tenser version is likely from the free content.
that makes a surprising amount of sense
How fast would I go if I build a 25 foot long platform off the floating disk and stood at the edge so I was always 25 feet away from the disk?
That’s a good question.
Personally, I’d say it’d depend on how strong a grip you can get on the edge of that platform, as the Disk is accelerating and spinning uncontrollably.
I'd get something crafted specifically for this purpose with clamps to hold the platform in place. Have a seat installed as well to reduce/eliminate the chance of the disk spinning. With the seat installed the character "should" have some ability to steer the disk by leaning left and right.
As for "how fast" - I'd rule it as "as fast as your running/dashing speed" per round as magic is an expression of each individual and (DM wiling) limited to something that the individual can relate to such as "the fastest I can run", so it is something fast but not immediately "game breaking" (opinions vary obviously).
I have been laughing at this for the last 5 minutes. I can barely see the screen through my tears.
Could the fact that the disk can hold 500 pounds be transferred into the disk has 500 pounds of force?
can you techincaly use this as a skateboard?
The disk is immobile while you are within 20 feet of it. If you stood on top of it like a skateboard you wouldn't be able to move. you'd need to construct some sort of apparatus or consider telepathic magic to control the disk but even then I think some dms would say no.
can we make this upscale with casting at higher level?
Say for each lvl over 1 it can hold 500 more lbs and creates a lip that goes up three inches for each level to a max of 2000 lbs and maybe allows the shape to be something other than a disk.
Assuming that it cannot go through solid objects, and only moves when you do, It would be your movement speed. In fact, your dashing speed would not be applicable because your platform permits you from moving away from it. I'd say that its cruising speed is your movement speed and its maximum speed is double that, but only if you're off of it for the dash. It doesn't accelerate when it leaves your area, nor does it slingshot when an obstacle that was inhibiting its movement is suddenly removed when it's 20+ feet away from you.
I don't think it would lean from the unbalanced weight, so it'd travel in whatever direction you were in from its center. Leaning would indeed cause it to turn if it was based on your center of mass, though you would never be able to fully stop it from turning.
If it did accelerate when you left its area, you'd eventually have your platform break. I'd love to see this!
Edit: on an unrelated note, it's strange that the disk can't be moved or move anything... magic is weird
I am amazed artificers do not have access to this spell!
floating disk drag racing. time to make some in game $$$$ :)
Could you carry an unconscious ally on the disc?
If you wanted to use this spell to cross a river (or a trapped floor)... the caster could sit on it, but not command it to move. It floats 3 feet above the surface, so you couldn't use an oar. Presumably you could use a quarterstaff or a pole to push off of the walls of a room, or the bottom of a stream if it were shallow enough. If you had a rope, then another character could use it to pull you.
Now for the interesting question... clearly it isn't infinitely strong (can be stopped by an obstacle). It says it is immobile (doesn't move on its own) - but not that it's immovable. If you hooked a grappling hook onto the disk, could another character pull it away from you? This would allow it to be used to ferry multiple characters over a river or obstacle once one was across.
That would certainly seem reasonable. As long as you could lift them onto the disk in the first place (it does float 3' off the ground). It only lasts for an hour, but that's something.
Can Floating Disk + Levitate make a makeshift elevator by targeting the disk?
They both have a weight limit of 500 pounds so I imagine it would work. Tenser's Floating Disk is a conjuration spell, so perhaps the disk would count as an "object" for the purposes of Levitate. Thoughts?
1) Mobile cover --- Pile on some furniture and shields and use the spell as a slow mobile cover. Have it float out in front of the mage and have your archers hide behind it black-ops style.
2) Hovering palanquin -- You can ritual cast both Floating Disk AND Unseen Servant and command your servant to pull your disk around while you rest atop it!
Phantom Steed + Floating Disk = chariot
Fly + Floating Disk = flying chariot :D