You place a magical command on a creature that you can see within range, forcing it to carry out some service or refrain from some action or course of activity as you decide. If the creature can understand you, it must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or become charmed by you for the duration. While the creature is charmed by you, it takes 5d10 psychic damage each time it acts in a manner directly counter to your instructions, but no more than once each day. A creature that can't understand you is unaffected by the spell.
You can issue any command you choose, short of an activity that would result in certain death. Should you issue a suicidal command, the spell ends.
You can end the spell early by using an action to dismiss it. A remove curse, greater restoration, or wish spell also ends it.
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 7th or 8th level, the duration is 1 year. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 9th level, the spell lasts until it is ended by one of the spells mentioned above.
Can detect magic sense this spell on a creature?
How complex is a Geas command allowed to be? Can conditions be included? Can I plan and write the command up like a legal contract and then read it out to the creature?
My plans for domination and overthrow require answers to these important questions.
Only becasue I can't put a gif of the Lelouch's eyes in these comments.
Yes I'd say so, it has a duration and makes no mention of the magic being disguised in any way. With detect magic you'd sense the presence of magic on the target and see that it is of the enchantment spell, you wouldn't however learn what the spell is or necessarily does unless the DM ruled it otherwise.
At any point in time does the target of the spell know they've been affected by it?
If the caster dies is the subject released from the geas? I assume yes, but curious nonetheless. I could see it continuing provided the terms of the geas can be carried out if the caster is dead.
Why can't warlocks get this spell? What would one need to do in order to get this spell for a warlock? Is it worth it to get this spell for a warlock?
Accidentally created a character that is the Winter Soldier with this spell in mind.
I would say no, as the spell is not concentration. Especially if cast at 9th level
I really want to know the community's feelings on how complex the command can/must be. I was thinking it could be used to at least compel a creature to read a document and "agree with and carry out" whatever that document stipulates whether it be as simple as "protect me for x amount of days" or as complex as forcing them to go in disguise and infiltrate an organization for you. TLDR im trying to make a mind control person that has the goal of essentially permanently dominating others like a necromancer does undead.
The way I see it, since it says you can compel the creature to carry out any "service or refrain from some action or course of activity", as long as the command is to carry out the stipulations of the document, and not to carry them out AND agree with them, it should be totally valid as an action the creature carries out.
As far as dominating others, they can break the spell in a number of ways, or if they have enough HP to be able to tank the psychic damage they can just ignore it outright and/or carry out the actions as slow as possible until the time runs out.
So I don't have make a deal with a Witch with 2 later names to use this spell.
If the target succeeds on the save, are they aware that a charm effect was attempted?
This would depend on the mechanic of the enchantment.
If the spell is constructed with termination on death in mind then it ends.
If the spell enchants the victim's body or mind, then it ends with their demise as well.
But if the spell effects the soul of a creature, then it would probably not end with their demise. Which would complicate things immensely. They could return as an undead to keep carrying out their tasks. Or if reincarnated, the child would be effected by the geas, but their parents would have no clue what is happening.
Can one person have a geas spell active on multiple people at a time?
How to use this spell correctly: "Obey me" / "Do not disobey me."
Yup, it doesn't require concentration and there are no restrictions about how many creatures you can control with it. It's a pretty good spell, the only issue is the 1 minute casting time.
A couple things. First of all, is the command part of the spell's verbal component? Is that all the verbal component is even? Or is the command given after the spell is cast? This is important because it determines whether this spell can be cast stealthily or not, since it has a 60 ft. range. If they have to hear you, the charm doesn't say anything about liking you, in fact the damaging effect makes it sound like they have to begrudgingly do what you say or get punished for it, all the charm does is prevent them from attacking you and gives you advantage on ability checks to socialize with them, which is worthless at this point.
With that in mind, I'd say you could make the command as complex as you want it, but keep in mind that it's just 5d10 psychic damage ONCE PER DAY if they directly counter your instructions. If they can take 50 damage, there's a chance they can just ignore your orders. It also means the more complex it is, the more likely a mistake is made, the damage is dealt, and they just don't need to try again for the rest of the day. Remember, it's not mind control, it's not even suggestion, it's just a guaranteed punishment if they disobey and the inability to attack you.
This really seems like sorcerer should have this too or at least instead of Druid.