Casting Time
1 Bonus Action
60 ft
A creature of your choice that you can see within range regains hit points equal to 1d4 + your spellcasting ability modifier. This spell has no effect on undead or constructs.
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, the healing increases by 1d4 for each slot level above 1st.
Ranged healing as a bonus action? Yes, please!
One of the best spells in the game.
New character first session nearly died 3 times if not for healing word bc you know critical hits can exceed 12 hit points
The ability to revive your tank (from unconsciousness) at range with a bonus action makes this one of the best low level support skills in D&D. When paired with a natural flight speed, you can literally just sit 20 feet in the air and heal anyone who passes out, all while repeatedly taking the dodge action. (Or you know, just shooting everyone)
Could a divine soul sorcerer use twinned spell on this to target two allies?
Twinned Spell
When you cast a spell that targets only one creature and doesn’t have a range of self, you can spend a number of sorcery points equal to the spell’s level to target a second creature in range with the same spell (1 sorcery point if the spell is a cantrip).
As far as I can see, yes.
1) The spell's range is 60 ft (not self).
2) It targets one creature ("A creature of your choice...")
When "creature" is mentioned in spells, that obviously includes most living things, right? (I'm new and learning, pls don't judge me)
ya wana see a overpowered spell? Inflict Wounds.
@Leo_Ness A creature is basically anything that can be a character (player or non player). So elementals, constructs and undead, creatures that devoid of life per se, are also creatures. A creature also have six ability scores, a set of actions (but not necessarily attacks), hit points, senses and a size category. Some objects have some of those characteristics but rarely all of them. If the last case, the object is indicated as such in its stat block. Sentient objects are not creatures either.
Cure Wounds is useless thanks to this spell.
Can this be used by the caster, on the caster? It doesn't specify.
Anyone in a 60 ft range but Cure wounds is the one most likely to be use on yourself.
Yeah, "a creature of your choice that you can see" includes yourself. If this couldn't target the caster it would specify that.
Is it just me, or is this spell stupid overrated? Sure, it's convenient for Bards, but Clerics and Druids are more useful when they're in the line of fire, healing a Barbarian or a Fighter with Cure Wounds, which can heal somewhat more. It may be just a small amount of hit points more, but sometimes that can be the difference between life and death. Cure Wounds is even more versatile, with Paladins, Rangers, and all Artificers being able to cast it. Healing Word is only helpful for Bards, and outside of that, it is incredibly situational. I think this spell would be really cool if it was more accessible to Wizards and Sorcerers: the spellcasters that don't necessarily need a healing spell but would benefit from having one if the healers fell unconscious. Overall, it's kind of a waste of a spell slot for Clerics and Druids.
Casting word is:
Conseptus Curativium
The thing is that healing word is a bonus action, so a cleric could take the attack action or cast a cantrip or Channel Divinity and still bring someone back to consciousness. I'm not as familiar with druids, but they could use a spell that requires an action to activate on another turn (like Call Lightning or Sunbeam) and bring someone back.
My campaign’s Druid/Cleric 1st lvl MVS (Most Valuable Spell)
But it's healing word, not healing words. Surly the casting word would be a single word
That, plus I personally find the whole "using latin or latin sounding words as magic spells" schtick to be overused and unimmaginative anyway
How about "gitup"