Casting Time
1 Action
(100 ft )
V, S, M *
DEX Save
A stroke of lightning forming a line 100 feet long and 5 feet wide blasts out from you in a direction you choose. Each creature in the line must make a Dexterity saving throw. A creature takes 8d6 lightning damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.
The lightning ignites flammable objects in the area that aren't being worn or carried.
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 4th level or higher, the damage increases by 1d6 for each slot level above 3rd.
* - (a bit of fur and a rod of amber, crystal, or glass)
SUPER op for a level 3 spell.
TOTALY AWSOME!!!!!!!!!!!!
I wouldn't call it OP. It does the same damage as Fireball, except in a 5-foot wide line over a distance of 100-ft, instead of in a 20-ft radius. There are specific and limited applications to this usage.
All other 3rd-level damage spells do slightly less damage, but have larger or more generally useful ranges/areas of effect. Seems pretty balanced given that it's likely going to be most often single-target or dual-target damage. Spellcasters' strengths in combat tend to lie in their ability to control the battlefield and deal multi-target damage. It will be pretty hard to position yourself in such a way that you consistently get more than two enemy targets in a lightning bolt's range.
There is an error with these tags as this spell is also available to Druids in DND 5e.
I'm waiting for a BBEG to hide in a lake to avoid fireball, only to see the spellcaster preparing this.
Only Mountain Druids.
This just feels like a slightly weaker version of Fireball unless you were playing a Storm Sorcerer or something.
does lightning bolt make any noise?
Yes probably ZZZZT or something.
If you are able to cast this spell due to a charm how would the DC be set if the character is not a spellcaster? For example a ranger is charmed and can cast this spell 3 times. Their spellcasting modifier is Wisdom. So they would add their WIS modifier, but I figure they wouldn't be proficient with the spell and therefore not add their proficiency when setting the DEX save DC. Would that be correct?
Casting word is:
Dramaticus Electrarium
Ive never felt its weaker in practise than fire-ball, and it always feels better to use in my opinion. which is saying something as they tried to make fireball the best spell for level in the game
You always add your proficiency to your save DC. If a person's spellcasting mod is Wisdom, then it's always 8+WIS+Proficiency
Well they have about the same range so it just what type of area you want and if they have vulnerabilities to it or resistance or immunity
Just out of curiosity as someone who wants to make a more lightning focused war wizard, does this spell offer a viable replacement to fireball? It seems about as powerful but the 5ft wide line feels like a huge limiting factor in comparison to the 20ft radius for fireball in its functional applications since people don't usually just line themselves up. I guess mass suggestion would help but that would feel like a waste of a slot and a turn when fireball is an option.
Question : In pervious editions the lightning bolt would bounce back from non conductive surfaces and would make for an interesting problem when casted in say a cave or stone walled dungeon. Is this now a homerule or is there a errata discussion on this?
This got scrapped in 5e on all similar effects for ease of use
So just homerule
Feel it or not, it quantifiably a massive radius AoE is a better way to output damage amongst multiple foes than a line that you will maybe catch two enemies in with some positioning. Lightning bolt trades off AoE for a lowered chance of friendly fire, so it may be a better choice in larger parties.
I don't think the bounceback was around in 4th or 3rd editions. It was only ever a fairly lame way of trying to add an element of friendly fire where it wasn't really needed.
Bippity, Boppity, Electric Boogaloo!