Casting Time
1 Action
V, S, M *
1 Hour
Buff (...)
You touch a creature. The target’s speed increases by 10 feet until the spell ends.
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, you can target one additional creature for each slot level above 1st.
* - (a pinch of dirt)
So, how does the caster touch 9 targets in one action? Not that there's much chance of anyone using a 9th level slot to cast this spell.
Maybe the others can touch the caster?
”Everyone grab my arm, I’m casting a spell!”
Use your movement to touch them through your turn. Pass by and give them all high five before telling them to run
what if its upgraded to level 2
I'm curious; what, in everyone's minds, does this spell effect look like? I'm thinking it's like walking on one of those airport walking belts. I imagine it would be kind of odd getting used to being 30% faster all of a sudden for the first second.
that would be one level above 1st, so you touch one additional target.
Can this argument be defended?
Richard is level 2 human ranger with this spell and hunters mark. He hasn't gotten a component pouch yet, ergo he cannot cast spells that use material components. He and his party are fighting a group of 3 wererats in a forest. Richard wants to increase his movement using the longstrider spell but won't be able to without a components pouch.
He is in a forest.
Plants are growing from the soil aka dirt
A pinch of dirt is needed for the spell
Picking things up is a free action
Without component pouches rangers can't use component spells.
Make a defense for this or if you do not agree then make a counter argument.
Yes they can. They just have to have the components.
A component pouch, like a focus, means you don't have to keep track of components without a gold cost. If you have the components, you don't need the pouch. Pick up a pinch of dirt off the ground and you're good to go.
Agree 100%
It's often a fun challenge for players to take away their foci and component pouches and make them think about how they are going to get their spells to work.
Just don't do it too often
Do multiple instances of this spell stack?
Found the answer
Casting word is:
Stalkium Protractus
Triple Mom slap from Futurama
The component for a spell is listed in its description. It is not a component pouch. A component pouch is your Batman Utility Belt allowing you to hand wave no cost components. Without it or a spellcasting focus you have to note and track or otherwise find the specific items.
I am SO using that to flavour any high level up-casts I do for any touch based buff spell.
Another spell I sort of wish was a bonus action.. but i'm using it selfishly haha
This increases all speed, not just walking. There must be a way to exploit that.
Artificer's Flight potion is how I'm using it in Adventurer's League. I can even do it on the same turn / at range with a Homunculus feeding a potion to a character and I do the spell via the Channel Magic.
🎵 *20 Feet of flight, everyone's delight *🎵
Yeppers... no mention of what speed type... land, flying or swimming... and with no concentration required... such a good spell for travel, exploration, or chasing down prey or fleeing from a predator.
yes. You can jump 450 feet with a tabaxi monk beast barbarian rogue thief multiclass. And the spells jump, longstrider and haste. Then pick the mobile feat and the magic item boots of speed. DONE!