Casting Time
1 Bonus Action
V, S
1 Hour
Bludgeoning (...)
You touch a nonmagical weapon. Until the spell ends, that weapon becomes a magic weapon with a +1 bonus to attack rolls and damage rolls.
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 4th level or higher, the bonus increases to +2. When you use a spell slot of 6th level or higher, the bonus increases to +3.
does this effect ranged weapons like a bow/crossbow?
It says weapons and not a type so yes
Is it plausible to consider this working on a set of artisan tools? I don't see a corresponding spell that grants a +1/+2/+3 to say, smith's tools, for an hour. Would it be reasonable then to say that the caster could make subtle changes to the casting process/component arrangements, etc., and thereby grant similar magical bonuses to a set of artisan tools?
Just wondering if I can get my character to craft a set of +1/+2/+3 Woodcarver's Tools with the help of an amenable NPC Paladin/Wizard/Artificer, which will help him craft a +1/+2/+3 Longbow, or even a Greatbow, in the future.
I should note that my DM is using C. Stapleford's Item Crafting Rules v1.4.2 as a supplement to the rather vague 5e crafting guidelines, which mention the use of +1 Smith's Tools in one of the crafting examples. My character's a Dex 16 Level 2 Goliath Assassin, pre-multiclass as a Battlemaster, that I hope will be a kind of ranged bringer of death later on. The supplemental rules give your crafting Work Rate in gold pieces/day as (Prof bonus + Relevant mod + Crafting bonus), so right now mine's 5gp/day (2 for proficiency with Woodcarver's Tools, plus 3 for my Dex modifier, plus 0 for lack of +__ Woodcarver's Tools or some exceptional crafting site), and thus my interest in crafting better Woodcarver's Tools to increase my productivity.
That sounds like a question for your DM to answer, rather than some random on the internet. RAW, this spell only works on weapons.
I'm curious if anyone has thoughts on removing concentration, but adding the following clause: "Only one weapon can receive this benefit from at any given time. If you cast the spell on an additional weapon, it ends for any other weapon you cast it on." I might also consider adding a small gold cost component. Even in a game where players need to overcome magic resistance, it's difficult to incentive a caster giving up their concentration slot for this.
Wondering if this works on already plussed weapon? Like if I use Forge Domain to plus 1 my weapon and use this is it plus 2 now?
Edit: Nvm
I think you could just drop the concentration without adding any stipulations to it, as it's still a 2nd level spell. By the time you're high enough level to blow all your 2nd level slots to give the party magic weapons, your party probably has magical weapons anyway.
I just got this spell with my Forge Cleric, and I'm having a hard time thinking of a situation where I'd want to cast this over Spiritual Weapon or Shield of Faith.
Is the somatic component the touch, or would you need to drop and pick up your weapon to cast it in combat while your offhand is full?
Why do artificers get this?! They can use a non-concentration, indefinite version 3 levels earlier!
This is functionally done through the Mark of Making human in Eberron: Rising From the Last War. They get to cast the spell once per long rest without using concentration. I'd definitely take a look at how that racial variant does it for anyone else considering homebrewing this spell to remove concentration.
I do agree with what RashinzarDM said. It's difficult to give up your concentration for what often amounts to such a low impact effect. Couple that with the fact you have to give up one of your known or prepared spells, and this spell is generally pretty underwhelming.
Yes, but that costs a infusion slot.
super-useful against constructs. you should prepare it if you know you're going up against enemies with resistance or immunity to nonmagical weapons
Great bow?
Honestly to make this ability less lousy I'd home rule that it can apply to magic weapons and also even to a monk's fists
Casting a concentration spell ends any currently active concentration spell by the caster, whether it is the same spell or a different one. You can only put this spell on one weapon at any given time AS IS.
Removal of the concentration just means that the caster doesn't make the required constitution saving throw if they take damage or are overwhelmed.
Dhampir can have magical bites... you're welcome...
Wow, this spell got lousy, with the simple nerf of "Concentration". Not sure how the spell was considered broken before, I almost never saw anyone cast it; by the time you had this spell, you either had a magic weapon, or better things to do with your spell slots.
Granted, in 5e, "+1" is supposed to mean a lot more (bounded accuracy), but it's only one ally, and only until the mage gets hit. Whoopdee-freaking-doo!
(Having said all that, *IMC* it actually has value because my campaign does not have "magical +1" weapons. "+1" is a category for superior craftsmanship, special materials, etc. Truly magical weapons are rare and at least +2, so the ability to enchant a weapon to bypass resistances is actually truly valuable.)
Why is this marked as having bludgeoning damage? Does it contain more types we can't see, marked by that ellipses?
Ugh! Why is this a second level spell?!?!?
I’m wondering if this works with find steed?
As a Paladin find steed can have spells that just effect the paladin also effect the steed (when mounted). So if my paladin casts this on their javelin, would it also affect my steeds (warhorse) Hooves? The spell doesn’t say natural weapons or unarmed attacks can’t be affected but I’m not sure.