Casting Time
1 Action
60 ft
(30 ft )
V, S
A wave of healing energy washes out from a point of your choice within range. Choose up to six creatures in a 30-foot-radius sphere centered on that point. Each target regains hit points equal to 3d8 + your spellcasting ability modifier. This spell has no effect on undead or constructs.
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 6th level or higher, the healing increases by 1d8 for each slot level above 5th.
Mass Cure Wounds is so much better than Mass Healing Word. Is that role reversal?
Mass Healing Word is only a 3rd level spell so you can cast it quite a few more times, uses a bonus action so you can still attack or cast a cantrip, and isn't restricted to a 30-foot sphere; it's 60 ft from each direction of the caster as long as they can see them, so basically a 375ft sphere! When upcasted to 5th level it heals 3d4 + spellcasting modifier, half as much, but you're probably going to hit a lot more targets to make up for it. If anything Mass Cure Words is the overall worse spell because it lacks the utility.
I'm still really surprised and slightly annoyed that Battlesmith got this but the Alchemist did not. Granted, they get raise dead which is great.
But still somewhat sad about this Since this can really change the battle in terms of healing. I would rather have this than raise dead on an alchemist. Raising dead feels like a full caster thing anyway. While this would allow them to more readily fit into their "low spell slots maximum effect' dichotomy.
But still. Alchemist has healing word, mass healing word, and Aid. So arguablly you can get a lot done anyway. 5th level cast of Aid adds straight up 20hp in the same range. and increases the max hp. Or if they already did Aid earlier that day (or someone else dead). Even if the max hp doesn't change, they still get healed for that 20hp. So thats still a decent heal, fair between mass healing word and mass cure wounds.
Now if only they worded the Alchemist better to add to "healing" isntead of requiring just a roll itself. but i guess life cleric made them shy away. Stil it would've been better to have alchemial savant list "heal or damage" and not require rolls.. like all other effects.
I went off topic though.
But I quite like this spell. Its nifty, and fulfils a separate niche than mass healing word
Can you choose yourself to be healed along with up to 5 others?
Yes. You can target yourself with a spell as long as you meet the requirements and the spell doesn’t say something like “other than yourself”. In the end, it is up to the dm though.
Thank you!
Can any wizard who finds this and copies the spell into spell book, use this as well? Or is it available to bards, clerics, or druids?
Wizards can only copy wizard spells into their spell book. This is not a wizard spell, so they cannot copy it.
Few questions, 375ft sphere? 60+60 is 120 across right? Also you've been praising Mass Cure Word in your post but you say it's the worse spell of the two. Or did you make a typo and mean Wounds instead of Words?
Both spells have a range of 60 feet. Healing word affects a single creature at that range, whereas Mass Cure Wounds centers a 30- foot radius sphere (so 60 foot diameter sphere) at any point within the same range.
Above on dndbeyond the graphic should probably say 60 foot before the sphere shape or specify 30 ft radius as in the spells text.
Can you yo yourself with Mass Cure Wounds?
Is Mass Cure Wounds a different spell than Cure Wounds? And if so, how to I add it to my list of spells? It doesn't come up when I do a search after I go into Manage Spells.
DnD 5e always uses radius, never diameter for spheres, to keep it simple. And they were asking about mass healing word.
Yes, it's a 5th level spell that can heal multiple people at once, which makes it better for casting in the middle of a fight. If you can't add it to your list of spells it might be because you aren't a high enough level, you need to be a level 9 cleric, druid or bard to get it.
(The highest level spell you can know for a full casting class is half your class level rounded up. Multiclassing won't work, that would give you 5th level spell slots but you wouldn't know 5th level spells to cast with them, you could only up-cast your other spells.)
Can you target a creature that you can't directly see with MCWs? Or does the targeting come from the burst point? If I cast this down a hallway into a room containing my party can I select them as targets even though I can't see them.
Fireball lists targets but you can fireball someone if the burst had a direct line to the target.
Ancient response, but Mass Cure Wounds is a 30ft radius sphere within 90ft, that's an equivalent range to Mass Healing Word's 60ft of caster. Both target up to 6 creatures so I think tis fair to conclude Mass Cure Wounds is the better spell
30 foot *radius* sphere. That's a 60 foot diameter.