Casting Time
1 Action
60 ft
V, S
Blinded (...)
A flood of healing energy flows from you into injured creatures around you. You restore up to 700 hit points, divided as you choose among any number of creatures that you can see within range. Creatures healed by this spell are also cured of all diseases and any effect making them blinded or deafened. This spell has no effect on undead or constructs.
This spell basically is a whole party heal for your cleric. Lets say your party has 5 members, and it is balanced with spell-casters, and fighters. Your whole party is now back up to nearly full heath in the middle of a boss fight. You also can use it to restore 1 hit point to 700 towns people and cure all disease in a town. Lastly, if you are a life domain cleric you can restore 12 hit points to 700 people, basically healing an entire army in the middle of a battle.
Bruh, to cast this spell, you've got to be at least a 17th-level cleric. You're basically Jesus.
A 17th-level wizard can break the universe. Relax
Weird thought could you in theory use this to heal all party members then, assuming there is extra points left, overcharge someone's health past maximum?
Unfortunately no, a creatures hit points can't exceed their maximum, and this spell cannot effect their maximum.
Remember, all of the recipients have to be within 60ft, so this is more likely intended for party members. In my group, I gave the spell range to 120ft so they could heal such army that you mentioned.
I was like “OP much.”
Seven hundred hit points... get your pet tarrasque back to full hit points and heal yourself some, too.
also, with the addition of the "metamagic adept" feat you can just double the range by choosing "Distant spell"
but surprisingly aid -a second level spell- can.
Can this be used to heal yourself if you are in darkness? It specifies creatures you can see, and is not a touch ability.
The idea that makes the most sense to me is that you must be able to vocalize the verbal components and make the minimum somatic, there must be an unobstructed path between the caster and the target and you must be able to correctly perceive what the damage is if there is a question wether your spell caster can do anything perhaps they should roll at disadvantage.
I saw a Tik Tok that was reading this spell to the party and someone brought up that a character's lycanthropy would be gone. My question is...does "cured of all diseases" cover that. Or is Lycanthropy a curse?
Per the section on Lycanthropy, RAW its a curse and you'd need remove curse or a wish spell if a natural born lycanthrope
There is no dice roll to maximize, so it would still just be one HP each
“Disciple of Life
Also starting at 1st level, your healing spells are more effective. Whenever you use a spell of 1st level or higher to restore hit points to a creature, the creature regains additional hit points equal to 2 + the spell’s level.“
lycanthropy is a curse, since the spell does not specify curses it cannot heal lycanthropy, vampirism, or the effects of a magic item like a sword of vengeance
can the caster heal itself with this?
Quote from Sniperwes20 >>
This spell basically is a whole party heal for your cleric. Lets say your party has 5 members, and it is balanced with spell-casters, and fighters. Your whole party is now back up to nearly full heath in the middle of a boss fight. You also can use it to restore 1 hit point to 700 towns people and cure all disease in a town. Lastly, if you are a life domain cleric you can restore 12 hit points to 700 people, basically healing an entire army in the middle of a battle.
For these great scenarios alone this should be at least 120ft area. Imagine a public healing ritual for a whole town. So many awesome narrative options.
"divided as you choose among any number of creatures that you can see within range."
The cleric player has to specify what each person gets and not use meta-knowledge to just give each exactly what hit points they need correct? I don't see where the spell says it automatically does this, or gives that meta knowledge?
Now I could see a cleric doing a healing skill check to make a quick assessment to get an idea before hand allowing a hint, say the DM says for example, you know this party member and this party member look badly hurt, this one hurt, and so on. Then making them decide on their own from there without party input on exact numbers.