Casting Time
1 Action
120 ft
V, S, M *
1 Round
Communication (...)
You point your finger toward a creature within range and whisper a message. The target (and only the target) hears the message and can reply in a whisper that only you can hear.
You can cast this spell through solid objects if you are familiar with the target and know it is beyond the barrier. Magical silence, 1 foot of stone, 1 inch of common metal, a thin sheet of lead, or 3 feet of wood blocks the spell. The spell doesn't have to follow a straight line and can travel freely around corners or through openings.
* - (a short piece of copper wire)
Does the target need to know your language?
No. However, if they don’t know your language all they will recieve is a message you send in a language they don’t understand.
This is probably a strange question, but what would happen if like 5 or more people all cast message on the same person? Is something like that even possible, and if so, what would happen to the person it was cast on?
How can my character learn a message spell if I'm not a bard, sorcerer, wizard, or artificer? Do I need someone else to cast the spell for me?
Take the Magic Initiate feat.
would it be possible to communicate with a wildshaped druid like this ?...
One caster can caster choose 1 target. Multiple casters may choose the same target. What happens is largely DM discretion. Do they all arrive simultaneously in a garbled mess intermingling with one another? Do they arrive in rapid-fire succession one after another? Is there enough space between each message to allow a response to the caster? RAW doesn't cover this, so common sense and situation will determine the effects.
CojoMan, Should be. The character assumes the physical features of the creature but retains its intelligence personality and alignment so... yeah
You can take the magic initiate (Wizard) feat. That will enable you to learn two cantrips and one first level spell that you can cast once per day.
If you use subtle spell, can you use this with no way to tell except you have to keep the copper wire on your finger or something? Could I speak into the minds of NPCs to make them think they're going crazy?
I would say not. Or, rather, the wildshaped druid can make animal noises back at you that only you can hear, which may or may not be useful. The text implies that the spell carries real sound, rather than providing any kind of telepathic connection.
It should be noted that this is a transmutation spell, and as such, it's likely that it is not considered a telepathic spell. It is a transmutation of the the air and the sound waves that travel through it.
Unless the wildshape allows speaking, I think they would understand but not be able to speak back. The spell says they can whisper a response thus requiring the ability to speak.
Question: How subtle is this? The verbal component just seems to be the message, which only the target hears. The somatic component seems to only be pointing, which could be done subtly. If I wanted to talk to a guy with whom I found a lot of treasure that we're hiding from the others in the party, could I do this unnoticed, without doing Subtle Spell?
Why is this a transmutation spell? I feel that divination would fit this spell much better.
I don't know. If you're the DM, Make it up! I bet the target would hear all five voices.
Agreed. And as if it wasn't confusing enough already, the spell Sending, which is pretty much just an enhanced version of Message, is an evocation spell for some reason. I also think that they would both make more sense as divination spells.
I have read your thread my friend, and totally agree with you. This is the second time that I have created an account here, because the first one I could not find any kind of help or friend to play with. I hope this time will be different, and that's the point of this message. Could you or anyone help me to join a campaign? I´m a newbie but a big fan of D&D books.
In the security field, we call this a Denial of Service (DoS). :-)
Casting Spellwords are:
Secretus Languinum