Casting Time
1 Action
1 mile
V, S
DEX Save
Fire (...)
Blazing orbs of fire plummet to the ground at four different points you can see within range. Each creature in a 40-foot-radius sphere centered on each point you choose must make a Dexterity saving throw. The sphere spreads around corners. A creature takes 20d6 fire damage and 20d6 bludgeoning damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. A creature in the area of more than one fiery burst is affected only once.
The spell damages objects in the area and ignites flammable objects that aren't being worn or carried.
For a long time I thought it was possible for this spell to deal 160d6 damage to one target, but thankfully it can't affect anyone that has already been hit. Probably because the meteors don't hit the same spots in most cases. But theoretically, a really big creature could be hit by all four meteors. Cthulhu is about to take a hammering.
Ever wanted to play mobile artillery? Have I got a spell for you!!!!
I Don't mean to be rude but, Why doesn't your spell follow the spell creation guild lines? It's overpowered it makes scene that's fine, but i just don't get it. As fun as it is to destroy the entire world. Other area spells do an 10d6, Power world kill still does less damage on average and its single target?
This is an official spell from the Player's Handbook. It wasn't created by D&D Beyond.
Sorry i should of been more clear, The Player's handbook, doesn't follow The Game Master Guild spell creation.
@Keynoda Yes, Power Word Kill does "less damage on average" just on single target but that is not exactly what makes that spell so strong. No saves against it. No resistance. No immunities. If it is casted on you and you have atm less than 101 HP you are dead. The only thing that could save you would be probably a level 9th counterspell. Some say Death Ward would protect you as well but in my opinion that's not true. Death Ward protects you if your HP falls to 0. But Power Word Kill deals no damage. It just kills you. You pass that line without even triggering Death Ward. You do not enter the dying stage you are just dead(-10) instantly. P.S. To be fair the -10 rule is maybe part of an older version of DnD(i don't know) and I probably don't read the descriptions of all spells(or the right versions) correctly. But I stick with it. No countermeasures besides counterspells for me. My session, my rules. Just change the spell for your liking if it bothers you.
Death ward protects you from one effect that would instantly kill you.
"You touch a creature and grant it a measure of protection from death.
The first time the target would drop to 0 hit points as a result of taking damage, the target instead drops to 1 hit point, and the spell ends.
If the spell is still in effect when the target is subjected to an effect that would kill it instantaneously without dealing damage, that effect is instead negated against the target, and the spell ends."
I thought this spell was insanely powerful...then I read the range...Holy Crap! I want!!!
This is an official spell from the Player's Handbook. It wasn't created by D&D Beyond.
Pr is it
This is what happens when the level 20 wizard gets bored.
All 3 of the other 9th level damaging spells have more than 10d6 damage potential (Psychic Scream, Weird and Storm of Vengeance.)
This spell is balanced compared to them because it's a one shot (no damage round after round,) half of its damage is fire damage which a LOT of high level enemies are resistant/immune to, and is also a Dex save, which any enemy with Evasion can outright avoid. If you use this on a powerful enemy, many of them will have Fire Immunity and Legendary Resistance, so odds are you're only doing 10d6 bludgeoning damage to them.
This spell is awesome for taking out armies/buildings, not so great for attacking a single powerful enemy.
what does technically "spread around corners" mean?
So a few questions that I have:
Can you make meteors strike on the same spot?
Is the bludgeoning damage dealt by this spell considered magical? (my DM is trying to tell me that it's not, and I don't get why that would be, since this is a SPELL... casted through MAGIC)
The spell specifies that you need to pick 4 different points you can see within range so you cannot pick the same spot 4 times. Of course, you could be pedantic about it and pick 4 spots each 1 inch apart but considering a creature can only take damage once from this spell, why would you?
To my knowledge, damage done by spells (as it is a magic source) counts as magical.
It's a lvl 9th spell u wont get those till lvl 17 18
Rain fire... but sir the troops... JUST DO IT!!!!
If a spell's AOE "spreads around corners" then that means that the regular rules that would occur as stated in the Player's Handbook wouldn't apply in the same way to that spell.
The PHB states that:
"A spell’s description specifies its area of effect, which typically has one of five different shapes: cone, cube, Cylinder, Line, or Sphere. Every area of effect has a point of Origin, a location from which the spell’s energy erupts. The rules for each shape specify how you position its point of Origin. Typically, a point of Origin is a point in space, but some spells have an area whose origin is a creature or an object.
A spell’s effect expands in straight lines from the point of Origin. If no unblocked straight line extends from the point of Origin to a location within the area of effect, that location isn’t included in the spell’s area. To block one of these imaginary lines, an obstruction must provide total cover."
This means that the AOE from this spell does not have to extend from the point of origin for the spell to deal damage.
An example of this would be when someone is hiding behind a large stone pillar from a fireball spell. As long as they are completely blocked, they do not have to make a saving throw, because the point of origin does not make a straight line to them and therefore, they are outside of the spell's AOE. If someone were to hide behind the same pillar with THIS spell, however, then the pillar would provide no cover (and honestly, would probably be destroyed itself).
Does anyone know what the DC of the saveing throw is, I cant find it
A resurrection spell as low as revivify could not stop but rather undo the effect of power word kill. Meteor swarm utterly destroys a body and thus nothing short of the 9th-level true resurrection can undo it.