Casting Time
1 Action
V, S, M *
8 Hours
For the duration, you hide a target that you touch from divination magic. The target can be a willing creature or a place or an object no larger than 10 feet in any dimension. The target can't be targeted by any divination magic or perceived through magical scrying sensors.
* - (a pinch of diamond dust worth 25 gp sprinkled over the target, which the spell consumes)
Hey DM's! If you have a lich or other spellcasting creature that you feel may need to make a getaway to fight again another day, cast this spell before combat, or earlier in the day and then when you need to bail out of the fight cast invisibility and keep counterspell ready as a reaction. That way, once invisible you really can't be seen or detected! Hope you have proficiency in stealth or can use meta magic to cast spells without a vocal component.
Hey players! You can use this too for your Magic Using class of choice as long as you can prepare those spells or alternatively have someone cast them on you. Good luck and have fun!
A ring of nondetection goes a long way for any rogue or possible spy that your party uses, or the dm uses to subvert the party.
This spell is essential if your party wants to get into the divination/counter-divination game.
Funny that Ranger got access to this over cleric and sorcerer.
It makes some sense. They are innately the "sneakiest" of the magic users.
Invisibility breaks when you take any action, regardless of spell components. So, even a Subtle Spell or reaction Counterspell would end Invisibility. This is why Greater Invisibility exists, albeit at a 10th of the duration.
This is a bit(A lot) late, but a reaction isn't an action.
Invisibility ends if the target "attacks or casts a spell", regardless of the action/reaction used.
Fun for a svirfneblin, because they can just cast it on themself 24/7 (with a feat)
Yeahhhh abjuration svirf anyone?
So this also blocks beneficial touch or self target divination spells, right? No more commune/contact other plane or augury for you?
Can you detect the Nondetection spell?
Does this stop true sight?
I would say that spells like commune and augury don't really have a target, or if they do the target is the being you're asking information from. Guidance though, yeah it probably blocks that.
I don't think so - a creature that naturally has truesight wouldn't be considered to be using a divination spell or a magical scrying sensor. A scrying sensor would be one such as created by the Arcane Eye or Clairvoyance spell. For a creature that has True Seeing cast on them, that would be a divination spell targeting them, not the creature with Nondetection. Note that it says targeted by divination magic or percieved through magical scrying sensors. A scrying sensor can't detect them in any way, but divination magic and still notice them so long as it isn't directly targeting them.
Of course, just remember that that's RAW. Your DM may well disagree and say that it makes more sense to reverse anything I just said.
If a creature has this cast upon themselves, does a spell like Scrying automatically fail since they're not a valid target?
What happens with the rider on Scrying that says you can't use the spell on the same target for 24 hours if they succeed on the save?
Short Answer: The spell would fail & you could still try again.
Nondetection states that you can't be targeted by Divination magic or perceived by divination sensors. So, when another creature casts scrying on you, the spell fails since it cannot target you. This would be up to the DM, but personally, I'd say that the spell slot / the ability used to attempt the scry would still be expended in the same way that you still lose a spell slot after being counterspelled.
If the Scry was targeting a location that you are standing in, the scry would still perceive that location, but it wouldn't be able to see/hear you specifically (as if you were photoshopped out of it).
Since Nondetection prevents you from being targeted from Scry in the first place, that means you don't even have to make the saving throw. Since you never succeeded or failed against the saving throw, the caster could target you once Nondetection wears off. However, nothing indicates the caster would know why the scry failed. It could be from a successful saving throw, the target being on another plane, or them being protected by a magic item/spell. Since there are so many reasons scry can fail, I doubt the caster would try again in 8 hours , especially since scry usually fails because the saving throw.
You can scry a location in advance... would non detect targets simply no show up?