Casting Time
1 Minute
30 ft
V, S
1 Hour
A Large quasi-real, horselike creature appears on the ground in an unoccupied space of your choice within range. You decide the creature's appearance, but it is equipped with a saddle, bit, and bridle. Any of the equipment created by the spell vanishes in a puff of smoke if it is carried more than 10 feet away from the steed.
For the duration, you or a creature you choose can ride the steed. The creature uses the statistics for a riding horse, except it has a speed of 100 feet and can travel 10 miles in an hour, or 13 miles at a fast pace. When the spell ends, the steed gradually fades, giving the rider 1 minute to dismount. The spell ends if you use an action to dismiss it or if the steed takes any damage.
Would be cool to increase the duration (or speed?) if cast at higher levels...
PHB Page 265
Can you cast it multiple times? Because if you cast it as a ritual, you can just recast it again after 49 minutes, or just make a carriage pulled by an army of phantom steeds. If so- it might be to broken with upcasting as well.
Yes, I know that doesn't apply to ritual casts, but if you can chain together multiple ones, a full-caster could theoretically cast 10 times (depending on how many higher level slots) and use a carriage to take a long rest in between to give the party a permanent way to get around quickly any place that isn't separated by oceans or skies.
Actually, hold up, do phantom horses need to breathe? Because I'm totally down for selling underwater rides in a clear sphere pulled by an immortal ghost horse.
Phantom Steed spell + Mounted Combatant feat + Eldritch Knight fighter (lvl 13 minimum for the spell slot) = One HELLA BADASS FIGHTER!!!
Can the steed Attack using the Riding Horses dmg?
I almost always take this if I play as a wizard. Taking this as a (lore) bard is also nice.
Try a cavalier with mounted combatant and ritual caster (wizard). The steed lasts for an hour, making it easy to simply recast 11 minutes before the spell ends, since you get an extra minute to swap to the new mount.
Phantom Chariot: wizard on Phantom Steed + party on Tenser’s Floating Disk (which follows the wizard) :D
I see no reason why not.
But, with essentially 1 HP, it is unlikely to last long in combat.
No, it is a facsimile of a creature and not an actual creature.
Actually, while the spell ends when it takes any damage, the horse doesn't go away once the spell ends, it sticks around for another minute
"When the spell ends, the steed gradually fades, giving the rider 1 minute to dismount. The spell ends if you use an action to dismiss it or if the steed takes any damage."
So for a minute you have an indestructible horse that can only be removed by an antimagic zone, even dispel magic just causes the spell to end, so I think it's pretty great to have around combat even if it isn't punching stuff. I guess that is only if you can still ride it while it's fading away, which I think you can, and I'd let my players do that, just means their enemies would get to do it too
I don't know, that seems like a stretch to me, that line seems like it was put there mostly to ensure inattentive characters didn't suddenly fall prone on their butt.
One minute is pretty much the entire length of most combats and turning it into a super fast invincible horse kind of goes against the spirit of the spell in my opinion. I think it would make more sense if after the spell ended, the steed lays (or falls) down similarly to how a horse would, depending on the circumstances (although I don't think I'd be mean enough to have the phantom horse fall on the rider, that seems like a step too far).
So the body would still be there for a minute (maybe they could hide behind it for partial cover), but the horse isn't going to be moving from that spot until the spell is recast.
Level 14 if you don't want to replace a free-schooled spell.
I miss the original spell. This should be an up cast-able spell. If nothing else just an increase in duration or number of steeds at 6th then 9th etc. But I miss the movement types it got as it was cast at higher levels.
The Phantom horse does need to breathe because "creature uses the statistics for a riding horse". Since a riding horse cannot breathe underwater near can the Phantom horse.
PS. There's no rules against moving while casting a ritual. Therefore you can ritualy cast the Phantom Steed spell while riding the phantom steed.(by raw)
It still has hit points. So sure, if it gets a arrow to the knee it starts fading over a minute.
But if it takes more than 14hp it just dies outright and ends instantly.
My party goes around on four or five phantom steeds (depending on whether the druid scouts from the air), as I couldn't find anything that disallows ritual casting from horseback. The fun thing is, the Wizard got some lore stuff happen and now has a 40% chance on each spell cast for wild magic (rituals and cantrips included, and I've fused the PHB wild magic table with an interesting one from the net). So last session he got turned into a sheep with deer antlers and beard made of feathers, while on horseback. Pure fun.
In 3.5 Eberron, "Phantom Knight" was a Prestige Class -the Pre-Req was "Ability to Cast Phantom Steed" and understandably rather useful -fighter/magic-users who could operate as Cavalry or Infantry as the situation demanded.
How is this an illusion spell rather than conjuration?
You’re create an illusion of a horse, instead of summoning a real one.
See: Creation for similar
Basically a fighter Archer with Sharpshooter feat and longbow can stay 600 feet away, run 100/Dash 200ft per turn and get several shots in.
Meaning no monster would be able to catch him. isn't that a little broken ?.
Why don't you just get a party of 1wizz for the spell and 4 fighters with ritual caster feat and you have an army that you can never catch in the open.
Would like to see more definitions on what you can do and cant do on this steed.