Casting Time
1 Action
V, S
1 Hour
Buff (...)
For the duration, the willing creature you touch has resistance to one damage type of your choice: acid, cold, fire, lightning, or thunder.
No casting on additional creatures at higher levels.
Yeah. I know it's a complete house rule, and by no means official, but might help some DMs and players out there:
When I was playing a sorcerer, my DM and I have worked out a system in which she'd let me manipulate spells to some extent, to basically change their function if I passed an ability check (straight charisma), and based on the roll I'd have to burn some sorcery points to achieve the effect. Essentially an extended metamagic, beyond the player's handbook.
In this particular case (Protection from Energy), I once used it when we were tredging through moutains during a blizzard and some of us were starting to freeze up rather heavily, starting to take exhaustion etc. I proposed that I'd "stretch" the spell's protective energy, weakening it, but encompassing more creatures at once, and while we wouldn't all have resistance to cold damage, we'd all have resistance to "cold weather". I've passed the check and basically obtained the 2nd, utility use of Protection from Energy (still had to drop a sorcery point every time), resulting in more or less a "dome of coziness" as we were calling it - capable of protecting from natural elements.
Not directly related with your notion, Gmanprime, but it reminded me of the above, and I thought some sorcerer or DM out there could steal the idea someday :P
That’s... actually really cool and clever.
This is surprisingly a helpful spell. Many monsters that deal elemental damage are focused on a certain elemental damage type (spellcasters being an exception). It provides a reliable defense against elementals, dragons, and oozes. The fact that it only protects against one damage type isn't much of a shortcoming, because if you are going up against a fire elemental you would only need protection against fire damage, not every elemental damage type. Similiarly, against oozes, you would choose acid damage, and that would protect you from the monster's main source of damage.
i have a question: if i already have fire resistance and i chose fire resistance from this spell do i get immunity or is the damage cut into quarters? ie 8dmg to 4 then to 2?
I think one of the really good calls pathfinder made was the inclusion of communal spells cast at a higher level to effectively cover the entire party
It's cut in 1/4. So 8 damage is initially reduced to 4, and that is further reduced to 2. Damage immunity as a 3rd level spell would be broken.
Is there a way to buy this spell to put on my character sheet? Thanks!
5 months late, but resistances don't stack like this. If you already had fire resistance, and someone cast Protection from Energy (fire) on you, it would have no effect.
Personal, there are a lot better spells that require con, if it was all then we talking but 1? I would rather take haste