Casting Time
1 Action
V, S, M *
10 Minutes
Buff (...)
Until the spell ends, one willing creature you touch is protected against certain types of creatures: aberrations, celestials, elementals, fey, fiends, and undead.
The protection grants several benefits. Creatures of those types have disadvantage on attack rolls against the target. The target also can't be charmed, frightened, or possessed by them. If the target is already charmed, frightened, or possessed by such a creature, the target has advantage on any new saving throw against the relevant effect.
* - (holy water or powdered silver and iron, which the spell consumes)
Protection from Good and Evil Spellword is: Guirdimus Lasindi or Necropi (respectively).
In Xanathar's Guide to Everything, Rangers are actually given the ability to cast this spell at level 3 under the Monster Slayer Archetype.
Also as the Horizon Walker Archtype (Xanathar's Guide to Everything)
Hat is the gold value of the components that are consumed? Is there an official source that confirms this
If there is no listed price, you can just use a spell focus and skip anything being consumed.
Holy water costs 25gp.
Clerics can make it too, but it is not worth it.
Why are there no benefits to upcasting this spell? I get that it's a strong 1st level spell, but it would be nice to be able to target more creatures or a longer concentration for a higher level spell slot.
A full flask of holy water does, but since this spell has no cost added to the material, one can assume that it simply requires a few drops that can be provided by a spell component pouch (or skipped by a spell focus, as mentioned before).
If a spell’s material components are consumed, can a spellcasting focus still be used in place of the consumed component?
No. A spellcasting focus can be used in place of a material component only if that component has no cost noted in the spell’s description and if that component isn’t consumed.
Speak of the devil in the details!
This does indeed remove the focus as an option, but the component pouch should still be valid, since no price is given with the spell's material components.
Component pouches only have components for materials without a cost.
As the spell consumes the holy water, the powdered silver and iron can be assumed to be the same value
So no, you need the buy the materials
So it does cost, how much we don't know... but... is it just the holy water, OR holy water + powdered silver, OR holy water + iron, OR powdered silver + iron. From the wording in the spell I take it as it takes iron plus something else (holy water or silver). Am I reading that wrong, or could you just use holy water? Seems odd to need powered silver and iron for what the spell is.
Also, ball bearings are metal, are they considered iron? Meaning, could I use them with this spell?
It might not be RAW, but at my table we just decided to do away with material components entirely. It gets to time consuming for both me as the DM and my players to track. Instead on the more "dramatic" spells (raise dead, wish etc) we attach a spell DC 10 + spell level + an extra amount up to 5 at DM's discretion for current stress levels of the moment.. higher drama = higher stress. They then get a spellcasting stat check to see if they cast or not. It works for us.
Does this spell provide benefits against all the creatures listed under it or just one of those which the PC has to specify when casting it?
There is no mention of 'you must specify' or 'one type of such creatures.' I would say that spell affects all types.
Since unlike other consumed components this doesn't actually say how much of each is consumed, I think I'd just rule having some holy water or powdered silver is a one time cost so long as you don't use them up in other ways, and you instead just need to keep some iron on you, preferably some raw ore or scraps because they're cheap and thus negligible enough to not list a price for the component.
Would likely be very rare if it was made into a magic item.
The easiest way to make the material component bit of this spell work is to keep a component pouch handy. As per its description, it is assumed to have whatever components you'd need for spellcasting so long as there's no monetary value attached to it.
wish this wasn't a concentration spell :/
Regarding material costs:
Magic Circle requires "holy water or powdered silver and iron worth at least 100 gp, which the spell consumes", (i.e. four flasks of holy water, or an eqivilent value of silver and iron).
So I suspect that this one is supposed to say "holy water or powdered silver and iron worth at least 25gp, which the spell consumes" (i.e. one flask, or an eqivilent value of silver and iron).