Casting Time
1 Action
V, S
1 Hour
Buff (...)
You touch a creature. If it is poisoned, you neutralize the poison. If more than one poison afflicts the target, you neutralize one poison that you know is present, or you neutralize one at random.
For the duration, the target has advantage on saving throws against being poisoned, and it has resistance to poison damage.
This spell renders Green Dragons useless. An ancient green suddenly hits as hard as a young green. No concentration so can buff the entire party. As a DM I was very proud of my group for figuring this out. Slightly bummed it didn’t get them closer to death, or should I say even close at all, but they still seemed sufficiently scared of what they were facing.
It would seem to render all poison-users useless...
If your in an Eberron campaign where you can Dream Lily you can use some and use this to have resistance to poison, Advantage on saving throws against poison, and the first time you hit 0 hit points and not killed outright, you can drop to 1 hit point instead.
small brain casters think this is a spell for combat, big brain casters know this is a spell for drinking contests.
Which, to me, is fine. Especially given fignting Drow Elite Warriors or most any drow creature or associated creature in Out ot the Abyss puts poison wielders at huge advantage over the players. A drow elite warrior with two attacks has a chance to do 3x the damage with poison as it does with the actual hit, giving it, in effect 8 hits in one turn, in my view. My 7th level Monk/Druid with 61 hit points was dead in 3 hits.....toast.
I had a moment in another encounter where an opportunity attack from a Drow Priestess did a critical hit and I took over 60 points of damage in one hit. Suffice to say I never made it to my intended destination......game over...
This! Put that high-CON fighter to shame.
Also, if you have murderhobos for players and they decide to steal or attempt to stream from an assassin that gets away... they ought to watch what they eat, drink and fight until it's resolved... OR just get this spell and keep ignoring threats of poison and assassination.
Poison and venom are technically two different things. If something is poisonous, then touching or eating it poisons you, but venom is something that is injected or sprayed in self-defense. However, DnD doesn't have an envenomed condition, as you can see in cases like Green dragons which are actually venomous. On the other hand, DnD also doesn't have serious examples of venom the way that you have in real life, leaving a bit of grey area here for how this spell affects those.
Saying all of that for context on this homebrew decision: my players are going through a desert right now where there are lethal real-world venomous creatures like Horned Vipers, Sand Vipers, and Deathstalker Scorpions, and I've decided that this spell does work on the "poisoned" condition caused by venom, but it works like an antivenom injection today - so, it won't totally cure situations of what would otherwise be actually lethal levels of venom. E.g. in real life a Sand Viper bite will literally kill you if untreated, but after antivenom you will still need pain meds, maybe have issues with shortness of breath, etc - so this is what is left behind after the spell too.
That is the point of protecting from poison after all