Casting Time
1 Minute
V, S, M *
1 Hour
You touch a creature and stimulate its natural healing ability. The target regains 4d8 + 15 hit points. For the duration of the spell, the target regains 1 hit point at the start of each of its turns (10 hit points each minute).
The target's severed body members (fingers, legs, tails, and so on), if any, are restored after 2 minutes. If you have the severed part and hold it to the stump, the spell instantaneously causes the limb to knit to the stump.
* - (a prayer wheel and holy water)
Nice spell!
Creative? Yes. But a bit underpowered for a 7th level spell in terms of healing
Something interesting about this one, is that it is one of the few healing spells that does not specifically exclude Constructs and Undead.
"You touch a creature and stimulate its natural healing ability."
Sounds like it needs to be able to heal naturally for the spell to work, although it doesn't explicitly say so.
When on a character sheet, the short description of the spell reads:
It should be "Regain 1 Hit Point (At the start of each of the target's turns)" instead, right?
Does it have the same effect as a troll's regeneration? (Only fire or acid can stop the effect) Otherwise, Is it more powerful? (meaning that non even fire and acid can prevent regeneration) Or weaker? (You can be killed by extreme wounds or a third failed Death save)
Which is why it's a transmutation spell, and not a necromancy spell.
There's no natural human ability to regrow "fingers, legs, tails, and so on". Here it seems "stimulate" is intended to mean "stimulate into functioning beyond it's normal capacity, to a superhuman degree".
what's great about this spell is that if you cast it on someone before an encounter they literally can't be killed during that encounter by anything other than power word kill, disintegrate, or something dealing twice their maximum hit points in a single hit.
Or a dispel magic or being in a antimagic field.
A creature can still die from failed death saves while under the spell's effects. It would need to accumulate 3 failures before the start of its next turn, which can come from 2-3 sources of damage.
Imagine a cleric casting this on him/herself and then using spells like mass healing word to pick up the rest of the party. I imagine such a group to be hard to take down from the action economy seemingly never dwindling.
For the Regenerate spell, can someone explain this more clearly? Do you heal for 4d8+15 hit points in total OR one gets an initial 4d8+15 hit points and keep healing until the hour is over?
Both you heal 4d8+15 and then continues healing 1 hit point per turn after that.(for a total of an extra 600 HP)
An initial healing of 4d8+15 and then you keep healing for the entire hour. The initial healing is symbolic of the jumpstart of the healing ability.
Will this grow hair back on a bald character?
Not when you remember that you regain hit points at the start of every turn regardless of how many hit-points you have, meaning you are borderline un-kill able whilst its active.
A creature with a three attack multi-attack can hit you once to get you to zero, twice to fail two death saves, and a third time to fail the last one. OR you can just be disintegrated.
Had a character with Regenerate precast on them that was decapitated by a vorpal blade. It takes two minutes for my head to grow back, we assumed that the 1 HP per round wasn’t applicable and I had to be revivified afterwards. Sound right?