Casting Time
1 Action
V, S
At your touch, all curses affecting one creature or object end. If the object is a cursed magic item, its curse remains, but the spell breaks its owner’s attunement to the object so it can be removed or discarded.
Note that while the spell states that the "curse remains" on a cursed magic item, some cursed magic items explicitly state that a casting of "remove curse" will permanently remove the curse. Read the description of your cursed magic item carefully to find out if this is the case.
The "Remove Curse" spell is also one of the only ways to get rid of " Curse of Lycanthropy"
Can you give an example of such an item? Because I can find no such item. There's the sword of vengeance, which lets you permanently remove the curse from the sword by casting banishment, but as far as I can tell, there is no item that can have its curse permanently removed by remove curse.
I'm curious because I think you're misreading this sentence commonly found on cursed items:
"Until the curse is broken with remove curse or similar magic..."
This is referring to breaking the curse placed upon you, not breaking the curse effect on the item. It would be a pretty weak curse if a 3rd-level spell could permanently remove it.
If a magic item places a curse on you, say that you can't heal properly, then the Remove Curse will get rid of it. This type of use, of course, is not affecting the item itself. The Remove Curse will also break the connection between the item and the 'person' it is currently attuned (bonded) to, as in the item description, which doesn't affect the item all either, only the current owner. The only way to remove the Curse from a magical item which is 'Cursed' would be to remove its magic (like a really powerful Dispel Magic), through whatever means that can do that, if it's even possible. An artifact that is cursed, normally but also by the DM's prerogative, might never be able to be rendered magically inert, but may, for storyline purposes, be put into hibernation for a period of time. This is for all generic uses that I've seen, but any DM may decide that a particular item needs a Remove Curse on it to deal with it and therefore it dispels the curse magic.
So....why can a Warlock learn Remove Curse...but not learn the spell Bestow Curse?
The Warlock can take the Sign of Ill Omen invocation to cast Bestow Curse once per day. Additionally, the Hexblade has a special curse that they can cast on someone.
Just seems a bit odd to mr that Bestow Curse isn't on the Warlock spell list by default, you know?
so will remove curse cure lycanthropy ?
Is Wish the only spell that can be used to permantly remove a curse without destroying the vessel? (I.e. My Dynasty requires that I use the Dynastic Sword in battle. The sword has a +3 damage but -9 to hit. I want to remove the curse entirely but cannot damage the sword.) is there not a Greater Remove Curse? Right now the hilt is bond with material that cast anti-magic around whatever it is tied.
Unless your DM says otherwise, yes Wish is the only spell that could do that.
All magical items are special and different and should have stories attached them. It's possible yours does too. It depends on what your DM wrote or planned. For example, you can cast banishment to remove the curse from the Sword of Vengeance, because narratively, the curse comes from the sword's possession by a vengeful spirit.
It might be fun to try to figure out, in game, why your sword is cursed. If you have a good DM, they'll let you explore that backstory, and maybe lead you to a means of fixing it.
Yes, but many Lycanthropes may not be very cooperative targets.
Sorcerers should get this spell. As it stands, Wild Mages can be completely turned blue until they pay someone to fix it. They need to have a cleric or paladin with it prepared as an ally, or a warlock who happens to know it, or a wizard who HAPPENS TO MEET BOTH OF THOSE CIRCUMSTANCES.
Wait so can this spell cure a vampire spawn of their vampirism?
No, because vampirism is not a curse. Vampires are undead, which means they died and were brought back to undeath by means of some sort of magic. According to a sidebar in the Monster Manual, only a Wish spell or some powerful means of resurrection can undo vampirism.
What should you do if the plot of a campaign involves breaking a curse? This spell would make the campaign too easy.
The Golden Rule basically goes that as DM you can adjust whatever you want for the sake of your game. This spell might remove the curse, but not break its effects on the bloodline. It might suppress the effects of the curse, force it into temporary remission, without any guarantee that it won't return. Or you could alter the spell lists so that Bestow Curse exists as a spell, but Remove Curse doesn't... meaning that you have to perform an epic quest to break it forever.
In every case when discussing D&D, the answer to "What should you do if...." is "Use your imagination!"
Hope that helps!
Yah, the same reason you can’t take down a Necromancer’s zombies with Dispel Magic. There’s no ongoing effect, being undead becomes the creatures “natural” state.
In settings with living vampires, they often can be cured with remove curse.
According to Curse of Strahd, you can “fix” newly turned undead with standard revival magic like Raise Dead, but you have to put them down first.
Probably a bit late but, they only require you to use the sword in battle, that doesn't say anything about how you had to use the sword.....