Casting Time
1 Action
60 ft
V, S
DEX Save
Flame-like radiance descends on a creature that you can see within range. The target must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw or take 1d8 radiant damage. The target gains no benefit from cover for this saving throw.
The spell's damage increases by 1d8 when you reach 5th level (2d8), 11th level (3d8), and 17th level (4d8).
i thurts my feelings that there are goblins who cannot read.
The <c> tag is concentration, not combat. Concentration (as you probably know) refers to spells with a non-instantaneous duration that require the character to, errm, concentrate, to keep the spell active. Spells like hold person
You can add it to your list of attacks/combat actions by clicking on it, clicking "customise" and checking "show as attack", but, as someone mentioned before, it requires the target to make a saving throw rather than requiring you to make an attack, so isn't there automatically.
Also look at toll the dead. Toll the dead, deals slightly more damage and uses a better saving throw, but is balenced by an inferior damage type. At higher levels, be sure to have both spells in your arsenal. Use toll the dead as your go-to combat cantrip, and use sacred flame to bypass resistances to necrotic damage (greater undead).
"a creature" as in ONE creature.
Can you start a fire with sacred flame?
A campaign member used this cantrip. The target and another campaign member stood near each other (5ft). There is no need to roll a D20, only a DEX saving throw is needed.
The target succeeds the Dexterity saving throw.
How does this cantrip proceed then? Does/ can the cantrip affect another character that stands nearby?
If the target saves, nothing happens.
The spell can't affect a nearby target. If it could, then the spell description would say so.
its your spell save
This may be a dumb question, if you need to see them but they are in cover (depending on descriptive flavour) but also gain no benefits from cover how does that work? What if the cover completely obscures them and its hard to determine where behind that cover they are.
My question arises because I would think if the target is invisible you wouldn't be able to target them so being completely obscured by a larger object (multiple 5f squares to position ones self) would the rules be as if they are invisible even if the caster knows the target is behind the object but not exactly where behind it they are so are they hidden so cant be targeted?
How would you write this on the attack part of the first page of a character sheet?
You're forgetting the basic rules for cover. A creature is considered to have total cover if it is completely concealed. You can't select a creature as the target of any spell or attack if it has total cover (unless the ability in question says otherwise), but you can still potentially affect that creature by using a spell or other ability with an area of effect. Half and three-quarters cover don't prevent you from targeting creatures behind them and they provide +2 and +5 to AC (and to Dex saving throws—this is important!), respectively, as the creature is only partially concealed.
Now, if we come back and reread Sacred Flame, it says the target gains no benefit from cover *for this saving throw.* Thus the answer to your question is that you have to be able to target them to begin with, so a creature with total cover is right out, but a creature behind half or three-quarters cover can be targeted and wouldn't receive a Dex save bonus against Sacred Flame.
Your spell save DC
Spellcasting dc