Casting Time
1 Bonus Action
V, S, M *
1 Minute
The wood of a club or quarterstaff you are holding is imbued with nature's power. For the duration, you can use your spellcasting ability instead of Strength for the attack and damage rolls of melee attacks using that weapon, and the weapon's damage die becomes a d8. The weapon also becomes magical, if it isn't already. The spell ends if you cast it again or if you let go of the weapon.
* - (mistletoe, a shamrock leaf, and a club or quarterstaff)
Not a fan of this cantrip. Probably an opinion I formed from previous editions (or pathfinder).
what does the enchantment do exactly or is it just spellcasting instead of strength
2021 arrived and gave us the Dhampir :)
I've read about people saying this cantrip should offer scaling like other cantrips but what would that look like on this spell? D10 at 5, D12 at 11... then what?
My dm will allow me to use 2 clubs so 2d8 +2d6+4 if both attacks hit
I really want to be able to dual-wield shillelaghs. :(
Not RAW or RAI, but I'd allow it and toss in inspiration for good measure.
It's literally just gaelic. dying
I.E. a stout club, usually made of sturdy wood
People make it seem like this is only limited to wisdom, but it is any spell casting modifier you have, meaning WIS, INT, or CHA could be used for weapon attacks if you take a feat or one level in druid
No, as the spell changes the damage die either way.
The reason why it's a club or a querterstaff it's because a shillelagh is literally just a club or a querterstaff. And since spears are mostly wooden anyway (druids thematically don't like metal that much, but that's entirely up to you), you could rule that the druid is using the spear as an improvised querterstaff and since they are proficient with both you allow her proficiency and therefore her spear turns into a bludgeoning weapon for the spell's duration.
not quite, since with a Druid Level or Magic Initiate, you still get Shillelagh as a Druid Spell, and therefore WIS is your Spellcasting Mod for it (same for the Nature Cleric, it counts as a Cleric spell, but that, of course, is still WIS). But a Pact of the Tome Warlock can get it as a Warlock Spell with CHA, and I am sure there are few other ways.
shill lel lag
So it's a touch spell. Can be cast through a familiar. When I have a poisonous snake familiar wrap around the pommel of a party member's club then cast Shillelagh, "I" am still holding the weapon through the touch of my familiar, but does the party member swing with my modifier, theirs, or the familiar's?
I would initially say that the spell ends instantly, or doesn't work since that's likely Rules as Intended.
But RAW has some weird implications, if you can cast the spell that way, (and that's a fairly big 'if') "...The spell ends if you cast it again or if you let go of the weapon."
You can't let go of a weapon you never picked up.
Then, for one minute, the non-caster recipient can drop the shillelagh, sheathe it, or give it to someone else, and still keep the effect. Unfortunately, theycan't use it as a throwing weapon and get the effects, it's explicitly melee attacks.
And thinking things through further, I'm forced to concede that the apparent only benefit to doing this to put a shillelagh in a friend's hands is that the weapon counts as magical, and does d8. Spells that let others use your spellcasting ability call it out explicitly, like Magic Stone.
Personally, I chose the spell as one of the off-class Cantrips Pact of the Tome Warlock allows through the Book of Secrets invocation. Unsure how much use I'm going to get out of it, staying out of Melee hasn't been much of an issue yet.
Funny, That's exactly why I came to the comments. LOL.
Can I put two light melee weapons (clubs, or even maybe sticks if your DM will let you) in the extra hands of my Thri-Kreen Druid, keep one hand Free for somatic components and the other for a shield, then cast shillelagh on both of them over the course of two bonus actions? After that I'm thinking that I could use the two weapon fighting rules to dual wield them. I believe this is possible because the casts are not stacking, they are affecting two different entities at the same time, and there's no concentration involved, allowing for the two casts.
Why bother going Druid? Why not take the Magic Initiate feat?
Would Shillelagh work on a Rakshasa Since it makes a stick a magic weapon or do nothing since spells only over 6th level can hurt it?
Anyone else just realized this spell lasts for a whole minute and thus you don't need to cast it every turn to use a quarterstaff well? Also I discovered it works for clubs too, in fact the description in D&D Beyond mentions a club before it mentions a quarterstaff. This might be useful for Baldur's Gate 3 in which torches are considered clubs.