Casting Time
1 Action
You briefly stop the flow of time for everyone but yourself. No time passes for other creatures, while you take 1d4 + 1 turns in a row, during which you can use actions and move as normal.
This spell ends if one of the actions you use during this period, or any effects that you create during this period, affects a creature other than you or an object being worn or carried by someone other than you. In addition, the spell ends if you move to a place more than 1,000 feet from the location where you cast it.
well delayed blast fireball is conc...I think
I was under the impression that , if u cast spells after time stop, they don't pop until time stop ends.
My logic was , YOU are the only thing not effected by the time stop spell, but the weave is. So while you manipulate the weave to cast spells the effects of that manipulation wouldn't manifest until time resumes. Am I tottally off base?
I'm afraid so - the spell says you can take actions as normal, and specifies it ends early if you affect any creature aside from yourself. If you weren't able to cast and pop spells, it would be mentioned. Instead it specifies you can act as normal.
My personal suggestion on how to fix this spell up a little: If a creature suceeds a saving throw that prevents a spell/ability from having any effect, or if an attack roll is missed, count it as you not having affected that creature. Have all creatures except yourself effectively count as unconscious, and have the spell only end at the end of the turn if you affect another creature - this could be very interesting with something like tensers transformation and a character finishing in a two-level fighter dip.
Given +1 shortswords, a bladesinger with 20 int/dex with that spell and action surge could dish out 55+10d6+20d12 damage. Almost double the single-target damage of a meteor swarm, though still not that extreme for a multiclass level 19 build...
Time Stop + Delayed Fireball + Disintegrate = From 70 to 238 Damage, but you roll so many dices that is most likely you'll roll between 150 and 180
Multiclass the UA Way of the Astral Self Monk with a Sorcerer with Time Stop, somehow become a vampire, stockpile throwing knives, and, BOOM! You made DIO.
It's a reference to Part 3 of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure. The main villain (DIO) can stop time. He does the thing in the comment you quoted.
It's a reference to Part 3 of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure. The main villain (DIO) can stop time. He does the thing in the comment you quoted.
You can't convert sorc points into slots above 5
Not that it makes the spell particularly 9th level but I always home brew that a frozen creature doesn't have the time to make a dex save because their time only restarts the instant the spell hits them leaving no time to dodge.
You know Kono Dio Da!
I homebrew this spell this way:
While time is stopped, only you can be active or impacted by change. Thus, no damage can occur to creatures or objects, and creatures or objects can't be moved while time is stopped (so, no disarming all your enemies). Any spell you cast during time stop that doesn't target yourself waits to take effect until time stop ends... for example, if you cast 4 fireballs, all 4 explode at the same time when the spell drops. The magical energy of the fireball is set in motion by your action, but doesn't resolve until time starts moving again.
It's a ninth level spell, for goodness sake! It should be more useful than it is RAW.
Wizard spends decades and so, so much gold making as many Time Stop scrolls as they can carry 'round.
Uses a ton of them to get a super duper long period of stopped time.
Ends up stuck in Time Stop somehow.
I love how everyone is sharing combos, this one dude is saying what we're all thinking, Za Warudo
amazing flavor, though underwhelming as a 9th level spell
Finally, the only spell with a possibility for making True Strike not be complete garbage.
use a giant winter cat they say but I've never been that in to that kind of stuff you know..
Combine this with Haste to get as many as eleven actions in a row.
Turn 1: Haste (anything else with hasted action)
Turn 2 Timestop [roll a 4] (Hasted action)
Turn 3 action (hasted action)
Turn 4 action (hasted action)
Turn 5 action (hasted action)
Turn 6 action (hasted action)
Turn 7 action (hasted action)
Turn 8 Time stop ends
youd also be halfway done with any spell that has a casting time of one minute by the time a max Time stop Ends. I wonder if there are any combos you could use to improve this one.
wait but if time is stopped, doesn't it mean physics have stopped? meaning that travel time of spells would also be stopped, right? sounds to me like you can freely cast projectile spells until time stop ends.As i imagine it, a fireball, ice knife etc cast during time stop would appear but it would not move until the spell ends.it specifies "No time passes for other creatures", meaning either everything including creatures (good spell) or nothing except creatures (bad spell). phooey.
"see that thief over there? i'm going to cast a 9th level spell to catch up to him and sweep his leg muahahahahah"