Casting Time
1 Action
You briefly stop the flow of time for everyone but yourself. No time passes for other creatures, while you take 1d4 + 1 turns in a row, during which you can use actions and move as normal.
This spell ends if one of the actions you use during this period, or any effects that you create during this period, affects a creature other than you or an object being worn or carried by someone other than you. In addition, the spell ends if you move to a place more than 1,000 feet from the location where you cast it.
It feels like a lot of people in this thread are seriously not thinking outside the box for this spell. You can't just think in terms of, "What other combat spells can I cast?" or "How can I damage people with this?" It has far more context-sensitive utility.
There's a lot of potential for this spell. But also, as I say a lot on these comment threads, please do remember that spells are just as much for the DM as they are for players. If you don't like this spell, don't use it. I'll happily have an archmage destroy you with it ;)
This requires some prep-work but will literally kill anything that dies when it has 0 hp.
Prepwork: Make a demi-plane and layer it with glyph of warding, symbol and other trap like spells, with as trigger a door opened by the knock spell. Fill demi-plane until you believe that you have enough traps such that even if the make a some of the saves they still die, have the glyphs and symbols close enough by the door so that if it is opened they reach outside. Works best with symbol. With some downtime and access to enough diamonds and or a wish spell, you should easily make it such that nothing can survive the traps.
When you encounter something that you absolutely must destroy, e.g. a Tarrasque. Cast time stop, cast demi-plane with the door near you target, cast knock on door, use any remaining turns how you like. When timestop ends, all traps will trigger and they should kill anything near the door opening.
just cast Time Stop and twinned spell to let two people be time stopped
hats on heads defo worth a 9th level spell slot
It has a range of self... So unless you slit yourself it still doesn't work
Muda muda muda muda muda muda muda muda muda muda muda muda muda muda
*DIO Intensifies*
Stinky dub watcher
When Za Waurdo is in D&D! 😮
My DM ruled that if you know Time Stop you can cast it as a reaction to someone else casting so that you are unaffected. It's completely inspired by JoJo and a massive waste of a 9th level spell slot in doing so, but it's funny to see the BBEG cast this thinking they're getting away only to get a Fireball in the face.
The idea was that since you've both cast Time Stop you both aren't frozen so damaging / effecting each other wouldn't stop the spells from functioning.
Become a sorcerer with gear magic, and ZA WARUDO
I think time stop is a spell best used as a combination set up. Cloudkill is good since it cannot effect a creature until their turn (as confirmed by the lich in PotA using this combo on the players). You can also combine it with a pre cast of the invulnerability spell and contingency. Cast contingency on yourself with invulnerability the night before to then trigger when you cast time stop. You can then also bring up fire shield, mirror image, (armour of agathys if you use magic initiate to pick it up). There's a lot of options.
As fun as that sounds, contingency can't be combined with a spell higher than 5th level. Also, invulnerability and cloudkill are both concentration spells. Concentration is the worst limitation on time stop.
I once used Time Stop to be truly evil.
My party was fighting an Archmage and they were well prepared for the fight, until one of them hit 0 hit points and fell unconcious.
I let the Archmage cast Time Stop to buff up and all that, and then slowly walk to the fallen player and slowly sink a dagger in his eye socket to prevent one of the PC´s to heal him.
Za warudo! Toki wo tomare!
it a joke
Jojo reference
"You stop time, allowing yourself to take multiple actions in a row."
Oh wow, this could be very useful, maybe even OP...
"If you affect another creature or objects they are carrying, the spell ends."