A nonmagical wall of solid stone springs into existence at a point you choose within range. The wall is 6 inches thick and is composed of ten 10-foot- by-10-foot panels. Each panel must be contiguous with at least one other panel. Alternatively, you can create 10-foot-by-20-foot panels that are only 3 inches thick.
If the wall cuts through a creature's space when it appears, the creature is pushed to one side of the wall (your choice). If a creature would be surrounded on all sides by the wall (or the wall and another solid surface), that creature can make a Dexterity saving throw. On a success, it can use its reaction to move up to its speed so that it is no longer enclosed by the wall.
The wall can have any shape you desire, though it can't occupy the same space as a creature or object. The wall doesn't need to be vertical or rest on any firm foundation. It must, however, merge with and be solidly supported by existing stone. Thus, you can use this spell to bridge a chasm or create a ramp.
If you create a span greater than 20 feet in length, you must halve the size of each panel to create supports. You can crudely shape the wall to create crenellations, battlements, and so on.
The wall is an object made of stone that can be damaged and thus breached. Each panel has AC 15 and 30 hit points per inch of thickness. Reducing a panel to 0 hit points destroys it and might cause connected panels to collapse at the GM's discretion.
If you maintain your concentration on this spell for its whole duration, the wall becomes permanent and can't be dispelled. Otherwise, the wall disappears when the spell ends.
* - (a small block of granite)
This spell should be conjuration, you're manifesting a physical stone wall. I get why Wall of Fire, Light, Force are evocation, but Wall of Stone should be Conjuration.
How many panels can you conjure with this spell?
Agreed, the others are forms of energy, Stone is a physical object with an actual mass. You're also not manipulating anything to create it, the first sentence clearly states it comes into existence. This is totally Conjuration and unless they change it here I think I'm going to see about getting it homebrewed in my campaigns to be so, not that it's going to matter since I haven't actually partied with a Conjuration Wizard before lol.
Ten panels, either ten of 10x10 at 6" thick or ten of 10x20 at 3"
Am I missing something, or is this totally perfect to build your own keep with? One spell makes a wall about 3 meters tall and 30 meters long (6 inches thick for outer walls) or double length when you do not need as thick walls. After concentrating for 10 minutes it become permanent. A second wall on top of the first merge together with the first wall.
It sounds like it. If I ever get my wizard to be able to cast 5th level spells, I am definitely using this to build a castle for free.
Earth Genie Warlocks... get this.
Man you can build things FAST with them. 2 walls an per 1hr 20mins or so. (well 1hr 10mins I guess since in theory you can concentrate while short resting)
Yes, this would work in theory but it would be pretty rough, though you could use unseen servant or undead to sculpt it to be better, the best castle building spell is mighty fortress, which does basically conjure a castle.
According to a quick Google search, castle walls "were often 2.5–6 m (8.2–19.7 ft) thick" (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Medieval_fortification). So since each casting of Wall of Stone could create a wall 10' by 10' by 5' (by stacking each of the ten panels behind each other), between two and four castings could create a 10' by 10' section of wall.
For making the walls around your castle, you might be able to save some of the 400 days (for a keep or small castle) or 1200 days (for a palace or large castle) required to construct your stronghold (https://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/dmg/between-adventures#BuildingaStronghold) but I'd probably hire someone to do that routine work. Instead I'd use Wall of Stone and/or Stone Shape for building the central keep, especially the "special" features of my keep that I want to keep secret (secret passages, an escape tunnel, torture chamber, etc.) After all, if I'm the only one who worked on these features I don't have to worry about enemies bribing the workers to learn about them or finding plans showing their existence. My enemies may know I bought the fixtures to create a secret door, but since I personally Stone Shaped the door opening and put the door in place they don't know where I put it.
Wait, what!?! You can't upcast it for more panels? You should totally be able to have, say, 5 extra panels for each slot level above fifth.
Here's a clever use: make a perfectly straight wall to pull or push someone away
You could cast the spell to make a large granite block 10' by 10' by 5' and then have stone cutters break it down for materials to create a wall , this would save on transportation and material costs.
U can summon ten panels that are 10-foot- by-10-foot an 6 inches thick. The wording on this spell is terrible
Why is this not possibly 6th. I mean, you are making the thing permanent when you constraint on it for the full time. And you can literally make more materials for the spell using the spell. That and free buildings. You can literaly make a defense of multiple walls over time, and lets say 5 spell-casters that can use this come in. They just layer each wall over each other, and make a time consuming wall to take down if people want to get in. Sense its stone you can also use that spell that molds holes into the walls to make the doorways after so you get maximum use from it and not have part of the new wall out of place being partly out. I mean, this is actually kinda powerful when used the right way. Also, you could be a bard and get this once your able to build a howse. Bards have that ability that let them get 2 spells that is not on their list, but is a bard spell for them when they pick it. Sorry if this is to long
If i remember correctly from older editions, you could knock over the panels of the wall and absolutely ruin some poor goblin or monster on the otherside. Not sure if this is applicable in 5e's version
"If you create a span greater than 20 feet in length, you must halve the size of each panel to create supports. You can crudely shape the wall to create crenellations, battlements, and so on."
So can the player choose what dimension they half it in? I. E., for 10 by 20 3 inch thick panels, if you go for further than 20 feet can you choose between 10 by 10 3 inch thick, 5 by 20 3 inch thick, and 10 by 20 1.5 inch thick?
Also, just for the sake of clarity, only hit points are per inch of thickness, AC is 15 no matter what thickness, yes?
"ten 10-foot by 10-foot panels"
A ninth-level Genie Warlock can use this spell to get the rough shape of Mighty Fortress in just two or three days. Add in another two or three days to make walls, windows, and furniture with Stone Shape, and you have a respectable fortress in less than a week, at no cost.
I can imagine an alchemist casting this by splashing a concoction on the floor, which then quickly grows and solidifies into a giant wall made of a strange, stonelike material.
If you build a maze around an enemy, are they technically surrounded on all sides, or does the fact that they can navigate out of it mean you can avoid them making the save?