Casting Time
1 Action
30 ft
V, S, M *
24 Hours
This spell grants up to ten willing creatures you can see within range the ability to breathe underwater until the spell ends. Affected creatures also retain their normal mode of respiration.
* - (a short reed or piece of straw)
Does it matter which type of water? Salt or fresh?
If so, the spell description would have said so
Can you cast it on your self as well
I think so but I'm not sure.
so does "keeps your normal mode of respiration" mean that normal casters couldn't casts Verbal spells since once you have water in your lungs and airways you can't talk normally.
The spell says you have a bubble around you so you should still be able to talk normally, however an observant GM who has chosen to make the environment a challenge might recognize that not all spell components can be used under water as they would loose their integrity from a component perspective, ( I would say any solid substance like rocks, metal etc would be fine, but materials whose form can be altered by water would not work. So dust, paper, things like that) I might also add a penalty to time for spells, (i.e. they require a full round for 1 action, 1 action for bonus, and reactions would remain the same)
I love this spell. As it has a duration of 24 hours and is a ritual, my wizard cast this every morning on the party, just in case. It actually came in handy, as we ended up chasing a nightmare across a river.
I find it amusing to imagine the series of event which lead a party to think, “we need to be able to breath underwater at all times. Just in case.”
I'm building a lvl 5 ranger but this lvl 3 spell doesn't appear in the build when im adding spells. How does that work?
Rangers do not learn how to cast level 3 spells until level 9
Honestly, this spell being a Ritual with no consumables needed, no concentration and 24 hours duration really just means once your Wizard gets this spell, everyone has permanent waterbreathing.
You are a creature.
My druid has been doing this after each long rest for years. We roleplay that he makes the party morning tea as part of the ritual. The party spent a lot of time at sea in our first ten levels, so this was a good insurance policy. There is still the cost of having to keep Water Breathing prepared, and it only comes into play occasionally, so our DM was fine with it.
I like that idea. The herb-brewing involved in making tea seems very fitting for a Druidic ritual.
as this spell is granted for Druid's of the coast circle im confident this goes for salt water aswell.
The spell literally does not say anywhere that you have a bubble around you
D&d has never really made any difference between salt and fresh water. You can find sharks in both etc. There are no spells that specify types of water this goes way back to early editions too
Portals to plane of water, deep lakes, ocean adventures, bogs with sink holes or water pits... Go spy style and break into a palace via sewers or river. Water breathing is really under appreciated thing in d&d games and a smart party will have all types of buffs ready for the day. Aid, hero's feast, water breathing.... Any spell over an hour or so is a good spell to cast in the very beginning of the trip or day ritual spells are even better. Who wants to die doing something silly oh no my character drowned... When you could die doing something epic instead