Wish is the mightiest spell a mortal creature can cast. By simply speaking aloud, you can alter the very foundations of reality in accord with your desires.
The basic use of this spell is to duplicate any other spell of 8th level or lower. You don't need to meet any requirements in that spell, including costly components. The spell simply takes effect.
Alternatively, you can create one of the following effects of your choice:
- You create one object of up to 25,000 gp in value that isn't a magic item. The object can be no more than 300 feet in any dimension, and it appears in an unoccupied space you can see on the ground.
- You allow up to twenty creatures that you can see to regain all hit points, and you end all effects on them described in the greater restoration spell.
- You grant up to ten creatures that you can see resistance to a damage type you choose.
- You grant up to ten creatures you can see immunity to a single spell or other magical effect for 8 hours. For instance, you could make yourself and all your companions immune to a lich's life drain attack.
- You undo a single recent event by forcing a reroll of any roll made within the last round (including your last turn). Reality reshapes itself to accommodate the new result. For example, a wish spell could undo an opponent's successful save, a foe's critical hit, or a friend's failed save. You can force the reroll to be made with advantage or disadvantage, and you can choose whether to use the reroll or the original roll.
You might be able to achieve something beyond the scope of the above examples. State your wish to the GM as precisely as possible. The GM has great latitude in ruling what occurs in such an instance; the greater the wish, the greater the likelihood that something goes wrong. This spell might simply fail, the effect you desire might only be partly achieved, or you might suffer some unforeseen consequence as a result of how you worded the wish. For example, wishing that a villain were dead might propel you forward in time to a period when that villain is no longer alive, effectively removing you from the game. Similarly, wishing for a legendary magic item or artifact might instantly transport you to the presence of the item's current owner.
The stress of casting this spell to produce any effect other than duplicating another spell weakens you. After enduring that stress, each time you cast a spell until you finish a long rest, you take 1d10 necrotic damage per level of that spell. This damage can't be reduced or prevented in any way. In addition, your Strength drops to 3, if it isn't 3 or lower already, for 2d4 days. For each of those days that you spend resting and doing nothing more than light activity, your remaining recovery time decreases by 2 days. Finally, there is a 33 percent chance that you are unable to cast wish ever again if you suffer this stress.
By the gods I can't wait until my divine soul sorcerer Emanon gets high enough for this spell.
do you think you could use this to add a spell to your spell list.
luck sword
Thats OP
Does anyone actually let their players use this spell? I've made it my worlds a forgotten(for chaotic or evil parties) or forbidden(for good and neutral parties) spell. Most of them don't really bring up wish, but, sometimes when I want chaos I let the spell be found or the players just do it. Also, if you want to have chaos like wish, you should get a genie that grants your wishes EXACTLY how you say them, and it always has a negative consequence.
Would it be possible to wish to have the ability scores of other creatures? Like wishing for Taimats strength score?
A very simple usage, which guarantees you take out the BBEG on round 1
>Prepare at least one scroll of Wish once you have it in your Spell list
>Use Wish to cast Imprisonment
>You still suffer from the Spell's stress mechanic, but that's fine
>BBEG uses Legendary Resistance to pass the WIS Save
>Use the Wish scroll to cancel his use of Legendary Resistance
>You take 9d10 damage, but it's round 1, surely you can tank like 45 dmg
You could engage in battle until he's used all his Legendary Resistances, but doing this is much more cool (and also might get your DM to quit on the spot, which is always a fun experience).
Why isn't this fixed on a warlock genie patron's mystic arcanum availability? It has been a bug for OVER TWO YEARS NOW...
I would consider some sort of Difficulty check or Saving throw for the target and/or the caster depending on the "out of the box" request. Wish Spell .. is by far the most powerful spell in D&D. It is what "gods" do all the time but it drains their power (XP) they have a lot but don't like to run around draining their power. I would expect the same from a "mortal" casting/evoking such a powerful spell.
OK, am I wrong that I laughed...? I actually like the concept of no consequence casting ANY spell 8 or lower. Too bad you cannot do 9th level or you will just chain cast Wish forever... I personally (If allowed to) cast 9th level Power Word Kill if I wanted to end an enemy (under 100 hp).
can confirm, as long as you slide your DM $10,000 under the table, this spell can trivialize literally everything with no consequences or possibility of you being hurt
The cruel and malicious DM vs my army of medieval lawyers ready to present a 50 page, ultra specific air-tight wish
Even easier fix it's a star you blow up the world. New campaign!
I let my players use it, yes! I have banned the make up your wish part because I told them that I will monkey paw the ship out of it if they do. They do get hissy about the fact that I do enforce the stress that they endure if they do anything other than replicate a spell of level 8 or lower (I have an NPC wizard who has risked the stress and chance to never cast it again at least twice), but I tell them if they don't like the risk, then they don't have to cast it. Which of course means they are cowards and never feel the risk and reward of using Wish to do something like that mass heal ability.
how add to spell inventory
i wish for the nine hells to explode
Also, 14th level characters don't get access to Wish, or Teleport, unless it's in a magic item.