Casting Time
1 Action
30 ft
(30 ft )
V, S, M *
DEX Save
A line of roaring flame 30 feet long and 5 feet wide emanates from you in a direction you choose. Each creature in the line must make a Dexterity saving throw. A creature takes 3d8 fire damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 3rd level or higher, the damage increases by 1d8 for each slot level above 2nd.
* - (a red dragon's scale)
This should be 3rd level.
You should see how exoploitatious Mold Earth can be.
I can guess
It's spell descriptions like these that really piss me off as a new player in DnD and should be made clearer for other new players. It says the spell has a range of 30 ft, and the effect it produces is a 30 ft line with a width of 5 ft, but the description text says the line emanates from you. If that's the case it should say Self/=> 30 ft, NOT 30 ft/=> 30 ft!
So it's a classic case of the description contradicting the range presented to us.
Huh. Yeah, that's really weird. It should be written like Lightning Bolt and similar spells.
It's a bit confusing when the spell description say "emanates" without having a range of "self (30 ft)". Both EE and Xgte does not say "self", so I don't think it is a typo.
But after some thought, this is what I came up with: You make a point of origin within 30 feet, and from there a line of flames reaching an additional 30 feet in a direction away from you. By saying that it "emanates from you" in this context to describe the direction of the line and nothing more.
Spellword is:
Partraxium Explodus
The spell is worded like this to synergize with the sorcerer's distant spell metamagic.
Although, ngl, Self (30 ft =>) would make more sense...
Wildfire druid should be able to use this
lightning bolt
d8's in my fire spell? Get the hell outta here!! Should be 4d6
I don't get all the comments saying this should be 3rd level. It has a much smaller area of effect than fireball or lightning bolt, and even if you elevated it to 3rd level it would do 4d8 as opposed to 8d6 for a fireball/Lightning bolt.
Subclasses can’t officially grant access to non-PHb spells.
So... Whats the price on a red dragon's scale in average games? its not in the equipment list. Or I critt failed my search roll.
For the most part, you're not gonna need one since a spellcasting focus will act as a substitute. Though, if you were trying to get one, it'd probably be decently expensive, but not too extreme.
Agree. It's OK, but not great. Compare this to scorching ray or burning hands, which does almost the same damage at 1st level.
displeasing how this is arguably worse/ exactly the power of a 2nd level casting of burning hands, with burning hands dealing exactly 14 damage on average and this dealing exactly 13.5 on average, with cones generally being better at capturing multiple enemies
if an component has no cost defined in its description and is not consumed, then you are assumed to have it in your component pouch and you can also forgo using the scale in favour of using an wand, staff, orb or other arcane focus
no idea what kind of person you are to think this spell is on-par with the massively overtuned fireball, when it is barely any stronger than casting burning hands using a second level spell slot
if it did it would deal the exact same damage as a 2nd level burning hands, the thing about spells is that they are supposed to differ from eachother in meaningful ways, so if you did do that you might need to change its damage type to at least differ it somewhat
Its a second level spell and the material component is a red dragon scale? I'd reserve dragon scales for much higher level spells. Either make the spell higher level or make the material something easier for a second level character to access.