Casting Time
1 Action
120 ft
(20 ft )
V, S, M *
DEX Save
Choose a point you can see on the ground within range. A fountain of churned earth and stone erupts in a 20-foot cube centered on that point. Each creature in that area must make a Dexterity saving throw. A creature takes 3d12 bludgeoning damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. Additionally, the ground in that area becomes difficult terrain until cleared. Each 5-foot-square portion of the area requires at least 1 minute to clear by hand.
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 4th level or higher, the damage increases by 1d12 for each slot level above 3rd.
* - (a piece of obsidian)
For Dungeon of The Mad Mage, it says in the adventure that you cannot shape the stonework of the dungeon with magic. In theory then, this spell should not do anything and that is how I ruled it initially. However I am going to change it so that instead of turning up the earth, the caster magically creates the earth for a moment, allowing the damage. It still doesn't create rough terrain but will still allow for some serious damage. Just an option for any DMs like me who don't want spells to be useless in Under Mountain.
Because Wizards of the coast intentionally over powered Fireballs damage because fireball is "Iconic" (not a good reason), this spell has absolutely no value.
If however, fireball did the damage that it should do, which is 6d6 (not 8d6), this spell becomes competitive. Trading a bit of rough terrain for fireballs greater area of effect.
Consider that many creatures are resistant or immune to fire, while almost nothing resists magical bludgeoning damage. For a wizard preparing for a visit to Hell, for example, this is absolutely a better choice.
The damage scales beyond that of Fireball at the 6th level slot.
Fireball still covers more than triple the area (~1250 square feet over 400), but that's not the point of this spell: it's concentration-free control with no time limit beyond spending a minute per square to clear it, which no one will do in combat.
It's also instantaneous, so it can't be dispelled, and it stacks beautifully with some concentration control spells like Stinking Cloud and Slow.
Very strong for holding a flank or a bottleneck against a canny opponent; excellent at holding waves of attackers back long enough for things like Fireball to matter most.
Not to mention that it's bolstered significantly if a sorcerer uses Empower Spell on it. He could easily reroll all the dice if he so chose. And in general, the damage difference between it and Fireball at a 5th level slot is so tiny it's negligible. Like, three points off? At level 9+? It's a worthy spell choice! And if you're a druid it's basically your only choice.
I'm so excited to get this spell for Blade Mage
Can't the difficult terrain be resolved with the Mold Earth cantrip?
Yes..Mold Earth could be used to turn the difficult terrain to normal by simply flattening the disrupted earth...
...but if someone is using their Action to Cast Mold Earth Cantrip to affect a single 5-foot cube... then they aren't attacking you if combat is going on.
Out of combat, it's a perfect use to excavate or clear the area
An idea. The earth shakes and cracks is into boulders. Smashes the target with crushing force. Just as the rubble falls to the ground. Is slowly merges back together with its broken pieces like mercury and returns to it original resting place as if it never moved at all. That’s the Dungeon’s magic🤷🏻♂️
one of my characters cast this and now i am going to use it as a mini tower thing to help them defend against a horde of zombies
they just use mold earth to clean it up a bit
20' cube vs. 20' radius (fireball).
3d12 (19) vs. 8d6 (28) at 3rd. 4d12 (26) vs. 9d6 (31) at 4th. 5d12 (32) vs. 10d6 (35) at 5th. 6d12 (39) vs. 11d6 (38) at 6th. Takes 3 upcast levels to catch up to Fireball.
at which point you should just cast a 6th level spell
its not magical bludgeoning
All damage caused by spells is magical.
no, its not. U use magic to propel regular dirt - the dirt isnt "dirt +1"
It has been confirmed that all damage dealt by spells is magical.
The earth becomes magical as you cast your magic on it.
can u show me the source?