Casting Time
1 Bonus Action
V, S
1 Minute
You touch one to three pebbles and imbue them with magic. You or someone else can make a ranged spell attack with one of the pebbles by throwing it or hurling it with a sling. If thrown, it has a range of 60 feet. If someone else attacks with the pebble, that attacker adds your spellcasting ability modifier, not the attacker’s, to the attack roll. On a hit, the target takes bludgeoning damage equal to 1d6 + your spellcasting ability modifier. Hit or miss, the spell then ends on the stone.
If you cast this spell again, the spell ends early on any pebbles still affected by it.
THIS. Everyone who keeps claiming it cant be used with Sneak Attack, hasnt read the sneak attack description. All it requires is the "use" of a ranged weapon. This spell allows the use of such a weapon. That is ALL that matters.
the mythic pebble of pig smiting
No, it does not because Extra Attack works with the stones.
Im pretty sure how the spell is worded you make a spell attack whether you use a sling or throw it. You wouldnt add your normal dex bonus for using it with a sling you or whomever would still use spellcasting modifier. That being said Im not sure it counts as a weapon attack since it doesnt do the damage of the weapon. It just gives you a way to have a bit more range.
not really
since you add your spell mod to the damage at 1st level this spell (using an 18 attribute) 5-10 dmg (1d6+4) Where as the stacking cantrips would just be 1d6 right now.
by 5th level assuming still an 18. 5-10 dmg while the 2d6 would be up to 2-12 dmg. Meaning it would take until 11th lvl to make this not worth having. 5-10 dmg without having weapon in sight can be handy. from 1st to 5th this is more powerful than other standard damaging cantrips. While after 5th the max damage is slightly better than Magic stones. Also they can have less min. damage. So they stay comparable.
Warlocks would just use EB anyways, unless for flavor. But Clerics & Druids, depending on what you are building. Could be useful & stay useful for quite sometime.
Would a rock be considered a thrown weapon? Because if it is then Sharpshooter and a few other feats would work very well with this spell. You could have a 20, wisdom, intelligence, or charisma fighter dealing decent damage with magic stone. This would be a very unique character build.
5 years later they do have it!
Under Rules As Written, no, since the spell says you make a ranged spell attack to attack with the stone, and all of the Sharpshooter feat's benefits say they apply to ranged weapon attacks. That said, as a DM I'd probably allow it because it a) makes sense and b) sounds awesome.
Few points.
1) The class lists this spell is on. Why warlock? Next, where is cleric? This spell has been on the cleric list dating back into AD&D. The cleric cantrip list is already the shortest list so why not add it?
2) This spell's primary purpose was to take down undead. Where did that go? Early editions had the spell do double against undead (and for those meta gamers, the spell used to last half an hour and if you have spell slots, you could stockpile).
Overall its a good conversion. I would rule it should have advantage to hit undead creatures and add it to the cleric list. This spell was always divine, not arcane. Most other points people are making here. Answer: Its a simple spell for a simple purpose: To give clerics and their allies a magic attack with range, which lets them take down level draining undead (yes, most undead would quite literarily take your xp levels each time they hit, forever...) from range.
This could be far too overpowered in certain situations
Do you add the sling to hot and the spell to hot modifier together.
I normal just use the sling to hot modifiers add my hrung frog poison if it a combo to hot it will be busted down quickly.
You don't add the two modifiers together; it says that you use your spellcasting modifier. I think the wording of the spell is a little weird and I'd be inclined to rule that if someone other than you is attacking with a rock affected by this spell, they can use whichever is higher: their normal attack modifier for throwing rocks or your spellcasting modifier.
This may have been mentioned before, but I'm not reading through eight pages of replies to find out. The source page is completely wrong. Elemental Evil Player's Companion (EEPC) is a 25-page document, making it physically impossible for the source of Magic Stone to be found on page 160. The CORRECT page in the EEPC is page 20 (see for yourself).
I think it's mainly for other people to use, or to do something like give it to a flying monkey familiar and have it throw the pebbles as a ranged attack instead of biting for 1d4-1 damage
One of my players has brought forth a loophole with this they would like to exploit. Magic Stone + catapult, but not catapulting the stones themselves, but instead the jar he will be putting the stones inside of. If he gets a light jar + 3 pebbles it is within the weight of being catapulted, and he will then catapult the jar. Since it's a bonus action for magic stone and an action for catapult he can do it once per turn, until he runs out of jars. I have been ruling "solid surfaces" as anything that, when hit, would always break before being moved (e.g. a wall, ceiling, the floor), so the jar won't stop from hitting the stones inside. My immediate thoughts for saying no was the casting of two spells but magic stone is a cantrip. Also for catapult he can just let go before catapulting so he isn't holding it, therefore it isn''t worn or carried.
If this DOES work in a turn he can deal 3d8 + 3d6 + spellcasting modifier at a very low level, so long as he has the materials.
Is there any reason this shouldn't work? Or will he be annoyingly powerful from the start?
Technically the rules on casting multiple spells in a turn don't allow this, as they say that if you cast a spell (of any level) as a bonus action, you can't cast a leveled spell with your action on the same turn. That said, in my opinion that rule is badly worded and stupid, and there's no logical reason why you shouldn't be able to flip it and cast a cantrip with a bonus action and a leveled spell with an action in the same turn.
Also - again, technically according to the Rules As Written - the magic stones only deal their damage when used to make an attack, which this isn't doing.
my goblin druid was stuck inside an angler fishes mouth
so she used magic stone with the cracked chunks of the beast splintered teeth; the luchador orc barbarian punched the thing in the face
So sense she's inside on the creature she cant miss, I argued with my DM and he agreed
so that's how I kill a river beast with pebbles
7.5 you should prob just use a short bow, but its good if you ever get vored.
i like to load these into my pistol
I'm using this in an encounter I'm trying to make. I've paired a Warlock with this cantrip with some kobolds with slings that are standing on a ledge that's kinda difficult to actually get up to safely and provides them with 3/4 cover. Kobolds act as a nuisances that are hard to deal with due to their vantage point, while the main stronger monsters fight the party at the lower level.
You could give them to your homunculus servant