Casting Time
1 Action
150 ft
(20 ft )
V, S, M *
DEX Save
Acid (...)
You point at a location within range, and a glowing, 1-foot-diameter ball of emerald acid streaks there and explodes in a 20-foot-radius sphere. Each creature in that area must make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, a creature takes 10d4 acid damage and another 5d4 acid damage at the end of its next turn. On a successful save, a creature takes half the initial damage and no damage at the end of its next turn.
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 5th level or higher, the initial damage increases by 2d4 for each slot level above 4th.
* - (a drop of giant slug bile)
What about line of sight? Can you curve ball it?
Well, Khiset, I would think it would be hard to point at something through something else.
I guess you could just throw it, and then you would have some modicum of control over it.
Not gonna lie i am sad this isn't a artificer spell
From the way it's described I would run it like a wire-guided missile. If you point at another location while it is still moving towards its destination, it will turn toward where you are currently pointing, allowing you to curve it.
So then it operates like fireball in which case should say choose a point you can see with in range
The spell happens instantaneously, meaning that "the spell's magic only exists for an instant" according to the Player's Handbook. There's no length of time while the acid ball is "still moving" (or, at least, not one long enough for a creature to point to a different location and change the object's path) because it happens immediately after the action to cast it is complete.
How does the draconic (acid) sorcerer’s ability works To add the charisma bonus to the damage interacts with it?
"when you cast a spell that deals damage of the type associated with your draconic ancestry, you can add your Charisma modifier to one damage roll of that spell."
So you can only apply it once, best make that initial damage 10d4 + CHA mod
this spell is overpowered
Fileball deals roughly as much damage and is one level lower.
Careful spell works a bit better with this one than fireball, since it's basically 5d4 damage on save and 15d4 damage on fail. I'll have fun careful-empower-spelling this with my copper dragonborn sorcerer, 's like 7 damage to the lad if he were hit but easily over 40 to any enemies who fail their saves.
My party was totally saved by the spell. We were just hit by an Adult Red Dragon’s breath, then my Centaur Warlock cast this spell, the dragon rolled a 1, so that was 20d4. Then he was on, like, 100 hit points left, then my Warlock rolled a 20 on Inflict Wounds.
You must be a Multiclass then cause aside from multiclassing and scrolls, there is no way to get Vitriolic Sphere and Inflict Wounds
Fireball does an average of 28 damage up front on a failed save at 3rd level, or 31.5 if upcast to 4th level, and 14 or 16.75 on a success. Vitriolic Sphere does 37.5 on a failed save (25 up front, 12.5 at the end of the creature's next turn), or only 12.5 total on a success. So on damage vitriolic sphere is better if most enemies fail, and fireball is better if most succeed.
Fireball does have a larger area (30 feet vs. 20 feet) but 20 feet is plenty for most battle arenas so it's not that important.Acid damage is less commonly resisted than fire, so that's definitely a point in vitriolic sphere's favour. Fireball doesn't scale up terribly well (only one d6 so 3.5 extra damage per slot level) so it's best cast at 3rd level, whereas vitriolic sphere must be cast at 4th level or higher, but scales up a bit better (2d4 for an average of 5 extra damage per slot level).I'd say they're pretty even; fireball does better up front damage at a lower level, but once you have 4th level slots to burn vitriolic sphere will do better total damage but there's not a huge amount in it.
Fireball is 20 feet as well
The dex save is actually impossible because no one can just deflect the Emerald Splash.
blame fireball for that, not vitrolic sphere
fireball and lightning bolt do way more damage than they should because they're iconic i guess
Point in Vitriolic Sphere's favor vs Fireball: fireball requires that you can see the point within range, whereas you only have to be able to point at a spot for Vitriolic Sphere. Meaning you don't have to worry about darkness, blindness, fog, or anything else that removes or obscures your sight.
Well just because you only need to point doesn't mean you know where things is at if you're blind or can't see.