Casting Time
1 Action
60 ft
(5 ft )
V, S
DEX Save
You create an acidic bubble at a point within range, where it explodes in a 5-foot-radius Sphere. Each creature in that Sphere must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw or take 1d6 Acid damage.
Cantrip Upgrade. The damage increases by 1d6 when you reach levels 5 (2d6), 11 (3d6), and 17 (4d6).
Suddenly acid splash has gone from completely useless to an actually usable sphere. If I'm reading this right you could potentially hit up to 4 enemies at once if they're all bundled up in four squares
If you can hit even two enemies with it, that 2d6 is still better total damage than any other unmodified cantrip. In a party with forced movement/stun abilities (stun for the auto-failed Dex save) that uses them well, this could end up your most used combat cantrip.
Acid Splash Legacy This doesn't reflect the latest rules and lore. Learn More Basic Rules, pg. 211
Link to the legacy version of this spell
wow sounds really op
This cantrip has gone from zero to hero, rising from it's soaked, darkened pit of shame and uselessness to that of a 3x3 square sphere of death that looks really bloody amazing at higher levels. It's like a mini-fireball (but with acid) !
This spell is awesome now with the Alchemist which becomes 2d6+int to up to 4 creatures. Love this!
لم افهم
I would argue it could hit 9 squares if you target the center point of the center square.
Still sucks. Dexterity saves are common and you need to have enemies all tightly knit together for this to do anything. Unless you are an evoker it's not a save for half damage.
In all likelihood you cast this against two creatures and it only does 1d6 damage to one.
Whereas you could attack someone with a light crossbow and true strike for 1d8+3 (16 int) radiant damage. You have a good chance of hitting and will do an amount of damage that is more likely to be impactful.
By level 5 you are dealing with creatures that easily have 50-90 health. Using your action to, at best, do an average of 12 damage to them isn't great.
Remember, Evoker Wizard gets the ability to do half-damage even on a successful saving throw (or missed attack roll from the caster).... 5-foot sphere, assuming flying creatures are included... you could hit up 8 creatures... by Level 6, that's 2d6 or half vs DEX save.
True, Dex is a fairly common save, but at least you're doing half damage which adds up for a Cantrip
Also this is an Evocation spell, so as an Evoker at level 10 you can add your INT to damage for one target... 5-damage by Level 10... which isn't great but it's an infinite resource cantrip. You shouldn't be using this against bosses unless you using a leveled spell with your Bonus Action.