Casting Time
1 Bonus Action
V, S, M *
1 Minute
You touch a willing creature. Once on each of its turns until the spell ends, that creature can jump up to 30 feet by spending 10 feet of movement.
Using a Higher-Level Spell Slot. You can target one additional creature for each spell slot level above 1.
* - (a grasshopper’s hind leg)
This is a giant Buff from before. Not only because of the Bonus Action, but the flat 30 feet is insane.
It is worse for a long jump out of combat, if you had 20 STR, you could do a running long jump of 60 feet before, 30 feet standing long jump.
So if you had a 11+ STR Character, old jump was better for a long jump, but you needed 20 STR to get the same distance out of a standing jump.
Talking about high jump, new Jump beats old one any time. A 20 STR Character could only do an 8 feet high jump with a running start, 4 feet as a standing jump. That means with the jump spell, that went to 24/12 feet. Only a Level 20 Barbarian with 24 STR could jump 30 feet high with the old jump, and only with a running start.
That means even for out of combat mobility, in most cases the new jump spell is a great improvement.
It's also an effective 20ft boost to your speed.
Further, nothing in the rules for jumping prevents using a Fly speed or a Swim speed for the 10 foot movement to spend for the 30 foot jump.
So let's say a creature under the effects of Jump has Gaseous Form cast on them. That creature, who's "only method of movement is a Fly Speed of 10 feet" could then use that 10 ft to jump and effectively move 30 feet per round even as a gaseous cloud.
This is the biggest buff a spell has ever gotten in the History of Forever!
It's a huge buff but I'm not entirely sure that I like the new version, feels like WoTC have taken something away from my Harengon wizard.
So does the 2024 Jump bypass the ruling or no?
While RAW you are correct, as a DM I would say that doesn't work because that's just not what a jump actually is.
This is a massive buff to the spell. Ring of jumping, if it remains, will be a great item to have on a martial character.
So how would this new version interact with characters that have set jump distances (Grung / Harengon)? Their natural jumps are already farther than 10 ft, so do they get to travel 30 ft for each 10 ft they burn of their natural jump? For example, a Grung can long jump 25 ft without a running start. Would this let them travel 75 ft on their turn? I know the old spell had debates of you being stuck in the air for a turn, but it seems like this one is intended to complete the task on one turn.
In general, this version seems like you're just meant to take your 10 ft running start (which is the 10 ft the spell burns), then end up 30 ft away. So it's not so much tripling the distance as it is just revving up during the run to give a static jump. In this way, a creature with natural jumping skill has no effect on the spell at all, which doesn't feel right.
I'm pretty sure thats the point, Jump was always a spell designed to help out characters that were weak in Athletics.
You didnt cast jump to have the guy who can already jump jump over a ledge, you cased it on the people who couldn't jump so they COULD jump over the ledge.
I would say those Races can use their ability seperatly from the jump spell.
Question about the spell:
The long jump rule say, that you can only jump as away, as your str number is. And, that each feet of jumping is taking the same amount of feet. Even with str 20 would you only cover your 30 feet movement, by normal jumping.
Does that spell mean, that it is ignoring this part of the jumping rule? And allows you to move up to 60 feet (running 30 feet and than jumping the additional 30)?
Or am i limited with my distance by the movement rule .
And, is this spell even supporting high jumps? From name, would i think, it would to. But, i understanded this spell only in that way, that it would cover only long jumps (because, 30 feets in the air looks a bit much).
And a other question:
Would the Athlete feat reduce the needed running for this spell to?
how does upcasting work with this spell? group hugs?
I just realized that there's nothing saying you can't jump multiple times... you could dash and bunny hop 180ft if you have a base 30ft of movement. A rogue with the speedy feat could go 360ft
Jumping is no different to walking. The game doesnt care much, how you move your 30 feet.
But, from what i readed in comments, found with google, does the jump spell not ignoring the movement rules.
Each distance you cover up with a jump is equal to the movement you use, if you would walk that area (except of difficult terrain probably). Mean, no matter what you do, you can not cover up more as 30 feet with jumps, if you have a movement limit of 30 feet (move 10 feet for the jump create a maximal distance of 20 feet for your jump, even with this spell, because you has than covered up 30 feet in the round). You could only cover up more, if you use Dash, or has any other ability, that increase your movement limit for a round.
Or, if you are outside of a battle, where you dont has the 30 feet movement limit.
It says once per turn
My reading of it is a bit different than these. It says you spend 10ft of movement to jump 30ft, meaning that say your speed is normally 30ft, with jump you would spend 10ft of you total to jump 30ft and then still have 20ft of movement remaining, so in theory your movement would be 50ft, 30 of which was a jump, then 20 of another type.
That is correct
Like most functions its "pick the boost" not stack the boost by RAW.