Casting Time
1 Bonus Action
V, S, M *
1 Minute
You touch a willing creature. Once on each of its turns until the spell ends, that creature can jump up to 30 feet by spending 10 feet of movement.
Using a Higher-Level Spell Slot. You can target one additional creature for each spell slot level above 1.
* - (a grasshopper’s hind leg)
This is a giant Buff from before. Not only because of the Bonus Action, but the flat 30 feet is insane.
It is worse for a long jump out of combat, if you had 20 STR, you could do a running long jump of 60 feet before, 30 feet standing long jump.
So if you had a 11+ STR Character, old jump was better for a long jump, but you needed 20 STR to get the same distance out of a standing jump.
Talking about high jump, new Jump beats old one any time. A 20 STR Character could only do an 8 feet high jump with a running start, 4 feet as a standing jump. That means with the jump spell, that went to 24/12 feet. Only a Level 20 Barbarian with 24 STR could jump 30 feet high with the old jump, and only with a running start.
That means even for out of combat mobility, in most cases the new jump spell is a great improvement.
It's also an effective 20ft boost to your speed.
Further, nothing in the rules for jumping prevents using a Fly speed or a Swim speed for the 10 foot movement to spend for the 30 foot jump.
So let's say a creature under the effects of Jump has Gaseous Form cast on them. That creature, who's "only method of movement is a Fly Speed of 10 feet" could then use that 10 ft to jump and effectively move 30 feet per round even as a gaseous cloud.
This is the biggest buff a spell has ever gotten in the History of Forever!
It's a huge buff but I'm not entirely sure that I like the new version, feels like WoTC have taken something away from my Harengon wizard.
So does the 2024 Jump bypass the ruling or no?