Base Class: Fighter

[Out of world: This is a subclass based on the heroes found in the Iliad and Odyssey]

To be an Achaean is to be a warrior wedded to ancient times and ancient ways, when the line between the earthly and divine realms were even blurrier than now. Achaeans build their relationship to the gods through sacrifice, prayer, and acts of valor, but do not wield this power like a Cleric, Paladin, or Warlock. Instead, deities grant these heroes temporary enhancements to their abilities, and occasional divine levels of luck and capacity. WIth these gifts, Achaeans seek the things they have sought since time immemorial. Honor in the form of gifts, and glory in the songs of men, and the immortality that comes with them.


Heroic Epithet

Your exploits have won renown, resulting an epithet that is often used to describe you in the verses of great poems. Pick one of the nicknames below, gaining the ability below.

1) Swift Footed: In battle, you have the ability to move far swifter than the average being. You can dash as a bonus action. If you do an attack after completing a full move action and dash, your first attack has advantage.

2) of Many Wiles: You are clever tactician, swift of mind and tongue. you gain proficiency in deception, insight, and persuasion checks. If you already have a proficiency in these skills, you can double your proficiency in that skill.

3) Good at the War Cry: You are an inspiration on the battlefield, and those around you. You can use your Help action to give advantage on attack rolls to any one ally who can hear you, not merely one who is adjacent to you.

4) Bulwark of the Host:  You specialize in protecting your allies from battle: Instead of having a single martial archetype, you can utilize the abilities found in  BOTH the Defense and Protection archetypes

Power of the Ancients

Starting at 7th level, you have become a great enough warrior to call upon your ancestral strength to accomplish tasks beyond the skill of most mortals. Three times per long rest, you can do one of the following:

Double the range on thrown weapons

Lift and throw an object twice the weight that your strength would usually allow

Gain advantage on a check or save

Divine Favor

At the 10th level, you have brought your favored deity enough honor that he or she will answer your prayers. Maybe. You can use the divine intervention ability (phb 59)

Guided Strike

At 15th level, The gods have come to favor you to the point that they will occasionally guide your weapons towards their target. You can spend one of your Action Surge points to automatically give one of your attacks advantage. If the attack hits, it automatically deals damage as if it was a critical hit.


At the 18th level, your chosen deity is so strongly connected to you that they can briefly place you in the state of aristeia, when you are the greatest warrior on the battlefield. 1/x per long rest, you gain advantage on all attacks, checks, and saves, resistance to all damage, and all the attacks you do deal damage as if you rolled a critical hit. Your aristeia lasts only one turn.

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