So for sh!ts and giggles, I tried recreating my 2014 warlock using the 2024 rules.
The character is 7th level, pact of the blade, hexblade patron, Levistus tiefling.
Overall, the builds are pretty equal; in terms of spells available, the 2024 version is superior thanks to origin feats and the improved patron spells. DDB current bugs aside (it's not correctly calculating the attack modifier for the 2024 warlock's pact weapon), there are only two big problems.
First is armor class. Warlock's only have training in light armor, and in building the 2024 version, I couldn't even choose the Moderately Armored feat (I don't know if that's a bug or a genuine design choice). So even with mage armor, a warlock with decent dexterity is going to have a bad AC - around 15, which is less than ideal if you want to be a melee warlock. The good news is that I was able to manually add in training for shields and medium armor, but that would ultimately be something the DM would have to approve. But using the 2024 RAW: a warlock's AC is going to be bad.
Second is that Improved Pact Weapon is not available as an invocation for the 2024 build. This reduces the attack and damage modifier for the pact weapon by 1 compared to the 2014 build. Granted, that's relatively minor compared to the poor AC, but it's still a weakening.
I find it irksome that you cannot have a ranged pact weapon. As Improved pact weapon allowed you to do that. Granted, some may ask "Why not use Eldritch Bast?", but I liked trying to build Longbow builds for each class. And Honestly, a ranged weapon user sounds better for a spellcaster class.
I noticed this as well, as I am playing a Vengeance Paladin + Celestial Warlock (will be adding Echo Knight to it a bit later) and to my irritation noticed that IPW is gone. People online are going "who cares" and well, as someone swinging a massive FU greatsword, I do. That extra damage helps in Curse of Strahd and making my sword my casting focus removes any issues (don't need to get into the pedantic "I take one hand off my weapon to cast").
While its true their Ac is low, with all the temp HP options they may still be fine. At level 4 you can take medium armor proficiency, if you multi class and your level 1 gets medium or heavy and a shield you got it as well. My personal opinion on the lock is they should not get light armor but armor of shadows(I would not make it a spell, make it a unique ritual that is basically the same) should be a base class feature with invocations making it more tanky.
While its true their Ac is low, with all the temp HP options they may still be fine. At level 4 you can take medium armor proficiency, if you multi class and your level 1 gets medium or heavy and a shield you got it as well. My personal opinion on the lock is they should not get light armor but armor of shadows(I would not make it a spell, make it a unique ritual that is basically the same) should be a base class feature with invocations making it more tanky.
One thing that hurts the Bladelock is splitting Shield proficiency from Medium Armor - now it takes two feats or a multiclass dip. And while I am not opposed to multiclassing, it should never feel like a requirement.
While its true their Ac is low, with all the temp HP options they may still be fine. At level 4 you can take medium armor proficiency, if you multi class and your level 1 gets medium or heavy and a shield you got it as well. My personal opinion on the lock is they should not get light armor but armor of shadows(I would not make it a spell, make it a unique ritual that is basically the same) should be a base class feature with invocations making it more tanky.
One thing that hurts the Bladelock is splitting Shield proficiency from Medium Armor - now it takes two feats or a multiclass dip. And while I am not opposed to multiclassing, it should never feel like a requirement.
I think each of the armor feats should include shield, so if you got medium without shield taking heavy gets you heavy and shield same with light to medium. That being said I'm not sure its a big knock balance wise on the lock as they could go two handed instead, and likely would as damage is usually better than AC. It can suck thematically for a lock though who wanted one handed and a shield.
The meager AC makes Pact of the Blade unplayable to me. The main stat is Charisma which means Dex is probably at a 14 (as is Con because you may need to concentrate on a spell or two.) This means the Pact of the Blade is going toe-to-toe with an enemy at a 14 AC. It is a shame that you have to burn a Feat to boost the armor proficiency, but even at that, you do not get proficiency in shields and you are boosting a Stat you may not really wish to boost. But why wouldn't someone training in Medium or Heavy armor train in a shield? Someone who wishes to train in hide armor will never want to equip a shield and be proficient with it?
What is laughable is that the Wizard can train in Light Armor with the Lightly Armored Feat and get proficiency in shields. You mean the Wizard is such a stud that he can learn proficiency in light armor and shields in contrast to the Pact of the Blade who is DESIGNED to fight melee and somehow only learned proficiency in light armor sans shields? Even if the Wizard does not take this Feat, with Mage Armor and a 14 Dex, his AC is a superior 15 not counting the Shield spell he can cast to get a 20 AC when things get ugly, and he is not designed to get in melee. Meanwhile, the Pact of the Blade is the mole in Whack a Mole and is getting pummeled. And to take a precious Invocation with Armor of Shadows to bump your AC to equal a Wizard is ridiculous.
There is a flaw in the design if you are designed to multi-class into something else to be viable, IMO. Whoever play tested the Pact of the Blade at WoTC, I want to hear how they made their character survivable because I must be missing something. And good luck holding Concentration with a 14 AC because you are going to be rolling it almost every attack against you (they do think we can hold onto Hex for 8 hours, right? Pfffft.)
I find it irksome that you cannot have a ranged pact weapon. As Improved pact weapon allowed you to do that. Granted, some may ask "Why not use Eldritch Bast?", but I liked trying to build Longbow builds for each class. And Honestly, a ranged weapon user sounds better for a spellcaster class.
I dont like that either. You can make the argument that /magic/ longbows are not forbidden.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Any time an unfathomably powerful entity sweeps in and offers godlike rewards in return for just a few teensy favors, it’s a scam. Unless it’s me. I’d never lie to you, reader dearest.
The meager AC makes Pact of the Blade unplayable to me. The main stat is Charisma which means Dex is probably at a 14 (as is Con because you may need to concentrate on a spell or two.) This means the Pact of the Blade is going toe-to-toe with an enemy at a 14 AC. It is a shame that you have to burn a Feat to boost the armor proficiency, but even at that, you do not get proficiency in shields and you are boosting a Stat you may not really wish to boost. But why wouldn't someone training in Medium or Heavy armor train in a shield? Someone who wishes to train in hide armor will never want to equip a shield and be proficient with it?
What is laughable is that the Wizard can train in Light Armor with the Lightly Armored Feat and get proficiency in shields. You mean the Wizard is such a stud that he can learn proficiency in light armor and shields in contrast to the Pact of the Blade who is DESIGNED to fight melee and somehow only learned proficiency in light armor sans shields? Even if the Wizard does not take this Feat, with Mage Armor and a 14 Dex, his AC is a superior 15 not counting the Shield spell he can cast to get a 20 AC when things get ugly, and he is not designed to get in melee. Meanwhile, the Pact of the Blade is the mole in Whack a Mole and is getting pummeled. And to take a precious Invocation with Armor of Shadows to bump your AC to equal a Wizard is ridiculous.
There is a flaw in the design if you are designed to multi-class into something else to be viable, IMO. Whoever play tested the Pact of the Blade at WoTC, I want to hear how they made their character survivable because I must be missing something. And good luck holding Concentration with a 14 AC because you are going to be rolling it almost every attack against you (they do think we can hold onto Hex for 8 hours, right? Pfffft.)
your main stat doesn't HAVE to be charisma. That's only necessary if you are planning to cast spells that hit things. if you are using things like hex, and eldritch smite, charisma is strictly optional Pump your dex, dual wield with finesse weapons and go to town.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Any time an unfathomably powerful entity sweeps in and offers godlike rewards in return for just a few teensy favors, it’s a scam. Unless it’s me. I’d never lie to you, reader dearest.
One thing that hurts the Bladelock is splitting Shield proficiency from Medium Armor - now it takes two feats or a multiclass dip. And while I am not opposed to multiclassing, it should never feel like a requirement.
THIS. And when you consider most campaigns either end/fizzle out by 10th level - if they even reach that - waiting until 8th level to have a decent AC means bladelock isn't a good choice for the 2024 rules.
While its true their Ac is low, with all the temp HP options they may still be fine.
TBH, I find it really frustrating to upcast Armor of Agathys and then have no one be able to hit me because my AC is too high...
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Active characters:
Carric Aquissar, elven wannabe artist in his deconstructionist period (Archfey warlock) Mardan Ferres, elven private investigator obsessed with that one unsolved murder (Assassin rogue) Xhekhetiel, halfling survivor of a Betrayer Gods cult (Runechild sorcerer/fighter)
While its true their Ac is low, with all the temp HP options they may still be fine.
TBH, I find it really frustrating to upcast Armor of Agathys and then have no one be able to hit me because my AC is too high...
And with the new wording any pool of temp hit points can keep it rolling so like a fiend in the thick of things where enemies are dying can keep it running. But yes if your Ac is too high its all moot.
While its true their Ac is low, with all the temp HP options they may still be fine.
TBH, I find it really frustrating to upcast Armor of Agathys and then have no one be able to hit me because my AC is too high...
I've been kicking around an idea for a barb/warlock to get resistance to melee damage and make those THP last longer, since AoA doesn't use conc. Reckless attack to give the enemy advantage, would solve the issue of too high of AC to get hit lol.
I also read the new spell as any THP keeping AoA active. Fiend THP wouldnt last long, but might give me an extra hit or two, particularly at lower levels.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Any time an unfathomably powerful entity sweeps in and offers godlike rewards in return for just a few teensy favors, it’s a scam. Unless it’s me. I’d never lie to you, reader dearest.
The meager AC makes Pact of the Blade unplayable to me. The main stat is Charisma which means Dex is probably at a 14 (as is Con because you may need to concentrate on a spell or two.) This means the Pact of the Blade is going toe-to-toe with an enemy at a 14 AC. It is a shame that you have to burn a Feat to boost the armor proficiency, but even at that, you do not get proficiency in shields and you are boosting a Stat you may not really wish to boost. But why wouldn't someone training in Medium or Heavy armor train in a shield? Someone who wishes to train in hide armor will never want to equip a shield and be proficient with it?
What is laughable is that the Wizard can train in Light Armor with the Lightly Armored Feat and get proficiency in shields. You mean the Wizard is such a stud that he can learn proficiency in light armor and shields in contrast to the Pact of the Blade who is DESIGNED to fight melee and somehow only learned proficiency in light armor sans shields? Even if the Wizard does not take this Feat, with Mage Armor and a 14 Dex, his AC is a superior 15 not counting the Shield spell he can cast to get a 20 AC when things get ugly, and he is not designed to get in melee. Meanwhile, the Pact of the Blade is the mole in Whack a Mole and is getting pummeled. And to take a precious Invocation with Armor of Shadows to bump your AC to equal a Wizard is ridiculous.
There is a flaw in the design if you are designed to multi-class into something else to be viable, IMO. Whoever play tested the Pact of the Blade at WoTC, I want to hear how they made their character survivable because I must be missing something. And good luck holding Concentration with a 14 AC because you are going to be rolling it almost every attack against you (they do think we can hold onto Hex for 8 hours, right? Pfffft.)
your main stat doesn't HAVE to be charisma. That's only necessary if you are planning to cast spells that hit things. if you are using things like hex, and eldritch smite, charisma is strictly optional Pump your dex, dual wield with finesse weapons and go to town.
So a Dexterity-based Pact of the Blade? I will have to think further on this how it will play out. But this seems to be going against the whole theme of the Warlock and Pact of the Blade. But yeah, your ranged attacks with Eldritch Blast and other damage spells do suffer. At this point, may as well just play a Fighter because the flavor of Warlock is gone. But that leaves a bad taste in my mouth because I do like the weapon ability along with EB, Hellish Rebuke, Armor of Agathys, Darkness with Devil Sight, Summon Fey, etc., which is an entirely different flavor from the Fighter. All I am asking for is a shield, or some better way to get the shield proficiency other than take the Light Armor Feat because taking the Feat for Medium armor will not get grant it.
Do you think this is really the intention WotC has in mind for a player who wishes to play a Warlock Pact of the Blade build? Do you think they ever play tested it this way?
While its true their Ac is low, with all the temp HP options they may still be fine.
TBH, I find it really frustrating to upcast Armor of Agathys and then have no one be able to hit me because my AC is too high...
I'd like to hear how you will get your AC too high on a pure Warlock build.
Also, Fiendish Vigor to get 12 THP costs you an action. You can continually feed into your THP to keep Armor of Agathys up (is 12 THP really going to do a whole lot after 4th level) but you will not be making any attacks that take an Action.
The meager AC makes Pact of the Blade unplayable to me. The main stat is Charisma which means Dex is probably at a 14 (as is Con because you may need to concentrate on a spell or two.) This means the Pact of the Blade is going toe-to-toe with an enemy at a 14 AC. It is a shame that you have to burn a Feat to boost the armor proficiency, but even at that, you do not get proficiency in shields and you are boosting a Stat you may not really wish to boost. But why wouldn't someone training in Medium or Heavy armor train in a shield? Someone who wishes to train in hide armor will never want to equip a shield and be proficient with it?
What is laughable is that the Wizard can train in Light Armor with the Lightly Armored Feat and get proficiency in shields. You mean the Wizard is such a stud that he can learn proficiency in light armor and shields in contrast to the Pact of the Blade who is DESIGNED to fight melee and somehow only learned proficiency in light armor sans shields? Even if the Wizard does not take this Feat, with Mage Armor and a 14 Dex, his AC is a superior 15 not counting the Shield spell he can cast to get a 20 AC when things get ugly, and he is not designed to get in melee. Meanwhile, the Pact of the Blade is the mole in Whack a Mole and is getting pummeled. And to take a precious Invocation with Armor of Shadows to bump your AC to equal a Wizard is ridiculous.
There is a flaw in the design if you are designed to multi-class into something else to be viable, IMO. Whoever play tested the Pact of the Blade at WoTC, I want to hear how they made their character survivable because I must be missing something. And good luck holding Concentration with a 14 AC because you are going to be rolling it almost every attack against you (they do think we can hold onto Hex for 8 hours, right? Pfffft.)
your main stat doesn't HAVE to be charisma. That's only necessary if you are planning to cast spells that hit things. if you are using things like hex, and eldritch smite, charisma is strictly optional Pump your dex, dual wield with finesse weapons and go to town.
So a Dexterity-based Pact of the Blade? I will have to think further on this how it will play out. But this seems to be going against the whole theme of the Warlock and Pact of the Blade. But yeah, your ranged attacks with Eldritch Blast and other damage spells do suffer. At this point, may as well just play a Fighter because the flavor of Warlock is gone. But that leaves a bad taste in my mouth because I do like the weapon ability along with EB, Hellish Rebuke, Armor of Agathys, Darkness with Devil Sight, Summon Fey, etc., which is an entirely different flavor from the Fighter. All I am asking for is a shield, or some better way to get the shield proficiency other than take the Light Armor Feat because taking the Feat for Medium armor will not get grant it.
Do you think this is really the intention WotC has in mind for a player who wishes to play a Warlock Pact of the Blade build? Do you think they ever play tested it this way?
given that melee feat support no longer allows you to be SAD and get melee feat support; yes.
AoA doesn't care about your cha score, Darkness/devil's sight doesnt care about your cha score, summon fey doesn't care about your cha score...
Any time an unfathomably powerful entity sweeps in and offers godlike rewards in return for just a few teensy favors, it’s a scam. Unless it’s me. I’d never lie to you, reader dearest.
While its true their Ac is low, with all the temp HP options they may still be fine.
TBH, I find it really frustrating to upcast Armor of Agathys and then have no one be able to hit me because my AC is too high...
I'd like to hear how you will get your AC too high on a pure Warlock build.
Also, Fiendish Vigor to get 12 THP costs you an action. You can continually feed into your THP to keep Armor of Agathys up (is 12 THP really going to do a whole lot after 4th level) but you will not be making any attacks that take an Action.
4th level take medium armor prof, you now have a 17 assuming no magical armor, maintain concentration on a defensive spell, heck blade ward makes it 18-21, for a lot of levels you will be missed a lot. Go dex as a main stat and mage armor gets you to 18 as would studded leather+1(19-21 with blade ward), go with darkness/devils sight, mirror image, a fey lock at level 6 gets misty escape which will frequently reduce you to one hit in a attack chain, and maybe the rest of the round. Eventually at high enough levels enemies just hit and hit all the time outside the most min maxed Ac builds, but at that level your point is moot.
MyDudeicus: That is interesting. I just have a hard time going against the whole Charisma flavor of the Warlock, but I suppose I will have to look at a Dexterity build but I cannot shake that I lose a lot of the Warlock flair by doing that and may as well go Fighter.
crzyhawk: I listed those spells to show the flavor I want to play instead of playing a regular Fighter as per my comment "may as well play a Fighter..." You are correct not all are based on a Charisma score.
So for sh!ts and giggles, I tried recreating my 2014 warlock using the 2024 rules.
The character is 7th level, pact of the blade, hexblade patron, Levistus tiefling.
Overall, the builds are pretty equal; in terms of spells available, the 2024 version is superior thanks to origin feats and the improved patron spells. DDB current bugs aside (it's not correctly calculating the attack modifier for the 2024 warlock's pact weapon), there are only two big problems.
First is armor class. Warlock's only have training in light armor, and in building the 2024 version, I couldn't even choose the Moderately Armored feat (I don't know if that's a bug or a genuine design choice). So even with mage armor, a warlock with decent dexterity is going to have a bad AC - around 15, which is less than ideal if you want to be a melee warlock. The good news is that I was able to manually add in training for shields and medium armor, but that would ultimately be something the DM would have to approve. But using the 2024 RAW: a warlock's AC is going to be bad.
Second is that Improved Pact Weapon is not available as an invocation for the 2024 build. This reduces the attack and damage modifier for the pact weapon by 1 compared to the 2014 build. Granted, that's relatively minor compared to the poor AC, but it's still a weakening.
I find it irksome that you cannot have a ranged pact weapon. As Improved pact weapon allowed you to do that. Granted, some may ask "Why not use Eldritch Bast?", but I liked trying to build Longbow builds for each class. And Honestly, a ranged weapon user sounds better for a spellcaster class.
Yeah, the (currrent) inability to choose the Improved Pact Weapon invocation makes a big impact on the character.
I noticed this as well, as I am playing a Vengeance Paladin + Celestial Warlock (will be adding Echo Knight to it a bit later) and to my irritation noticed that IPW is gone. People online are going "who cares" and well, as someone swinging a massive FU greatsword, I do. That extra damage helps in Curse of Strahd and making my sword my casting focus removes any issues (don't need to get into the pedantic "I take one hand off my weapon to cast").
While its true their Ac is low, with all the temp HP options they may still be fine. At level 4 you can take medium armor proficiency, if you multi class and your level 1 gets medium or heavy and a shield you got it as well. My personal opinion on the lock is they should not get light armor but armor of shadows(I would not make it a spell, make it a unique ritual that is basically the same) should be a base class feature with invocations making it more tanky.
One thing that hurts the Bladelock is splitting Shield proficiency from Medium Armor - now it takes two feats or a multiclass dip. And while I am not opposed to multiclassing, it should never feel like a requirement.
I think each of the armor feats should include shield, so if you got medium without shield taking heavy gets you heavy and shield same with light to medium. That being said I'm not sure its a big knock balance wise on the lock as they could go two handed instead, and likely would as damage is usually better than AC. It can suck thematically for a lock though who wanted one handed and a shield.
The meager AC makes Pact of the Blade unplayable to me. The main stat is Charisma which means Dex is probably at a 14 (as is Con because you may need to concentrate on a spell or two.) This means the Pact of the Blade is going toe-to-toe with an enemy at a 14 AC. It is a shame that you have to burn a Feat to boost the armor proficiency, but even at that, you do not get proficiency in shields and you are boosting a Stat you may not really wish to boost. But why wouldn't someone training in Medium or Heavy armor train in a shield? Someone who wishes to train in hide armor will never want to equip a shield and be proficient with it?
What is laughable is that the Wizard can train in Light Armor with the Lightly Armored Feat and get proficiency in shields. You mean the Wizard is such a stud that he can learn proficiency in light armor and shields in contrast to the Pact of the Blade who is DESIGNED to fight melee and somehow only learned proficiency in light armor sans shields? Even if the Wizard does not take this Feat, with Mage Armor and a 14 Dex, his AC is a superior 15 not counting the Shield spell he can cast to get a 20 AC when things get ugly, and he is not designed to get in melee. Meanwhile, the Pact of the Blade is the mole in Whack a Mole and is getting pummeled. And to take a precious Invocation with Armor of Shadows to bump your AC to equal a Wizard is ridiculous.
There is a flaw in the design if you are designed to multi-class into something else to be viable, IMO. Whoever play tested the Pact of the Blade at WoTC, I want to hear how they made their character survivable because I must be missing something. And good luck holding Concentration with a 14 AC because you are going to be rolling it almost every attack against you (they do think we can hold onto Hex for 8 hours, right? Pfffft.)
I dont like that either. You can make the argument that /magic/ longbows are not forbidden.
Any time an unfathomably powerful entity sweeps in and offers godlike rewards in return for just a few teensy favors, it’s a scam. Unless it’s me. I’d never lie to you, reader dearest.
your main stat doesn't HAVE to be charisma. That's only necessary if you are planning to cast spells that hit things. if you are using things like hex, and eldritch smite, charisma is strictly optional Pump your dex, dual wield with finesse weapons and go to town.
Any time an unfathomably powerful entity sweeps in and offers godlike rewards in return for just a few teensy favors, it’s a scam. Unless it’s me. I’d never lie to you, reader dearest.
THIS. And when you consider most campaigns either end/fizzle out by 10th level - if they even reach that - waiting until 8th level to have a decent AC means bladelock isn't a good choice for the 2024 rules.
TBH, I find it really frustrating to upcast Armor of Agathys and then have no one be able to hit me because my AC is too high...
Active characters:
Carric Aquissar, elven wannabe artist in his deconstructionist period (Archfey warlock)
Mardan Ferres, elven private investigator obsessed with that one unsolved murder (Assassin rogue)
Xhekhetiel, halfling survivor of a Betrayer Gods cult (Runechild sorcerer/fighter)
And with the new wording any pool of temp hit points can keep it rolling so like a fiend in the thick of things where enemies are dying can keep it running. But yes if your Ac is too high its all moot.
I've been kicking around an idea for a barb/warlock to get resistance to melee damage and make those THP last longer, since AoA doesn't use conc. Reckless attack to give the enemy advantage, would solve the issue of too high of AC to get hit lol.
I also read the new spell as any THP keeping AoA active. Fiend THP wouldnt last long, but might give me an extra hit or two, particularly at lower levels.
Any time an unfathomably powerful entity sweeps in and offers godlike rewards in return for just a few teensy favors, it’s a scam. Unless it’s me. I’d never lie to you, reader dearest.
So a Dexterity-based Pact of the Blade? I will have to think further on this how it will play out. But this seems to be going against the whole theme of the Warlock and Pact of the Blade. But yeah, your ranged attacks with Eldritch Blast and other damage spells do suffer. At this point, may as well just play a Fighter because the flavor of Warlock is gone. But that leaves a bad taste in my mouth because I do like the weapon ability along with EB, Hellish Rebuke, Armor of Agathys, Darkness with Devil Sight, Summon Fey, etc., which is an entirely different flavor from the Fighter. All I am asking for is a shield, or some better way to get the shield proficiency other than take the Light Armor Feat because taking the Feat for Medium armor will not get grant it.
Do you think this is really the intention WotC has in mind for a player who wishes to play a Warlock Pact of the Blade build? Do you think they ever play tested it this way?
I'd like to hear how you will get your AC too high on a pure Warlock build.
Also, Fiendish Vigor to get 12 THP costs you an action. You can continually feed into your THP to keep Armor of Agathys up (is 12 THP really going to do a whole lot after 4th level) but you will not be making any attacks that take an Action.
given that melee feat support no longer allows you to be SAD and get melee feat support; yes.
AoA doesn't care about your cha score, Darkness/devil's sight doesnt care about your cha score, summon fey doesn't care about your cha score...
Any time an unfathomably powerful entity sweeps in and offers godlike rewards in return for just a few teensy favors, it’s a scam. Unless it’s me. I’d never lie to you, reader dearest.
4th level take medium armor prof, you now have a 17 assuming no magical armor, maintain concentration on a defensive spell, heck blade ward makes it 18-21, for a lot of levels you will be missed a lot. Go dex as a main stat and mage armor gets you to 18 as would studded leather+1(19-21 with blade ward), go with darkness/devils sight, mirror image, a fey lock at level 6 gets misty escape which will frequently reduce you to one hit in a attack chain, and maybe the rest of the round. Eventually at high enough levels enemies just hit and hit all the time outside the most min maxed Ac builds, but at that level your point is moot.
MyDudeicus: That is interesting. I just have a hard time going against the whole Charisma flavor of the Warlock, but I suppose I will have to look at a Dexterity build but I cannot shake that I lose a lot of the Warlock flair by doing that and may as well go Fighter.
crzyhawk: I listed those spells to show the flavor I want to play instead of playing a regular Fighter as per my comment "may as well play a Fighter..." You are correct not all are based on a Charisma score.
...many subclass features are based on the Charisma score. Going Dex means you lose a lot of flavor. :(