the 2104 Necromance ris still viable and comp[atible, If a subclass/spell/feature etc has not been REWRITTNE it is still compatible and CORE, for all intents and purposes. 2014 Necromance ris still viable, Swashbuckle rofr Thieve sis sitll viable, the wer enot taken away, they jsut havent given them the 2024 treatment yet.
problem is, you have to then also PURCHASE the 2014 PHB. so what spells will you use? legacy or 2024 versions? kind of freaken pointless if you wanted to do just 2024 version of the game.
Anyone who is new to DND and starting with 2024 isn’t going to be worried about the necromancer subclass. If the first book they purchased was PHB2024 then they aren’t going to purchase 2014 for the old subclasses. The lack of a necromancer update is a problem for players making the transition. But it’s not a problem because old subclass still works with the 2024 wizard. You use the newest spells.
Anyone who is just now switching to dndbeyond, but use to play pen and paper is probably okay sticking to pen and paper. That is a very small number of people who played pen and paper necromancer or wanted to play a just wanted to play necromancer in 2014 and now are switching to dndbeyond for 2024 that only own physical books for 2014. I’m pretty sure they would have no problem continuing to play pen and paper. Or honestly they could add the 2014 necromancer to dndbeyond homebrew. Its features aren’t even that hard to replicate. It would take them less than 30 mins to do it.
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the 2104 Necromance ris still viable and comp[atible, If a subclass/spell/feature etc has not been REWRITTNE it is still compatible and CORE, for all intents and purposes. 2014 Necromance ris still viable, Swashbuckle rofr Thieve sis sitll viable, the wer enot taken away, they jsut havent given them the 2024 treatment yet.
problem is, you have to then also PURCHASE the 2014 PHB. so what spells will you use? legacy or 2024 versions? kind of freaken pointless if you wanted to do just 2024 version of the game.
Anyone who is new to DND and starting with 2024 isn’t going to be worried about the necromancer subclass. If the first book they purchased was PHB2024 then they aren’t going to purchase 2014 for the old subclasses. The lack of a necromancer update is a problem for players making the transition. But it’s not a problem because old subclass still works with the 2024 wizard. You use the newest spells.
if you only have the 2024 PHB in Beyond then you are not going to have access to the legacy schools.
Anyone who is just now switching to dndbeyond, but use to play pen and paper is probably okay sticking to pen and paper. That is a very small number of people who played pen and paper necromancer or wanted to play a just wanted to play necromancer in 2014 and now are switching to dndbeyond for 2024 that only own physical books for 2014. I’m pretty sure they would have no problem continuing to play pen and paper. Or honestly they could add the 2014 necromancer to dndbeyond homebrew. Its features aren’t even that hard to replicate. It would take them less than 30 mins to do it.