Welcome to the Support Thread for Player’s Handbook!
If you find any issues with the content from the sourcebook, or using it on a D&D Beyond character, please search the thread (Search form) before posting in this thread.
The 2024 Player’s Handbook allows you to create compelling characters with optimized rules, updated spells and equipment, and expanded player options. With an improved layout and organization, you have all the information you need right at your fingertips. Your adventure begins now!
Syncing Entitlements
If you don’t see any of the content from the book (preorder bonuses or otherwise), please be sure to resync your entitlements. You can do so by following these steps:
We now support Active Character Effects - or an effect that triggers effects for a period of time. Here’s an example of it, using Rage:
This is currently only available for the 2024 character options, though we intend to update the older character options over time with this functionality.
Brand new to the 2024 Player's Handbook, comes Weapon Mastery - a way for martial characters with the Weapon Mastery feature (or characters that have the 2024 Weapon Master feat) to unlock usage of mastery properties. To signify a weapon that qualifies for Weapon Mastery, we’ve included a special icon next to any weapon that qualifies - regardless of whether it’s a base weapon or a magic weapon:
However, if you do not have the mastery property unlocked for a weapon, its mastery property won’t appear when you click onto the item:
As the new classes are backwards compatible - we’ve ensured that all the previous subclasses from books published by Wizards of the Coast work without any issues for the 2024 classes.
Furthermore - it’s included with the book they originally appear in - and will be granted to the owners of those books retroactively.
Just as a note - you’ll note that many subclasses that have been published by our various Partners do not appear for the 2024 classes. We’re working with them to update their content for the new rules, but do not have an ETA for those releases.
All of the 2024 Spells have been created as brand new entities. Any spell that has been updated in the 2024 Player's Handbook now have the Legacy tag on DDB. Please note that you will need to enable the Legacy toggle in the character builder to see the 2014 versions of the spells.
Characters that select a 2014 class will be able to see and access both 2014 and 2024 versions of every spell that was updated in the 2024 Player's Handbook. Characters that select a 2024 class will only see the updated versions of the 2024 spell (as well as spells from other source materials).
As with Spells, we’ve created brand new entities for each of the 2024 equipment - with the exception of armor and weapons (especially as our system relies on the existing weapons and armor for Magic Items). All of the 2014 versions of equipment that have been updated in the 2024 Player's Handbook now have the Legacy tag.
With the release of the Player’s Handbook - there’s now a new approach to character building, and as such, we’ve updated the Character Builder!
Character building now starts with choosing your Class, followed by your Background, followed by Species.
We’ve given the character builder some much needed organizational improvements. Now, whenever you see content laid out or otherwise organized in the Character Builder or Character Sheet, you’ll see that we’ve broken things out into categories (which match the toggles from the image above).
When you combine a 2024 Species option with a 2014 Background - you run the risk of not having any Ability Score Improvement as part of your leveling process. We’ve set up guardrails when using official content - if you pick the above combination, you’ll be provided with the ability to increase one score by 2 and a different one by 1, or increase three scores by 1.
While 2014 Backgrounds are intended to offer an Origin feat of your choice (if they don’t already offer a Feat) - we intend to address this post-launch.
Unfortunately the Custom Background portion of the character builder do not provide the added benefits that Backgrounds now receive (an Origin feat and an Ability Score Improvement). We’re working on updating this functionality - but there’s no ETA for this yet.
There are 12 classes (each with 4 subclasses) included with the Player’s Handbook.
Rage is now officially supported. To activate it, click on the Feature and select "Activate Rage".
Primal Knowledge. While the system isn’t able to perform this automatically when Rage is activated, you can manually override it on the character sheet:
Relentless Rage. We do not currently have a way of tracking the escalating DCs for each subsequent failure.
Indomitable Might. We do not currently have a way to set a minimum value for dice rolls.
Path of the World Tree. We do not currently have a way of supporting Vitality Surge automatically granting Temporary Hit Points when you enter a Rage.
Backwards Compatible Subclasses:
Path of the Ancestral Guardian - Xanathar's Guide to Everything
Path of the Battlerager - Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide
Path of the Beast - Tasha's Cauldron of Everything
Path of the Giant - Bigby Presents: Glory of the Giants
Path of the Storm Herald - Xanathar's Guide to Everything
Path of Wild Magic - Tasha's Cauldron of Everything
Lore Bard - Magical Discoveries. This will allow you to pick from spells that you may not normally pick from - please note that those spells won't appear until you reach the appropriate level.
Backwards Compatible Subclasses:
College of Creation - Tasha's Cauldron of Everything
College of Eloquence - Tasha's Cauldron of Everything
College of Spirits - Van Richten's Guide to Ravenloft
College of Swords - Xanathar's Guide to Everything
College of Whispers - Xanathar's Guide to Everything
Spellcasting. The new method of Spellcasting for spellcasters that can change their spells after finishing a Long Rest is supported! Going forward, the number of spells that a Cleric can prepare is no longer tied to their Wisdom + Cleric spell level.
Sear Undead. We do not have a way of representing a number of dice equal to your Wisdom modifier. We've added this as an action/attack on the character sheet - please roll as much as needed.
Greater Divine Intervention. We don't have a great way to provide support for this particular feature - so the Wish spell has been added as a single-use casting so that you may track it accordingly.
Life Domain Cleric - Supreme Healing. We do not have a way to automatically maximize values when rolling dice on the character sheet.
War Domain Cleric - War God's Blessing. We do not have a way to remove Concentration from a spell through a class feature.
Backwards Compatible Subclasses. Please note that these subclasses have been updated to adhere to receive their features starting at level 3, and the Blessed Strikes/Potent Spellcasting feature has been cut.
Arcana Domain - Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide
Death Domain - Dungeon Master's Guide (2014)
Forge Domain - Xanathar's Guide to Everything
Grave Domain - Xanathar's Guide to Everything
Knowledge Domain - Player's Handbook (2014)
Nature Domain - Player's Handbook (2014)
Order Domain - Tasha's Cauldron of Everything
Peace Domain - Tasha's Cauldron of Everything
Tempest Domain - Player's Handbook (2014)
Twilight Domain - Tasha's Cauldron of Everything
Spellcasting. The Druid's spellcasting is supported! See the note above for Clerics.
Wild Shape. The existing Wild Shape has been renamed to Wild Shape (2014). We are currently unable to support the Wild Shape rules presented in the 2024 Player's Handbook. To avoid confusion, we have avoided creating a 2024 version of the Wild Shape extras section.
Wild Resurgence. We are unable to automate this - you can manually restore one use of Wild Shape by clicking on one of the Limited Use checkboxes.
Elemental Fury - Primal Strike. We're unable to have this feature appear on a stat block within the character sheet. We've added it as an action so that you can still roll it.
Improved Elemental Fury - Potent Spellcasting. We're unable to support adding an increase in a spell's range for a specific class's spells.
Circle of the Moon Druid - Circle Forms. We're currently unable to support any automation of this feature - the character sheet has an action and the snippets should provide all of the relevant information.
Circle of the Moon Druid - Lunar Radiance/Improved Lunar Radiance. We're unable to add attacks/actions to stat blocks on the character sheet. We've added this to the list of actions so that you can still roll it with dice and reference it (as needed).
Circle of the Sea Druid - Wrath of the Sea. Entering this form is supported! To enter this form, click on the feature under Features and Traits and select Activate Wrath of the Sea from the dropdown.
Circle of the Stars - Starry Form. Entering the Starry Form is supported! The Dragon Constellation is not supported as we're unable to set minimum values for die rolls.
Backwards Compatible Subclasses. Please note that these subclasses have been updated to adhere to receive their features starting at level 3.
Circle of Dreams - Xanathar's Guide to Everything
Circle of Spores - Tasha's Cauldron of Everything / Guildmaster's Guide to Ravnica
Circle of the Shephard - Xanathar's Guide to Everything
Circle of Wildfire - Tasha's Cauldron of Everything
Indomitable. We don't have a straightforward way that allows you to reroll a saving throw with an increased bonus.
Champion Fighter - Improved Critical & Superior Critical. We don't have a way of increasing your effective Critical Hit range on the character sheet.
Martial Arts. We don't have a method of disambiguating the Martial Arts granted by the 2014 Monk and the one from the 2024 Monk. As such, all Monks will temporarily match the 2024 Monk's Martial Arts Die until we’re able to fix this.
Monk's Focus. Unfortunately, we aren’t able to support the spending of Focus Points to fuel other features (such as Flurry of Blows). You will need to keep track of your Focus Points manually and spend them when appropriate.
Warrior of the Elements Monk - Elemental Attunement. Entering this form is supported! However, we are unable to support the increase of your Unarmed Strike's reach.
Backwards Compatible Subclasses:
Way of the Ascendant Dragon - Fizban's Treasury of Dragons
Way of the Astral Self - Tasha's Cauldron of Everything
Way of the Drunken Master - Xanathar's Guide to Everything
Way of the Kensei - Xanathar's Guide to Everything
Way of the Long Death - Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide
Way of the Sun Soul - Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide / Xanathar's Guide to Everything
Faithful Steed. While this feature will add the Find Steed spell to your Paladin, please note that the scaling stat block presented by the spell is not supported in the character sheet. We’ve included it as part of the spell's description.
Paladin Oaths - Level 20 Features. All of the Level 20 features for a Paladin's Oath subclass are supported! All you have to do is click on the respective feature in Features and Traits, and select the Activate option.
Oath of Devotion Paladin - Sacred Weapon. We're currently unable to support this feature.
Backwards Compatible Subclasses:
Oath of Conquest - Xanathar's Guide to Everything
Oath of Redemption - Xanathar's Guide to Everything
Oath of the Crown - Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide
Oath of the Watchers - Tasha's Cauldron of Everything
Oathbreaker - Dungeon Master's Guide (2014)
Favored Enemy. Please note that the tracking/expending uses for this feature can be found under the Limited Use section (or the feature itself) section of the Character Sheet.
Foe Slayer. This is unsupported as we are unable to change the damage die of Hunter's Mark from 1d6 to 1d10.
Beast Master Ranger - We are unable to support the various Beast stat blocks as stat blocks within the Extras section. To ensure that you can still utilize the Beast Master's features, we've set up each of the stat blocks as bespoke Actions on the character sheet - that way you can still see all of the relevant information, track HP, and the like.
Fey Wanderer Ranger - Fey Reinforcements. We’re unable to support the Summon Fey's scaling stat block - however we have included the stat block as part of the spell's description.
Backwards Compatible Subclasses:
Drakewarden - Fizban's Treasury of Dragons
Horizon Walker - Xanathar's Guide to Everything
Monster Slayer - Xanathar's Guide to Everything
Swarmkeeper - Tasha's Cauldron of Everything
Cunning Strike. We do not have a way that allows us to reduce the amount of dice that an action has.
Reliable Talent. This is unsupported as we do not have a method of setting minimum values for die rolls.
Arcane Trickster - Spell Thief. This is unsupported.
Assassin Rogue - Assassin's Tools. We do not have a way to automatically grant items as part of a class feature. You can add these items manually.
Aberrant Sorcery Sorcerer - Revelation in Flesh. Due to being able to potentially add all 4 options (as its dependent on the amount of Sorcery Points you spend), all 4 options are available from the sheet at the start. Please only pick a number equal to the Sorcery Points you spend.
Clockwork Sorcery Sorcerer - Trance of Order. This is unsupported as we do not have a method of setting minimum values for die rolls.
Draconic Sorcery Sorcerer - Elemental Affinity. This is partially supported. We’re unable to support the increase to damage for a specific subset of spells.
Draconic Sorcery Sorcerer - Dragon Companion. We’re unable to support the Summon Dragon's scaling stat block - however we have included the stat block as part of the spell's description.
Backwards Compatible Subclasses. Please note that these subclasses have been updated to adhere to receive their features starting at level 3.
Divine Soul - Xanathar's Guide to Everything
Lunar Sorcery - Dragonlance: Shadow of the Dragon Queen
Warlock Invocations. There are a number of Warlock Invocations that are currently unsupported:
Agonizing Blast - This is currently only supported for the Eldritch Blast cantrip.
Eldritch Smite - This is unsupported.
Eldritch Spear - This is unsupported as we’re not able to add a variable increase to a spell’s range.
Fiendish Vigor - This is partially supported as we're able to add the False Life spell but are unable to enforce maximum values on it.
Investment of the Chain Master - This is unsupported as we are unable to affect stat block traits on the character sheet.
Lessons of the First Ones - This is partially supported - while we're able to provide you a choice of Origin feats, we're unable to make have a class feature be repeatable.This is now supported!
Lifedrinker - This is partially supported as we're able to represent the damage, but we're not able to allow you to roll Hit Dice outside of a Short Rest.
Pact of the Blade - This is currently unsupported.This is now supported!
Repelling Blast - This is unsupported as we're unable to support targeting single spells and we're unable to support repeatable Class Features.
Legacy Warlock - Legacy Warlock Invocations aren't supported for the 2024 Warlock. We're working on supporting backward compatibility for Legacy Invocations, but we don't have an ETA.
Great Old One Patron - Create Thrall. We’re unable to support the Summon Aberration's scaling stat block - however we have included the stat block as part of the spell's description.
Backwards Compatible Subclasses. Please note that these subclasses have been updated to adhere to receive their features starting at level 3.
The Fathomless - Tasha's Cauldron of Everything
The Genie - Tasha's Cauldron of Everything
The Hexblade - Xanathar's Guide to Everything
The Undead - Van Richten's Guide to Ravenloft
The Undying - Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide
Memorize Spell. To use this feature after you finish a Short Rest, unprepare one of your level 1+ spells and replace it with a separate one.
Spell Mastery & Signature Spell. This is currently unsupported and allows you to pick from any spell on the Wizard spell list - not just ones from your spellbook.
Wizard Subclasses. Each of the Wizard subclasses presented has a level 3 feature that allows you to pick 2 spells from a specific school of magic, and then at odd-numbered levels, you receive an additional one for free. Unfortunately, we're unable to support the latter half (subsequent free spells), so you will need to add them manually whenever you reach the appropriate level.
Evoker Wizard - Empowered Evocation. We're currently unable to support the addition of Intelligence to specific groups of spells.
Illusionist Wizard - Phantasmal creatures. We’re unable to support the Summon Beast and Summon Fey's scaling stat blocks - however we have included the stat block as part of the spell's description.
Backwards Compatible Subclasses. Please note that these subclasses have been updated to adhere to receive their features starting at level 3.
School of Transmutation - Player's Handbook (2014)
War Magic - Xanathar's Guide to Everything
Backgrounds providing Ability Scores are fully supported; however they're unavailable for use within Homebrew.
The Aasimar and Goliath species options both contain a version of Active Character effects which are currently unsupported in the character sheet. We hope to add support for this soon.
I was making a new ranger. At level 2, it gives the option to choose a fighting style feat, but then there was no drop down menu to actually choose the style/feat.
Is the PHB 2024 supposed to show on the updated mobile app? I see it on the Web site but I just updated the Mobile app and it only shows the 2024 free rules or the 2014 PHB (I’m signed into the same account as the on the Web). I don’t only mean it doesn’t show that I purchased the 2024 PHB, I mean it’s not listed on the Library/All screen at all.
i cant seem to go into the players handbook from the Character Builder when i search for it in the library i can see that ive got it i just cant seem to access it
I’m so glad I’m not the only one who’s having this issue. If it’s not on the mobile app, then why update it and not allow me access to my already owned AND downloaded books?
I am a Master tier subscriber with the pre-order bonus. I can see the 2024 PHB, but don't have the book options available to me in the character builder. I only have the free 2024 content available in the character builder. I do have the legacy content, just not for example the druid or monk from 2024.
As far as I can tell, under each 2024 Class, there doesn't seem to be levels listed for when you get each subclass feature. I haven't tried building a character in the DnD Beyond character builder yet, but reading through each class and subclass is very confusing without knowing when that subclass gains access to each of their features.
I own the new PHB and have the highest tier sub. I can read the new book but when I went to test the character creator it only shows 4 classes. Where are the rest of them?
Bug Report: I am unable to add existing Homebrew subclasses to characters using the 2024 Classes, even if I make sure no options are added until level 3.
I have master tier, but all I'm getting are the free options, and only have access to Rogue, Cleric, Fighter, and Wizard. Not to mention none of the subclasses, and when I try to make a character with the updated rules I'm unable to use any of the subclasses I've previously purchased (EX: when trying to make a fighter with new rules, my only option is champion, despite owning the new PHB and having both echo Knight and rune knight.) This is obnoxious, I thought this was back compatible?
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Welcome to the Support Thread for Player’s Handbook!
If you find any issues with the content from the sourcebook, or using it on a D&D Beyond character, please search the thread (Search form) before posting in this thread.
The 2024 Player’s Handbook allows you to create compelling characters with optimized rules, updated spells and equipment, and expanded player options. With an improved layout and organization, you have all the information you need right at your fingertips. Your adventure begins now!
Syncing Entitlements
If you don’t see any of the content from the book (preorder bonuses or otherwise), please be sure to resync your entitlements. You can do so by following these steps:
Once completed, your content should appear! If you experience any issues with accessing your content please reach out to our Support Team.
We now support Active Character Effects - or an effect that triggers effects for a period of time. Here’s an example of it, using Rage:
This is currently only available for the 2024 character options, though we intend to update the older character options over time with this functionality.
Brand new to the 2024 Player's Handbook, comes Weapon Mastery - a way for martial characters with the Weapon Mastery feature (or characters that have the 2024 Weapon Master feat) to unlock usage of mastery properties. To signify a weapon that qualifies for Weapon Mastery, we’ve included a special icon next to any weapon that qualifies - regardless of whether it’s a base weapon or a magic weapon:
However, if you do not have the mastery property unlocked for a weapon, its mastery property won’t appear when you click onto the item:
As the new classes are backwards compatible - we’ve ensured that all the previous subclasses from books published by Wizards of the Coast work without any issues for the 2024 classes.
Just as a note - you’ll note that many subclasses that have been published by our various Partners do not appear for the 2024 classes. We’re working with them to update their content for the new rules, but do not have an ETA for those releases.
All of the 2024 Spells have been created as brand new entities. Any spell that has been updated in the 2024 Player's Handbook now have the Legacy tag on DDB. Please note that you will need to enable the Legacy toggle in the character builder to see the 2014 versions of the spells.
Characters that select a 2014 class will be able to see and access both 2014 and 2024 versions of every spell that was updated in the 2024 Player's Handbook. Characters that select a 2024 class will only see the updated versions of the 2024 spell (as well as spells from other source materials).
As with Spells, we’ve created brand new entities for each of the 2024 equipment - with the exception of armor and weapons (especially as our system relies on the existing weapons and armor for Magic Items). All of the 2014 versions of equipment that have been updated in the 2024 Player's Handbook now have the Legacy tag.
With the release of the Player’s Handbook - there’s now a new approach to character building, and as such, we’ve updated the Character Builder!
Character building now starts with choosing your Class, followed by your Background, followed by Species.
We’ve given the character builder some much needed organizational improvements. Now, whenever you see content laid out or otherwise organized in the Character Builder or Character Sheet, you’ll see that we’ve broken things out into categories (which match the toggles from the image above).
When you combine a 2024 Species option with a 2014 Background - you run the risk of not having any Ability Score Improvement as part of your leveling process. We’ve set up guardrails when using official content - if you pick the above combination, you’ll be provided with the ability to increase one score by 2 and a different one by 1, or increase three scores by 1.
While 2014 Backgrounds are intended to offer an Origin feat of your choice (if they don’t already offer a Feat) - we intend to address this post-launch.
Unfortunately the Custom Background portion of the character builder do not provide the added benefits that Backgrounds now receive (an Origin feat and an Ability Score Improvement). We’re working on updating this functionality - but there’s no ETA for this yet.
There are 12 classes (each with 4 subclasses) included with the Player’s Handbook.
Rage is now officially supported. To activate it, click on the Feature and select "Activate Rage".
Primal Knowledge. While the system isn’t able to perform this automatically when Rage is activated, you can manually override it on the character sheet:
Relentless Rage. We do not currently have a way of tracking the escalating DCs for each subsequent failure.
Indomitable Might. We do not currently have a way to set a minimum value for dice rolls.
Path of the World Tree. We do not currently have a way of supporting Vitality Surge automatically granting Temporary Hit Points when you enter a Rage.
Backwards Compatible Subclasses:
Lore Bard - Magical Discoveries. This will allow you to pick from spells that you may not normally pick from - please note that those spells won't appear until you reach the appropriate level.
Backwards Compatible Subclasses:
Spellcasting. The new method of Spellcasting for spellcasters that can change their spells after finishing a Long Rest is supported! Going forward, the number of spells that a Cleric can prepare is no longer tied to their Wisdom + Cleric spell level.
Sear Undead. We do not have a way of representing a number of dice equal to your Wisdom modifier. We've added this as an action/attack on the character sheet - please roll as much as needed.
Greater Divine Intervention. We don't have a great way to provide support for this particular feature - so the Wish spell has been added as a single-use casting so that you may track it accordingly.
Life Domain Cleric - Supreme Healing. We do not have a way to automatically maximize values when rolling dice on the character sheet.
War Domain Cleric - War God's Blessing. We do not have a way to remove Concentration from a spell through a class feature.
Backwards Compatible Subclasses. Please note that these subclasses have been updated to adhere to receive their features starting at level 3, and the Blessed Strikes/Potent Spellcasting feature has been cut.
Spellcasting. The Druid's spellcasting is supported! See the note above for Clerics.
Wild Shape. The existing Wild Shape has been renamed to Wild Shape (2014). We are currently unable to support the Wild Shape rules presented in the 2024 Player's Handbook. To avoid confusion, we have avoided creating a 2024 version of the Wild Shape extras section.
Wild Resurgence. We are unable to automate this - you can manually restore one use of Wild Shape by clicking on one of the Limited Use checkboxes.
Elemental Fury - Primal Strike. We're unable to have this feature appear on a stat block within the character sheet. We've added it as an action so that you can still roll it.
Improved Elemental Fury - Potent Spellcasting. We're unable to support adding an increase in a spell's range for a specific class's spells.
Circle of the Moon Druid - Circle Forms. We're currently unable to support any automation of this feature - the character sheet has an action and the snippets should provide all of the relevant information.
Circle of the Moon Druid - Lunar Radiance/Improved Lunar Radiance. We're unable to add attacks/actions to stat blocks on the character sheet. We've added this to the list of actions so that you can still roll it with dice and reference it (as needed).
Circle of the Sea Druid - Wrath of the Sea. Entering this form is supported! To enter this form, click on the feature under Features and Traits and select Activate Wrath of the Sea from the dropdown.
Circle of the Stars - Starry Form. Entering the Starry Form is supported! The Dragon Constellation is not supported as we're unable to set minimum values for die rolls.
Backwards Compatible Subclasses. Please note that these subclasses have been updated to adhere to receive their features starting at level 3.
Indomitable. We don't have a straightforward way that allows you to reroll a saving throw with an increased bonus.
Champion Fighter - Improved Critical & Superior Critical. We don't have a way of increasing your effective Critical Hit range on the character sheet.
Backwards Compatible Subclasses:
Martial Arts. We don't have a method of disambiguating the Martial Arts granted by the 2014 Monk and the one from the 2024 Monk. As such, all Monks will temporarily match the 2024 Monk's Martial Arts Die until we’re able to fix this.
Monk's Focus. Unfortunately, we aren’t able to support the spending of Focus Points to fuel other features (such as Flurry of Blows). You will need to keep track of your Focus Points manually and spend them when appropriate.
Warrior of the Elements Monk - Elemental Attunement. Entering this form is supported! However, we are unable to support the increase of your Unarmed Strike's reach.
Backwards Compatible Subclasses:
Faithful Steed. While this feature will add the Find Steed spell to your Paladin, please note that the scaling stat block presented by the spell is not supported in the character sheet. We’ve included it as part of the spell's description.
Paladin Oaths - Level 20 Features. All of the Level 20 features for a Paladin's Oath subclass are supported! All you have to do is click on the respective feature in Features and Traits, and select the Activate option.
Oath of Devotion Paladin - Sacred Weapon. We're currently unable to support this feature.
Backwards Compatible Subclasses:
Favored Enemy. Please note that the tracking/expending uses for this feature can be found under the Limited Use section (or the feature itself) section of the Character Sheet.
Foe Slayer. This is unsupported as we are unable to change the damage die of Hunter's Mark from 1d6 to 1d10.
Beast Master Ranger - We are unable to support the various Beast stat blocks as stat blocks within the Extras section. To ensure that you can still utilize the Beast Master's features, we've set up each of the stat blocks as bespoke Actions on the character sheet - that way you can still see all of the relevant information, track HP, and the like.
Fey Wanderer Ranger - Fey Reinforcements. We’re unable to support the Summon Fey's scaling stat block - however we have included the stat block as part of the spell's description.
Backwards Compatible Subclasses:
Cunning Strike. We do not have a way that allows us to reduce the amount of dice that an action has.
Reliable Talent. This is unsupported as we do not have a method of setting minimum values for die rolls.
Arcane Trickster - Spell Thief. This is unsupported.
Assassin Rogue - Assassin's Tools. We do not have a way to automatically grant items as part of a class feature. You can add these items manually.
Backwards Compatible Subclasses:
Innate Sorcery. This is supported!
Aberrant Sorcery Sorcerer - Revelation in Flesh. Due to being able to potentially add all 4 options (as its dependent on the amount of Sorcery Points you spend), all 4 options are available from the sheet at the start. Please only pick a number equal to the Sorcery Points you spend.
Clockwork Sorcery Sorcerer - Trance of Order. This is unsupported as we do not have a method of setting minimum values for die rolls.
Draconic Sorcery Sorcerer - Elemental Affinity. This is partially supported. We’re unable to support the increase to damage for a specific subset of spells.
Draconic Sorcery Sorcerer - Dragon Companion. We’re unable to support the Summon Dragon's scaling stat block - however we have included the stat block as part of the spell's description.
Backwards Compatible Subclasses. Please note that these subclasses have been updated to adhere to receive their features starting at level 3.
Warlock Invocations. There are a number of Warlock Invocations that are currently unsupported:
This is partially supported - while we're able to provide you a choice of Origin feats, we're unable to make have a class feature be repeatable.This is now supported!This is currently unsupported.This is now supported!Great Old One Patron - Create Thrall. We’re unable to support the Summon Aberration's scaling stat block - however we have included the stat block as part of the spell's description.
Backwards Compatible Subclasses. Please note that these subclasses have been updated to adhere to receive their features starting at level 3.
Memorize Spell. To use this feature after you finish a Short Rest, unprepare one of your level 1+ spells and replace it with a separate one.
Spell Mastery & Signature Spell. This is currently unsupported and allows you to pick from any spell on the Wizard spell list - not just ones from your spellbook.
Wizard Subclasses. Each of the Wizard subclasses presented has a level 3 feature that allows you to pick 2 spells from a specific school of magic, and then at odd-numbered levels, you receive an additional one for free. Unfortunately, we're unable to support the latter half (subsequent free spells), so you will need to add them manually whenever you reach the appropriate level.
Evoker Wizard - Empowered Evocation. We're currently unable to support the addition of Intelligence to specific groups of spells.
Illusionist Wizard - Phantasmal creatures. We’re unable to support the Summon Beast and Summon Fey's scaling stat blocks - however we have included the stat block as part of the spell's description.
Backwards Compatible Subclasses. Please note that these subclasses have been updated to adhere to receive their features starting at level 3.
Backgrounds providing Ability Scores are fully supported; however they're unavailable for use within Homebrew.
The Aasimar and Goliath species options both contain a version of Active Character effects which are currently unsupported in the character sheet. We hope to add support for this soon.
There's no Trickery Domain available in the 2024 cleric class or war domain.
Holy shit there's a lot of stuff that's not supported, some of it fairly foundational.
~Never cruel nor cowardly; never give up, never give in.
It isn't even giving me access to my players handbook it wants me to subscribe to the master tier again, so glad I wasted my money now.
I was making a new ranger. At level 2, it gives the option to choose a fighting style feat, but then there was no drop down menu to actually choose the style/feat.
Is the PHB 2024 supposed to show on the updated mobile app? I see it on the Web site but I just updated the Mobile app and it only shows the 2024 free rules or the 2014 PHB (I’m signed into the same account as the on the Web). I don’t only mean it doesn’t show that I purchased the 2024 PHB, I mean it’s not listed on the Library/All screen at all.
i cant seem to go into the players handbook from the Character Builder when i search for it in the library i can see that ive got it i just cant seem to access it
The Divine Soul subclass for sorcerers from XGtE does not get access to the cleric spell list when selecting it at level 3 for the 2024 sorcerer.
Warcaster is not functioning.
I’m so glad I’m not the only one who’s having this issue. If it’s not on the mobile app, then why update it and not allow me access to my already owned AND downloaded books?
The search form link in this thread is pointing to the wrong thread id (201008 instead of 204813)(Search form)https://www.dndbeyond.com/forums/search?search-thread-id=201008should behttps://www.dndbeyond.com/forums/search?search-thread-id=204813Edit: Fixed :)
I am a Master tier subscriber with the pre-order bonus. I can see the 2024 PHB, but don't have the book options available to me in the character builder. I only have the free 2024 content available in the character builder. I do have the legacy content, just not for example the druid or monk from 2024.
I created a Ranger, and under the Features & Traits tab it shows "Weapon Mastery - Paladin."
As far as I can tell, under each 2024 Class, there doesn't seem to be levels listed for when you get each subclass feature. I haven't tried building a character in the DnD Beyond character builder yet, but reading through each class and subclass is very confusing without knowing when that subclass gains access to each of their features.
I checked: cleric, fighter, and barbarian.
I own the new PHB and have the highest tier sub. I can read the new book but when I went to test the character creator it only shows 4 classes. Where are the rest of them?
DM of Amnian Nights: The Blackmore Saga
Homebrew Listings: A Fine Mustache (Magic Item), Icicle (magic item), Malice (magic item), Restore Undead (spell), Hex Bolt (spell), Healing Salve (consumable)
Yep same issue as most folks, no 2024 character option available despite being able to see the book in my content and being a master tier subscriber.
Can’t access the classes in the new phb on the character builder only the free rules ones
It’s giving me 2024 Core Rules options but not giving me access to the full book options
DM of Amnian Nights: The Blackmore Saga
Homebrew Listings: A Fine Mustache (Magic Item), Icicle (magic item), Malice (magic item), Restore Undead (spell), Hex Bolt (spell), Healing Salve (consumable)
Bug Report: I am unable to add existing Homebrew subclasses to characters using the 2024 Classes, even if I make sure no options are added until level 3.
I have master tier, but all I'm getting are the free options, and only have access to Rogue, Cleric, Fighter, and Wizard. Not to mention none of the subclasses, and when I try to make a character with the updated rules I'm unable to use any of the subclasses I've previously purchased (EX: when trying to make a fighter with new rules, my only option is champion, despite owning the new PHB and having both echo Knight and rune knight.) This is obnoxious, I thought this was back compatible?