When I tried to use it on my computer, I couldn't use the search bar and clicking on creations led to a glitch screen where the only thing I can click on was Homebrew
This issue just started happening for me yesterday, June 19, 2020. Is there something I should do on my end? This happens in any browser on multiple computers and mobile devices.
This issue just started happening for me yesterday, June 19, 2020. Is there something I should do on my end? This happens in any browser on multiple computers and mobile devices.
Do you use a VPN? If so, that could be the culprit. Otherwise you’ve checked everything we normally suggest, so there may not be much more that you can do other than report, as you have.
I do use a VPN, but I have used one for several years and have never had an issue until yesterday. I have also had no issue with my work PC until yesterday. I doubt a firewall was updated and my VPN suddenly became a problem on every other device at the same time, unless an update was done on the server end that affected both things somehow. In any case, I’ll give the VPN thing a try. Thanks!
This issue just started happening for me yesterday, June 19, 2020. Is there something I should do on my end? This happens in any browser on multiple computers and mobile devices.
Do you use a VPN? If so, that could be the culprit. Otherwise you’ve checked everything we normally suggest, so there may not be much more that you can do other than report, as you have.
Turning off the cybersec feature of my VPN did the trick for me at home, which bothers the hell out of me since I've had that enabled for as long as it has been available. So to use D&D Beyond now, I have to be less secure. Excellent!
It doesn't explain my issues with this on my work PC, which has also never had this issue until yesterday.
Also, if I have a subscription (which I do) that gets rid of all the ads, why should a VPN feature that blocks all the ads do this, especially to just the character sheets? And why is this an issue all of a sudden. It wasn't two days ago and before. Anyway, it's working now, but I would still like to be able to use my VPN the way it was designed to work and not have to be less secure just to play a game that I love. Thanks for the help, though. It is truly appreciated.
In the case of Nord VPN, the issue was something in Nord’s settings, and not something DDB could fix. I don’t know if that’s the VPN you use; I’m kind of doubting it, since the Nord VPN issue has been around for quite a while now, and it just started happening for you. Hopefully a moderator or staff member can provide us with more details, but it may have to do with a change in the VPN settings/analytics. If would probably be helpful to know which VPN you use. If perchance it is Nord, I can probably track down the thread that included a link to a page on Nord’s site about what changes needed to be made for certain sites (of which DDB is apparently one).
Now its not working on mobile either for me.
Huh. I’ve trie with very character I have- I can view no problem. Strange.
Extended Signature! Yay! https://www.dndbeyond.com/forums/off-topic/adohands-kitchen/3153-extended-signature-thread?page=2#c21
Haven’t used this account in forever. Still a big fan of crawling claws.
Just tried it on Edge, no go.
Can confirm it works in IE
When I tried to use it on my computer, I couldn't use the search bar and clicking on creations led to a glitch screen where the only thing I can click on was Homebrew
Three different search engines, two different platforms, and all my char sheets show as blank white pages as well.
Yeah, that's why I had to copy the character url from another browser and paste it into IE.
Anyone else having issues with character sheet and know whats happening?
I have a game in less than 2 hours and need this working!
I am also having this issue. I can edit character sheet but to view a character sheet is a no go. It comes up as a white page.
In game currently and after looking something up, I can no longer see my sheet. I can export a print version which is my workaround atm.
I can't get to my content (character sheet content that is.) Is there anyone at the helm? Looks like help is needed!
Lot's of stuff ...
Hello all!
We're aware of issues going on with the character sheets and we'll be rolling back a patch to fix it up and review logs. Thanks for the reports!
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Please feel free to message either Sorce or another moderator if you have any concerns.
Oh good, there is a "Watcher of Helm" on the task. Wonderful!
Lot's of stuff ...
Its Fixed
Fixed for me now
This issue just started happening for me yesterday, June 19, 2020. Is there something I should do on my end? This happens in any browser on multiple computers and mobile devices.
Do you use a VPN? If so, that could be the culprit. Otherwise you’ve checked everything we normally suggest, so there may not be much more that you can do other than report, as you have.
Trying to Decide if DDB is for you? A few helpful threads: A Buyer's Guide to DDB; What I/We Bought and Why; How some DMs use DDB; A Newer Thread on Using DDB to Play
Helpful threads on other topics: Homebrew FAQ by IamSposta; Accessing Content by ConalTheGreat;
Check your entitlements here. | Support Ticket LInk
I do use a VPN, but I have used one for several years and have never had an issue until yesterday. I have also had no issue with my work PC until yesterday. I doubt a firewall was updated and my VPN suddenly became a problem on every other device at the same time, unless an update was done on the server end that affected both things somehow. In any case, I’ll give the VPN thing a try. Thanks!
Turning off the cybersec feature of my VPN did the trick for me at home, which bothers the hell out of me since I've had that enabled for as long as it has been available. So to use D&D Beyond now, I have to be less secure. Excellent!
It doesn't explain my issues with this on my work PC, which has also never had this issue until yesterday.
Also, if I have a subscription (which I do) that gets rid of all the ads, why should a VPN feature that blocks all the ads do this, especially to just the character sheets? And why is this an issue all of a sudden. It wasn't two days ago and before. Anyway, it's working now, but I would still like to be able to use my VPN the way it was designed to work and not have to be less secure just to play a game that I love. Thanks for the help, though. It is truly appreciated.
In the case of Nord VPN, the issue was something in Nord’s settings, and not something DDB could fix. I don’t know if that’s the VPN you use; I’m kind of doubting it, since the Nord VPN issue has been around for quite a while now, and it just started happening for you. Hopefully a moderator or staff member can provide us with more details, but it may have to do with a change in the VPN settings/analytics. If would probably be helpful to know which VPN you use. If perchance it is Nord, I can probably track down the thread that included a link to a page on Nord’s site about what changes needed to be made for certain sites (of which DDB is apparently one).
Trying to Decide if DDB is for you? A few helpful threads: A Buyer's Guide to DDB; What I/We Bought and Why; How some DMs use DDB; A Newer Thread on Using DDB to Play
Helpful threads on other topics: Homebrew FAQ by IamSposta; Accessing Content by ConalTheGreat;
Check your entitlements here. | Support Ticket LInk