I only see Acolyte, Criminal, Folk Hero, Noble, Sage, Soldier. Where are Hermit, Outlander, Guild Artisan, Sailor, Urchin, Entertainer, Charlatan, and Soldier?
I've also noticed Haunted One from curse of Strahd and all from Sword Coast Adventures are missing, but I assume they'll simply be implemented later.
For the beta, only the rules and options provided in the D&D 5th edition SRD , D&D 5th edition Basic Rules, Elemental Evil Companion are available in Beyond. Once the full platform launches later this summer, the core rule books and others will be available for purchase, and the content within will be available for those that purchase, or have access through a DM's subscription.
I did notice this when trying to create my bard character. I wasn't able to have the entertainer background! Please make sure this gets implemented as soon as possible!
I did notice this when trying to create my bard character. I wasn't able to have the entertainer background! Please make sure this gets implemented as soon as possible!
For the beta, only the rules and options provided in the D&D 5th edition SRD , D&D 5th edition Basic Rules, Elemental Evil Companion are available in Beyond. Once the full platform launches later this summer, the core rule books and others will be available for purchase, and the content within will be available for those that purchase, or have access through a DM's subscription.
I'm still not seeing Haunted One on the list of possible Backgrounds. I don't know if any of the other adventure guides have background options, but I know this one exists, and it's not on the compendium list along with the basic rules, PHB, and SCAG backgrounds. Will they, along with any other adventure backgrounds, be added after launch, or was it just an oversight?
Backgrounds from adventures will require one to purchase the adventure to unlock.
But they should still show up in the list that includes all the backgrounds from the Basic Rules, PHB, and SCAG, but won't show details for those from locked sources.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
"Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both" -- allegedly Benjamin Franklin
Backgrounds from adventures will require one to purchase the adventure to unlock.
But they should still show up in the list that includes all the backgrounds from the Basic Rules, PHB, and SCAG, but won't show details for those from locked sources.
I'm confidant they'll all be there when everything goes live on the 15th. If not, I'll be sure to poke staff a few times.
For the beta, only the rules and options provided in the D&D 5th edition SRD , D&D 5th edition Basic Rules, Elemental Evil Companion are available in Beyond. Once the full platform launches later this summer, the core rule books and others will be available for purchase, and the content within will be available for those that purchase, or have access through a DM's subscription.
I swear that as long as DDB is active, mods will have to repeat this ad nauseum.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
"Most people are other people. Their thoughts are someone else's opinions, their lives a mimicry, their passions a quotation."
For the beta, only the rules and options provided in the D&D 5th edition SRD , D&D 5th edition Basic Rules, Elemental Evil Companion are available in Beyond. Once the full platform launches later this summer, the core rule books and others will be available for purchase, and the content within will be available for those that purchase, or have access through a DM's subscription.
I swear that as long as DDB is active, mods will have to repeat this ad nauseum.
I'm pretty sure they've got it set up so that they can just hit a button and paste that into a post.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
"Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both" -- allegedly Benjamin Franklin
Backgrounds from adventures will require one to purchase the adventure to unlock.
But they should still show up in the list that includes all the backgrounds from the Basic Rules, PHB, and SCAG, but won't show details for those from locked sources.
I'm confidant they'll all be there when everything goes live on the 15th. If not, I'll be sure to poke staff a few times.
Cool. Thank you. I know it's a silly thing to worry about, especially since backgrounds are the one thing that I'm very open to my players creating for themselves (unless it's their first character, and they're still learning the game), and I know the ability to homebrew backgrounds will be in there, but I like to use the standard backgrounds as a way to introduce unique twists to the characters I create, so I only create my own backgrounds if I can't find absolutely anything that exists that fits the character concept. It's a great writing tool, too, because the backgrounds are very broad character archetypes, so they become mini-sandboxes to develop a character with. The Haunted One is pretty good for creating a character with PTSD, as an example, so you can make the event a tragedy, and not necessarily a monstrosity.
Speaking of which, I know this isn't the correct thread, but it's kinda on topic. Some backgrounds have special features, like the Entertainer has you select up to three talents (acting, singing, dancing, etc.), the Soldier has you pick a rank, and the Haunted One has you pick a harrowing event. If they haven't thought of including that as its own, might I suggest it? If I were designing it, I would have it be a part of the Character Details section, but I'm a writer, not a designer, so maybe they have a better idea of where it should go.
I just had a conversation with Badeye earlier about backgrounds and I can say with confidence that they'll be much more flexible soon.
Awesome! You guys rock so much! I love how much you guys work with the community to make things better, and how well you guys are engaged here. It gives me a lot of confidence about the long term success of D&D Beyond.
Hi all. I just purchased the Hero Tier subscription and I still cannot see any character backgrounds beyond those that were available during the Beta. My understanding is that D&D Beyond is now live and this content should be available with a paid subscription. Do I have to do anything to activate the subscription after it has been purchased? If so, there was no such information included in the confirmation email.
Hi all. I just purchased the Hero Tier subscription and I still cannot see any character backgrounds beyond those that were available during the Beta. My understanding is that D&D Beyond is now live and this content should be available with a paid subscription. Do I have to do anything to activate the subscription after it has been purchased? If so, there was no such information included in the confirmation email.
The subscriptions do not give you access to the content. That needs a one-time purchase. Check the Marketplace.
Hi all. I just purchased the Hero Tier subscription and I still cannot see any character backgrounds beyond those that were available during the Beta. My understanding is that D&D Beyond is now live and this content should be available with a paid subscription. Do I have to do anything to activate the subscription after it has been purchased? If so, there was no such information included in the confirmation email.
The subscriptions do not give you access to the content. That needs a one-time purchase. Check the Marketplace.
Ah... I understand how it works now. Thank you for clarifying that.
I only see Acolyte, Criminal, Folk Hero, Noble, Sage, Soldier. Where are Hermit, Outlander, Guild Artisan, Sailor, Urchin, Entertainer, Charlatan, and Soldier?
I've also noticed Haunted One from curse of Strahd and all from Sword Coast Adventures are missing, but I assume they'll simply be implemented later.
For the beta, only the rules and options provided in the D&D 5th edition SRD , D&D 5th edition Basic Rules, Elemental Evil Companion are available in Beyond. Once the full platform launches later this summer, the core rule books and others will be available for purchase, and the content within will be available for those that purchase, or have access through a DM's subscription.
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Wary the wizard who focuses on homebrew, for he can create nightmares that you wouldn't even dream of
Would be nice to have an option to add your own background.
Homebrew backgrounds are in the plans, my friend. Yes indeed...
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And a background story, just like in the actual sheet.
Thanks and keep up the good work!
I did notice this when trying to create my bard character. I wasn't able to have the entertainer background! Please make sure this gets implemented as soon as possible!
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Please feel free to message either Sorce or another moderator if you have any concerns.
I'm still not seeing Haunted One on the list of possible Backgrounds. I don't know if any of the other adventure guides have background options, but I know this one exists, and it's not on the compendium list along with the basic rules, PHB, and SCAG backgrounds. Will they, along with any other adventure backgrounds, be added after launch, or was it just an oversight?
Backgrounds from adventures will require one to purchase the adventure to unlock.
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"Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both" -- allegedly Benjamin Franklin
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"Most people are other people. Their thoughts are someone else's opinions, their lives a mimicry, their passions a quotation."
― Oscar Wilde.
"Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both" -- allegedly Benjamin Franklin
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I just had a conversation with Badeye earlier about backgrounds and I can say with confidence that they'll be much more flexible soon.
Site Rules & Guidelines --- Focused Feedback Mega Threads --- Staff Quotes --- Homebrew Tutorial --- Pricing FAQ
Please feel free to message either Sorce or another moderator if you have any concerns.
Hi all. I just purchased the Hero Tier subscription and I still cannot see any character backgrounds beyond those that were available during the Beta. My understanding is that D&D Beyond is now live and this content should be available with a paid subscription. Do I have to do anything to activate the subscription after it has been purchased? If so, there was no such information included in the confirmation email.