Need your display name changed? You've come to the right place! Please post here and we will give your account a nickname credit!
When you request a name change in this thread, we will make a public note on your post, stating that the credit has been issued. This will be the only notification (other than checking your profile) that it has been seen and taken care of. Please continue to use this thread for nickname change requests!
If you know what you want your nickname to display as, feel free to put it into the request, and the Mod team can set it for you (instead of providing a nickname credit). Nicknames must only contain letters, numbers, and underscores. Other characters are blocked by the system. And please avoid writing paragraphs of text.
You will not get a pop up stating that a credit has been issued, instead, you will need to go to your profile to see that the nickname form is available, and can change your name from there. Name change requests may take up to 4 days to be processed.
NOTE: If the nickname changes do not stick, post desired nickname so that we may change it manually.
For users in the European Economic Area, your account could have been deleted during D&D Beyond's transition to Fandom if you did not previously opt in for the transfer of your data. If this is the case, you have received a free nickname change credit at the end of the deletion process. With that, you can change your nickname to whatever you desire and all of your posts, comments, etc. will be maintained.
Hello Adventurers!
Need your display name changed? You've come to the right place! Please post here and we will give your account a nickname credit!
When you request a name change in this thread, we will make a public note on your post, stating that the credit has been issued. This will be the only notification (other than checking your profile) that it has been seen and taken care of. Please continue to use this thread for nickname change requests!
If you know what you want your nickname to display as, feel free to put it into the request, and the Mod team can set it for you (instead of providing a nickname credit). Nicknames must only contain letters, numbers, and underscores. Other characters are blocked by the system. And please avoid writing paragraphs of text.
You will not get a pop up stating that a credit has been issued, instead, you will need to go to your profile to see that the nickname form is available, and can change your name from there. Name change requests may take up to 4 days to be processed.
NOTE: If the nickname changes do not stick, post desired nickname so that we may change it manually.
For users in the European Economic Area, your account could have been deleted during D&D Beyond's transition to Fandom if you did not previously opt in for the transfer of your data. If this is the case, you have received a free nickname change credit at the end of the deletion process. With that, you can change your nickname to whatever you desire and all of your posts, comments, etc. will be maintained.
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Send me a message with any questions or concerns
Hello there. My current username is Tkdg and I would like to change that to g01denn if that is possible. Thank you so much!
Jordan Dunn
Hi I would really like to change my name to kwitwer92, if possible. Thanks!
thank you!
I misspelled my username with a v in it lol hopefully I can snag a credit so I can quick fix it lol please and thanks!
Hi, I'd like to change my user name from Eorryn to Aorryn, please.
Hi, I'd like to change my username from Goin_Battlehammer to Ran-KyuRoku
I’d like to change to TobyP please
I need to change my nickname pls!
Hi, do you mind if my username is changed to NeoTermina? Thanks! I can also do this myself with a name change credit if needed.
Hi I'd like to change my username. Thank you
Hello! I’d like to change my username from Solra to DawnB if I can! I can also just take a nickname credit if need be. Thank you so much!
Hello there. My current username is Fynixknight and I would like to change that to DankDungeonDelves if that is possible. Thank you so much.
Dank Dungeon Delves
Hello, I would like to replace my real name with my screen name Nalricorn
Thanks for the help!
I would like to change my username. Thanks much!
Hello I would like to change my username to Gaming_Succubus
Hello i would love to change my nickname
Hi, can I please change my nickname? I didn't think mine though properly!
Hey need a name change please
Hello I'd like to change my name