Hello, my current username is Kamifumi0Hidehisa and I would like to change my username to str0mlos please. thank you very much. and thanks for the help
Public Mod Note
Nickname changed! Credit issued. You can find instructions on the first post if you want to change again.
Would it be possible to change my username to "Wendigothic"? Thx
I'd like to change my name to Did_enjoy, please.
need a name change please! :)
Hello! could I please get a name change to IzanagiAshKin? thanks!
My current name is MegatronGriffin and I would like to change it to FireLordof04
May I get my name changed to FemStolas please? Thanks in advance
Fem Stolas
Hello there. My name is Currently BargetaBattleWorn. i would like to change it to my regular gaming Tag of JimJimmy93. thank you very much!!!
Hello, my current username is Kamifumi0Hidehisa and I would like to change my username to str0mlos please. thank you very much. and thanks for the help
I'd like a nickname credit please
Hello there. My current username is "LeoIsBad" and I would like to change that to "SquirmyWormy" if that is possible. Thanks in advance!
Hello. I would like a name change credit. Thank you!
Hi, I'd like to change my user name from ;thedaebreaker' to 'druidcore' (if taken then 'daniphin') please. Thank you!
Hello, I made my account ages ago and would like to finally update the username. May I have a name change credit? Thank you!
Hi there, I'd like a credit to change my nickname please. Planning to change to TheFaceofRoBoe. 🙂
Hi, i also want to change my nickname if its possible.
Thanks al lot!
Hello. Please change my account display name from LethalProphet43560 to SpinzFire.
Hi friends! if able, i would love my username to be updated to PedroPastel. Tysm!
Hi! I would like to change my nickname, thank you!
Can I change my name please
I would like to change my username from Wind Sorken to Ronin Molaschi