I just wrote a script for Roll20 (requires PRO) to import a DNDBeyond character in to the Roll20 5eOGL character sheet, it is still in development, but as much as possible at the moment (and where I thought off ;)) is taken over to the character sheet.
How It Works
NOTICE: Commands are changed since the last update, read the description below.
On DNDBeyond go to a characters page, and put `/json` behind the url, eg:
Copy the entire contents of that page and go to the game in Roll20 where you use the script. In the chat type `!beyond import` and paste the copied contents after that, eg:
Please be aware that the entire character sheet is being overhauled and the current character sheet will go away when the work is finished (should be soon). I expect that will come with some pretty major changes to the structure of the json data file.
Please be aware that the entire character sheet is being overhauled and the current character sheet will go away when the work is finished (should be soon). I expect that will come with some pretty major changes to the structure of the json data file.
Thank you for your response. I got that at the back of my mind. I think/hope it will be fairly easy to convert it by then :)
Most of the major work is in the processing of the data more than reading from a json. I had to completely rewrite the model population for something at work that was originally tab delimited to XML, but luckily the majority of the structure around it was the same, just a matter of changing property names.
Side-note: After doing all that work we found out it was actually still tab delimited so I had to carefully undo all that work (sadly reverting the commit wouldn't work since a lot of work around the changed code was done as well).
Hey so I just started using your importer. Its great for the OGL, however I prefer to use the Shaped character sheet and it doesnt seem to be working. It creates the sheet, but it doesnt change anything else in it. No class, spells, or anything was added. Maybe Im using it wrong and would like some help if so.
Hey all, new to all of this. When you import a character from Beyond, do you need to have bought the relevant source books on Roll20? Or is it automatically updated from Beyond itself?
Ok, this is going to be a dumb question but when players make updates on roll20 it will NOT effect them of DNDBeyond, correct? So as far as keeping track of my players characters I will have to still do all that on roll20?
This has to be one of the best tools out there. The only issue that I have seen is that it does not import the Initiative section of the D&D Beyond sheet into the Roll 20 sheets. Unfortunately with Roll20, there is not a way that I have found to directly edit this information to correct it, and all characters imported show an initiative of 0, when other values exist on the D&D Beyond sheet.
Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you, and thank you for such a time saving tool!
If you have the books in Beyond, it directly transfers that information over.
Example, I purchased the Ebberon book, created an Artificer character. The Artificer's information was ported into Roll20 seemlessly (minus the initiative, which seems to be an issue with all my characters atm). This includes all special abilities.
Waiting on the author to suggest a method to overcome initiative import issue, but other than that, flawless.
Hope this helps.
PS. Make sure you do !beyond --import to correctly import the json text.
has anyone else had issues with weapons not being imported correctly? Skills seem to be working in roll20, but weapons don't work when you click on them in the character sheet.
Essentially, there were some changes made to the way the Roll20 5e character sheet works that mean that this script can't guarantee to set everything up correctly over there. Weapon macros not being triggered off the imported character sheet is one common symptom. It sounds like the character sheet developer isn't willing to work with the developer(s) of this script to support this functionality, so the project is essentially abandoned at this point. It may work OK in certain cases, or it may not.
The primary alternatives seem to be:
Use the beyond20 browser extension to allow you to control roll20 direct from your dndbeyond.com character sheet. Not quite the same as importing the character sheet, but apparently workable (though it sounds a bit fragile to me).
Manually re-enter your character information into the Roll20 character sheet.
Wait for dndbeyond to write their own native VTT (don't hold your breath!)
I just wrote a script for Roll20 (requires PRO) to import a DNDBeyond character in to the Roll20 5eOGL character sheet, it is still in development, but as much as possible at the moment (and where I thought off ;)) is taken over to the character sheet.
How It Works
On DNDBeyond go to a characters page, and put `/json` behind the url, eg:
Copy the entire contents of that page and go to the game in Roll20 where you use the script.
In the chat type `!beyond import` and paste the copied contents after that, eg:
Press enter, and your character will be imported!
Let me know what you think about this, and if you find any errors or have any suggestions.
Github: https://github.com/RobinKuiper/Roll20APIScripts
Roll20 Thread: https://app.roll20.net/forum/post/6248700/script-beta-beyondimporter-import-dndbeyond-character-sheets
That's pretty cool! I love stuff like this. :)
Please be aware that the entire character sheet is being overhauled and the current character sheet will go away when the work is finished (should be soon). I expect that will come with some pretty major changes to the structure of the json data file.
Pun-loving nerd | Faith Elisabeth Lilley | She/Her/Hers | Profile art by Becca Golins
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"We got this, no problem! I'll take the twenty on the left - you guys handle the one on the right!"🔊
Thank you for your response. I got that at the back of my mind. I think/hope it will be fairly easy to convert it by then :)
Most of the major work is in the processing of the data more than reading from a json. I had to completely rewrite the model population for something at work that was originally tab delimited to XML, but luckily the majority of the structure around it was the same, just a matter of changing property names.
Side-note: After doing all that work we found out it was actually still tab delimited so I had to carefully undo all that work (sadly reverting the commit wouldn't work since a lot of work around the changed code was done as well).
I have updated the script with some basic configuration options and a help menu:

I have also released a version for the Shaped character sheet.
Hey so I just started using your importer. Its great for the OGL, however I prefer to use the Shaped character sheet and it doesnt seem to be working. It creates the sheet, but it doesnt change anything else in it. No class, spells, or anything was added. Maybe Im using it wrong and would like some help if so.
This worked wonderfully. Thanks very much for your effort on this and thanks so much for sharing!
I had some problems getting this to run but this tutorial helped a lot. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AGw-pXfzPNg
This is awesome. Just tried it out and looks to work great.
Hey all, new to all of this. When you import a character from Beyond, do you need to have bought the relevant source books on Roll20? Or is it automatically updated from Beyond itself?
is this possibly being ported to a chrome extension??
Ok, this is going to be a dumb question but when players make updates on roll20 it will NOT effect them of DNDBeyond, correct? So as far as keeping track of my players characters I will have to still do all that on roll20?
Hi there, is this still working ? I can't seem to import a character.
Thanks !
Edit : It actually works, seem I entered the command wrong. Great job and perfect for creating roll20 npcs :)
This has to be one of the best tools out there. The only issue that I have seen is that it does not import the Initiative section of the D&D Beyond sheet into the Roll 20 sheets.
Unfortunately with Roll20, there is not a way that I have found to directly edit this information to correct it, and all characters imported show an initiative of 0, when other values exist on the D&D Beyond sheet.
Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you, and thank you for such a time saving tool!
If you have the books in Beyond, it directly transfers that information over.
Example, I purchased the Ebberon book, created an Artificer character.
The Artificer's information was ported into Roll20 seemlessly (minus the initiative, which seems to be an issue with all my characters atm).
This includes all special abilities.
Waiting on the author to suggest a method to overcome initiative import issue, but other than that, flawless.
Hope this helps.
PS. Make sure you do !beyond --import to correctly import the json text.
I just read in the other thread (https://www.dndbeyond.com/forums/d-d-beyond-general/general-discussion/49086-d-d-beyond-terms-of-service-api) that it's actually not allowed by Wikia terms of service =(
It seems until there an official API no one can't even use the 2mb JSON file provided by DDB
has anyone else had issues with weapons not being imported correctly? Skills seem to be working in roll20, but weapons don't work when you click on them in the character sheet.
Before using this tool, you probably want to read this thread over in the Roll20 forums:
Essentially, there were some changes made to the way the Roll20 5e character sheet works that mean that this script can't guarantee to set everything up correctly over there. Weapon macros not being triggered off the imported character sheet is one common symptom. It sounds like the character sheet developer isn't willing to work with the developer(s) of this script to support this functionality, so the project is essentially abandoned at this point. It may work OK in certain cases, or it may not.
The primary alternatives seem to be:
I've been trying ot use this script, but it continues to leave things off, such as attacks and equipment.
Any chance of this getting fix/updated?
I have yet to have it work properly, 100%.