General Discussion

For discussion of everything to do with D&D or DDB that doesn't fit into other forums
Topic Latest Post Replies Views
Content Discout!!! >>
by Aztecace55
4 462
stupid question...what are sources in the adventure books etc? >>
by McCarty13
0 390
Account Sharing >>
by cwgabel
1 3,170
What if I have 7 characters created and stop my subscription? >>
by Kromag
1 530
Launch times >>
by Hel_Lhound
17 1,131
We're Live! >>
by GPyromania
2 539
How does DDB compare with Roll20 >>
by Trinda
16 3,225
One day away then take my money! >>
by JohnnyBGoode
2 502
Adventure Module Privacy Options >>
by David4FSU
1 589
Players handbook >>
by TheTowerDM
4 2,384
Homebrewed Classes? >>
by Rumo
1 699
Confused about the difference between Perception & Investigation when it comes to traps >>
by Wickwire
10 1,559
Race Options/Compedium Question >>
by KCdmOne
1 649
Backwards Compatibility? >>
by KingWut117
2 888
Why does my spell keep getting denied for shared homebrew? >>
by Washburn
1 723
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