But welcome to today's Dev Update and Community Q&A session.
I appreciate you all for joining me.
We're going to go through latest updates.
What is upcoming, and then we're going to save as much time
for questions as possible at the end.
Do we have our... let's see, has the boss started,
or is that on me?
Okay, I, I have started the boss.
There we go, there we go.
Boss has started.
I guess uh, the boss can feel the burn, again this week.
We did not have time to update our background,
so we're not trying to overuse any memes or anything
because nobody has done that at all,
in the last couple of weeks.
But um, I think we're going to have a very special one
for next week.
So uh, look for a little stream update, uh Heroes update
for next time.
But latest updates, upcoming, ask me anything.
If you've got questions, preface it with the word question,
before you ask it and our magical little device thing
will collect them and I'll will cycle through
as many as I can, at the end of the show.
So latest updates:
for our Mobile Player Tools, in the mobile app.
We got some Bug Fixes.
So there's an update.
So you need to go and update the app,
if you haven't done that in the last day or so.
Bug fixes and then, Currency Management is now in the app.
We're going to continue to add more and more
of that functionality as we go along.
We're going to just keep making the thing better and better.
Uh, Custom Lineage, this is a typo on my side,
because Custom Lineage does not have bug fixes
in currency management, but a Custom Lineage is live.
That's a copy paste error there folks, but bug fixes
and currency management is not part of custom lineage
but custom lineage is actually fully live
at this point in time.
I think there was some confusion,
even in some of what I might've shared with you in the past
because I got confused between development environments
and live environments, but should be good to go.
Now you can find that in the racial selections screen
it's alphabetical right now in their custom lineage
with all the other races.
We might update that UI in the future,
if we see the need to do that
but you can pull that off as it stands now.
And then if you didn't see this
the shared dice rolling beta has started.
We are early days here.
We are getting an astronomical number
of roles through this system right now.
So we are seeing some performance issues here
or there with it, but we are squashing all
of those issues as we go along, but share dice sprawling,
we've seen a lot of positive feedback.
We're happy that everyone is trying that out.
Continue to test that for us and get us your feedback.
And we're going to continue to make that better
and better as we go as well.
And the work in progress in our internal meetings
I've seen as we've talked about PLAs feature feats
for Infusions, Invocations, Maneuvers, et cetera.
We have a little label on there that our product manager
Pat Bachman on the characters team
has said Darby dragons.
And I am assuming that that is code
that we've run into some little gotchas here
or there along the way that are draconic in nature,
and so we were trying to slay all those,
but hopefully before too much longer,
we're going to have some resolution on that
and you'll be able to choose those speeds.
We'll keep you posted.
All right.
Upcoming: General Feature System.
We've talked about that one a good bit.
We've got character sheet updates, special rules
and exceptions, things like life, domain, cleric,
healing bonus, simplified character data.
This is going to be the foundation
for some of our upcoming Combat Tracker Updates.
And then very excited to share that we've
got a subscriber dice set for February.
So if you are an active subscriber,
anytime from February 1st, which happens to be,
I got to do a quick shout out.
That happens to be both of my sons birthday on February 1st.
Right? So no, they they're not twins.
They were not born.
They were born four years apart,
but both of them have a birthday on February 1st.
So that is a big time in our household.
But from my son's birthday all the way through the end
of the month for February, if you're an active subscriber
you're going to unlock this dice set.
And I'm going to try anyway.
Let's see if I can do it here.
Quit. Escape!
Why are you not escaping?
I want you to stop.
I can't get to my screen.
Oh, well let's just go here first.
February Subscriber Dice Set.
The Everlasting Rime is what we're going to have here.
The Everlasting Rime.
And again, let's see, let's get out of this.
How do I get out of this?
Let's see, let's move this out of the way exit.
All right. That did it. That did it.
So I want to show you this dice set in action.
It's going to be a lot of fun here.
Let me get that out of the way.
All right. So let's roll some initiative with Stogrok.
So this is the Everlasting Rime and of course
it's going to hit the edge where it's harder to see.
Oh, a 20, I got the 20.
You got to see the animation on the 20, 20 sided dice there.
The Everlasting Rime.
(wind blowing)
Can you hear that?
A little gentle wind to move it away.
So I am going to do, I have a new beagle mix rescue
that we got just a few weeks ago.
You might hear him because beagles are loud, who knew that?
So we've got a new rescue dog.
And so I've been doing a ton of animal handling
in the last couple of weeks.
So I'm going to roll an animal handling check
and yeah that's about part for the course
about how that's going so far.
But you know, like all dogs, he's a good boy or girl
and we're, we're going to get there.
I'll hopefully do better
on other animal handling checks going forward.
But let's let's roll something fun,
like a fireball maybe or something .
Just going to do 10-D six.
The Everlasting Rime,
it sounds like ice hitting the ground.
Did you hear that?
A lot of fun.
So if you're a subscriber in February,
you will unlock this dice set.
And we're excited to see that one come along.
LIVE Mobile Player Tools - Several bug fixes as well as currency management are available with the latest update, but you do need to download an update to your app to get access! https://www.dndbeyond.com/player-app
LIVE Custom Lineage - Available in the race selection screen in the character builder.
LIVE Beta for Shared Dice Rolling - The Game Log showing dice rolling in a campaign is now available!
WIP Class Feature Feats - Working through some issues to implement infusions, invocations, maneuvers, and more.
General Features System - Setting us up to cover all the anticillary rules and features
Character Sheet Updates - Updates to Life Domain Cleric bonuses is a priority, with other exceptions being worked on.
Simplified Character Data - Continued work to present characters in a condensed format, which is a foundation for the Combat Tracker.
Subscriber Dice Set for February - Any active subscribers during the month of February will get the Everlasting Rime dice set for free!
Is there a way to get a feed for the Shared Dice Rolling (Game Log of Rolled Die) for a Broadcast... just did a screen grab tonight, but a web link would be great too.
Is there a way to get a feed for the Shared Dice Rolling (Game Log of Rolled Die) for a Broadcast... just did a screen grab tonight, but a web link would be great too.
PS I love it btw.
This would be amazing. Also, the ability to share any spell, description, etc. to the game log.
Is there a way to get a feed for the Shared Dice Rolling (Game Log of Rolled Die) for a Broadcast... just did a screen grab tonight, but a web link would be great too.
PS I love it btw.
It would also be neat if there was a way that we could get a link to a space where all the rolls going to the game log would show the player's virtual dice rolling on a green background for chroma keying, so we could show actual rolls on stream and show off some of these cool dice!
Life Domain clerics heal for an additional +2 per spell level, and that's not reflected on the character sheet. Since Life Domain is the free domain for clerics, the issue has a. been around since the beginning of DDB, and b. affects a lot of newer players trying out the system with the free rules before laying out cash. Hence they often aren't familiar with everything, and don't realize that the sheet is giving them inaccurate healing stats.
Where can we redeem the dice set for February? I have check my dice and the marketplace and I cant find it.
You will be automatically awarded the dice for having an active subscription (hero or master tier) at any point through the month of February. If you go to this menu, if there is a 'Sync My Entitlements' button, click that and then go to the dice section of My Collections. The dice should be present there, however it can take some time for them to appear
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Establish boundaries. And if anyone crosses them, speak up. If they don’t listen, there’s always cloudkill …
Where can we redeem the dice set for February? I have check my dice and the marketplace and I cant find it.
You will be automatically awarded the dice for having an active subscription (hero or master tier) at any point through the month of February. If you go to this menu, if there is a 'Sync My Entitlements' button, click that and then go to the dice section of My Collections. The dice should be present there, however it can take some time for them to appear
A simple log out and log back in refreshed my dice collection. These have some fun animation, though more for character generation or solo rolling as the animation and sound effects are a bit more and take a bit more time than I'm used to with the dice roller.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Jander Sunstar is the thinking person's Drizzt, fight me.
I've heard rumors that with the departure of many DDB developers, DDB itself may be at risk. I've spent hundreds of dollars and countless hours on this site and I would hate to see anything bad happen. Is our content safe? If there are plans to close up shop, would refunds be offered to the people who invested money in content?
The Devs assured us that their choice to leave had nothing to do with internal conflict and that nothing bad was coming for DDB. Check the latest Dev update video.
I've heard rumors that with the departure of many DDB developers, DDB itself may be at risk. I've spent hundreds of dollars and countless hours on this site and I would hate to see anything bad happen. Is our content safe? If there are plans to close up shop, would refunds be offered to the people who invested money in content?
Realistically that would 100% be impossible. They don't have all that money just sitting in a vault doing nothing. The money they do have would probably go paying off whatever fees and debts they have since closing would be an involved process legally. And any left over would probably go to share holders.
When online services like this just shut down, all the stuff you bought is gone too. That's why I prefer physical books and media. If something like this were to happen MAYBE they would be able to give everyone who bought stuff pdf versions? If WOTC agreed which I doubt. I don't even think official versions of the books exist but I may be wrong about that.
I've heard rumors that with the departure of many DDB developers, DDB itself may be at risk. I've spent hundreds of dollars and countless hours on this site and I would hate to see anything bad happen. Is our content safe? If there are plans to close up shop, would refunds be offered to the people who invested money in content?
Note that none of those announced as leaving in this update (Badeye, Lauren, Todd) nor James Haeck who left recently are developers. They are public faces of DDB, but they don't do the actual development work. Everything I've heard has indicated that DDB has grown exponentially, and has been very much a success. I've actually been in impressed that the continuing work on Tasha's has seemed much more organized, more clearly communicated, with more obvious progress than the left over bits from Theros and other earlier projects. So while I am sorry to see all these folks go, I am not worried about the development work.
Dice log is awesomeness. For the times when we have players who seem to roll too well too often....this is ideal. Saw a few things about people saying it lagged out their machine? I am on a refurbed business laptop and it's smooth as silk. Any issues with lagging or such means you PC is out of date. Keep at it, the more tools available to tie our campaigns together the better.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Talk to your Players.Talk to your DM. If more people used this advice, there would be 24.74% fewer threads on Tactics, Rules and DM discussions.
Here's the summary of the Dev Update for January 28th 2021
Watch the Update here: https://youtu.be/hdaTXWEKgOw
Watch the Q&A here: https://youtu.be/Phd-Milx7M8
Transcript of the video:
LIVE Mobile Player Tools - Several bug fixes as well as currency management are available with the latest update, but you do need to download an update to your app to get access! https://www.dndbeyond.com/player-app
LIVE Custom Lineage - Available in the race selection screen in the character builder.
LIVE Beta for Shared Dice Rolling - The Game Log showing dice rolling in a campaign is now available!
WIP Class Feature Feats - Working through some issues to implement infusions, invocations, maneuvers, and more.
General Features System - Setting us up to cover all the anticillary rules and features
Character Sheet Updates - Updates to Life Domain Cleric bonuses is a priority, with other exceptions being worked on.
Simplified Character Data - Continued work to present characters in a condensed format, which is a foundation for the Combat Tracker.
Subscriber Dice Set for February - Any active subscribers during the month of February will get the Everlasting Rime dice set for free!
Both of Adam’s sons have a birthday in February!
Pre-order Candlekeep Mysteries now on D&D Beyond to secure your pre-order bonuses! https://www.dndbeyond.com/marketplace/adventures/candlekeep-mysteries
Find me on Twitter: @OboeLauren
Is there a way to get a feed for the Shared Dice Rolling (Game Log of Rolled Die) for a Broadcast... just did a screen grab tonight, but a web link would be great too.
PS I love it btw.
This would be amazing. Also, the ability to share any spell, description, etc. to the game log.
what are the preorder rewards? otherwise, I dont see a reason to preorder it.
They haven't been announced yet
It would also be neat if there was a way that we could get a link to a space where all the rolls going to the game log would show the player's virtual dice rolling on a green background for chroma keying, so we could show actual rolls on stream and show off some of these cool dice!
What's the Life domain one about? I'm out of the loop.
Life Domain clerics heal for an additional +2 per spell level, and that's not reflected on the character sheet. Since Life Domain is the free domain for clerics, the issue has a. been around since the beginning of DDB, and b. affects a lot of newer players trying out the system with the free rules before laying out cash. Hence they often aren't familiar with everything, and don't realize that the sheet is giving them inaccurate healing stats.
Birgit | Shifter | Sorcerer | Dragonlords
Shayone | Hobgoblin | Sorcerer | Netherdeep
Where can we redeem the dice set for February? I have check my dice and the marketplace and I cant find it.
You will be automatically awarded the dice for having an active subscription (hero or master tier) at any point through the month of February. If you go to this menu, if there is a 'Sync My Entitlements' button, click that and then go to the dice section of My Collections. The dice should be present there, however it can take some time for them to appear
A simple log out and log back in refreshed my dice collection. These have some fun animation, though more for character generation or solo rolling as the animation and sound effects are a bit more and take a bit more time than I'm used to with the dice roller.
Jander Sunstar is the thinking person's Drizzt, fight me.
It shows today, thanks
Latest dice rolls should be at the top of the log to avoid having to scroll down. Is this a setting or hard coded?
I've heard rumors that with the departure of many DDB developers, DDB itself may be at risk. I've spent hundreds of dollars and countless hours on this site and I would hate to see anything bad happen. Is our content safe? If there are plans to close up shop, would refunds be offered to the people who invested money in content?
The Devs assured us that their choice to leave had nothing to do with internal conflict and that nothing bad was coming for DDB. Check the latest Dev update video.
Perfect battle music for the boss fight >>> Here
Realistically that would 100% be impossible. They don't have all that money just sitting in a vault doing nothing. The money they do have would probably go paying off whatever fees and debts they have since closing would be an involved process legally. And any left over would probably go to share holders.
When online services like this just shut down, all the stuff you bought is gone too. That's why I prefer physical books and media. If something like this were to happen MAYBE they would be able to give everyone who bought stuff pdf versions? If WOTC agreed which I doubt. I don't even think official versions of the books exist but I may be wrong about that.
Note that none of those announced as leaving in this update (Badeye, Lauren, Todd) nor James Haeck who left recently are developers. They are public faces of DDB, but they don't do the actual development work. Everything I've heard has indicated that DDB has grown exponentially, and has been very much a success. I've actually been in impressed that the continuing work on Tasha's has seemed much more organized, more clearly communicated, with more obvious progress than the left over bits from Theros and other earlier projects. So while I am sorry to see all these folks go, I am not worried about the development work.
Trying to Decide if DDB is for you? A few helpful threads: A Buyer's Guide to DDB; What I/We Bought and Why; How some DMs use DDB; A Newer Thread on Using DDB to Play
Helpful threads on other topics: Homebrew FAQ by IamSposta; Accessing Content by ConalTheGreat;
Check your entitlements here. | Support Ticket LInk
That's very good to hear. DDB has become such a huge part of how I run a game that I cannot imagine not having it!
Dice log is awesomeness. For the times when we have players who seem to roll too well too often....this is ideal. Saw a few things about people saying it lagged out their machine? I am on a refurbed business laptop and it's smooth as silk. Any issues with lagging or such means you PC is out of date. Keep at it, the more tools available to tie our campaigns together the better.
Talk to your Players. Talk to your DM. If more people used this advice, there would be 24.74% fewer threads on Tactics, Rules and DM discussions.
Couldn't find this answered anywhere so apologies if I'm missing something!
When will the fighting initiate and similar perks have a drop-down to select the feature please?